Should Glock put their 9mm pistols on a diet?

Should Glock produce a slimmer 9mm for CCW?

  • Yea - I'd sacrifice a few rounds for a smaller pistol

    Votes: 30 38.5%
  • Nay - I'll stick with the G26, G19, or G17

    Votes: 34 43.6%
  • No Opinion - I won't carry a 9mm Glock

    Votes: 14 17.9%

  • Total voters


New member
I am still trying to figure out where spyguy got a glock 26 with a safety????..............hmmmm........oh well guess I will never know


New member
I think that the G26 is a great CCW pistol!! I see no need to come put with a single stack nine!!! Now with that said, I DO love my G36 and I do see a need for a Slim Line version of the G29.


New member

I am still trying to figure out where spyguy got a glock 26 with a safety?
You are making a false attribution: I never said anything about a Glock manual safety in my posts.

I believe it was Mr. Panic who mentioned that the Glock grip was too wide for him to reach the safety with his thumb (his post has since been edited to remove the erroneous statement). Of course, what he probably meant to say was that he couldn't reach the magazine release or the slide release.

If it was the slide release he was having difficulty with, I would recommend an Extended Slide Release made by Aro-Tek. Not only is it longer (putting it more in reach of your thumb), but it has a nice "bumb" shape to it which makes it much easier to operate than the OEM release, yet without hanging up on clothes. I have them on all my Glocks.


New member
I can't believe you can't carry a 26 concealed. Or maybe you are just one of "those" who has to have their clothes skin tight.

You boys oughta play nice. Not everybody works at Pizza Hut and can wear an untucked T-shirt every where they go. And the farther past 30 you get, the sillier you look wearing jeans and an untucked shirt everywhere.

I don't like the width of the Glock 27's either. But then, I would prefer the grip to be full length, so a slim-line 23 would fit me fine. Glock should be able to squeeze a full 10 rounds into a slimline 19/23....

I use the P40 for comfortable day to day carry, with a TUCKED shirt and NO cover garment.


New member
There are plenty of guns out there for everybody! If a Glock 26 won't work for you, try a Kahr P9 Covert. Whatever gun you get, you must commit to adapting to carry it. I like my 26 in a SideArmor holster. My Kahr K9 works well in an Alessi Talon Plus. Bottom line is you have to find what works for you, and when you do stick with it.


New member
Usually I've been carrying a 1911 or a BHP, but, looking for a slimmer & lighter carry pistol, I got Kahr's P-9. Of course, it should have been called the POS-9, as it didn't now I have a G26, which does work. (And very well, I might add.) It's not really a problem to carry the G26 concealed, but it's not quite as easy as the POS-9 would've been.

A single-stack or semi-staggered version could probably be slimmed down proportionately as much as the G36 was relative to the G30.


New member
Why a Schlock?

Why Glock? I guess the 26 is supposed to be a concealed-carry version of the 19. But it's still thick as a brick. The grip is shortened so you have to hold it with two fingers. IMHO thichness is more important for CC than a shortened grip. So, if I were considering a Glock 9mm, I'd get a 19--still compact, but more shootable.

But why a Schlock at all? Yeah, you could wait for a thinner one, but why not get a Kel-tec P11, Taurus PT-111, or Kahr now?

Also, the Taurus has an external safety so you don't shoot yourself in the foot as I understand has happened to a lot of cops with Glocks. The Glock "safe action" is a misnomer--you pull the trigger and it goes bang.


New member
Design changes needed first

If Glock makes a single-stack, they'll have to do better than the G36. Tried it, hated it. It's still thick, the mag base kept pinching my fingers and it had tons of muzzle flip. The overall design seemed very poorly thought out compared to a 1911 or Kahr.

I think the g36 will really prove a sales loser for Glock. Hence we won't see any more single-stacks soon. But they have only themselves to blame.

I wish HK would put the P7m7 .45 into production. I would sell all my .40s and .45s and go with that. Fixed bbl accuracy, low bore axis, squeeze-cocker safety... I think it would grab a lot of market share from Les Baer, Wilson etc.


Jody Hudson

New member
Spy Guy,

Pleated slacks allow for a front pocket carry with proper front pocket holster... If you are VERY slim such as my son, you could use one of the below the belt front mount holsters. You might also consider a tailored vest made a bit longer than the current style. Also, since you are getting your suits tailored anyway -- you might consider getting the tailor to work with you with some ideas. You may need to change to a Dallas Tailor for a suit or two but that would just be a good reason for a field trip. I say Dallas but any large city with a good tailor that is used to catering to those with carry permits may be able to help you.

The option that I see most often in Miami, where many of the tailored folks are packing; is a shoulder bag with the pistol in a pocket on the bag that is next to the body and that pocket is held together with a couple of velcro spots. Eddie Bauer makes a few very good bags in a variety of colors that might suit. So does Eagle Creek. Those I know who use the shoulder bag carry won't go back to anything else as they claim it is faster, easier, handier and more concealed than the other options. You might even want to check out a few of the fabric bags and then get a custom one made to your liking in leather with black/brown/tan/blue stained trim which would go with anything. Or have several made. Often a custom leather shoulder bag is cheaper than the designer one similar to it.

Some of the other folks in Miami area that I've met use the Day Planner style carry holster but all the ones I've seen are far slower and less handy. The shoulder bag solution also works to keep your tailored suits looking better as you get EVERYTHING out of the pockets that way. And in San Francisco; the shoulder bag will fit right it just fine as I recall from my last trip there.

I hope that gives you some ideas.