Should Alaska require out of state hunters to use a guide?


New member
Things may have changed now since production of coal has increased, don't know, that was '72-74.

We drive our 4-wheelers over the pedestrian walkway across the tressle to get over to Ferry now.


The worst of both worlds is requiring guides but then not requiring anything of the guides - such as knowledge of the law.


I am decidedly against the requirement for a guide in Alaska, or any other place,
I suspect there is quite a bit of money over and under the table that takes place between professional guides/outfits and Fish & Game that effect your rights in hunting, your fees, etc.,
If you want to use guides, fine, but forcing people to use guides encourages gouging (to be very polite),
of course it makes sense to use guides on dangerous game for example if you're a newbie, but I support ones right to hunt as he sees fit, even if that means an occaisional California boy decides to go live with the Kodiak bears in Alaska and gets eaten (you know the natives were gambling odds on that one!), let the Darwin Principle be invoked so if you get eaten you take full responsibility for your own stoopidity