Shot the new Springfield XDm 5.25


New member
Don't know how many people care about the longer pistols, but I took delivery on the Springfield XDm 9 5.25 yesterday and put it through its paces. We'll post the video in a day or two, but I bought a 250 pack of UMC Remington and shot just virtually all of it.

I'm impressed; this thing is sweet to shoot.That guy, Rob Leatham, whoever HE is, did some good work on getting into this pistol what he wanted. He must have logged some Frequent Flyer miles to Croatia over the past year or so.

Just kidding about Leatham; he's pretty much the "God of Gunfire." :) I have a life-size statue of him in the backyard, right beside the ones of John Browning, Sam Colt, Elmer Keith, & Elvis. :)

Anyway, I'm more a Glock guy when it comes to polymer pistols, but this thing has a sweet trigger, good sights, good feel, and puts them there bullets where you want them. I just couldn't stop shooting the thing. I'm sure I'll need to stock up on about 500 rounds before we do the Chapter 2 video. :)

I'm a Compact and Subcompact guy when it comes to these types of guns, but this is one fun gun.



New member
Congrats. :D Glad to hear it. I'm hoping it's well received because I'm just a fan of the Springfield XD models. I've got an XDm-9 and just bought an XD-45 that I haven't picked up yet. My XDm has never failed in any way and it just feels like a solid, well made pistol. I love my XDm.

Is the trigger any different/better than a stock XDm trigger?


New member
Yes, I think the trigger seems a bit better / lighter than other XDs or XDms I've shot. Could be my imagination, but I don't think so.



New member
Just saw an ad for this new pistol the other day... Been wanting to give it a shot.

I'll def check out your vids for the review Hickok! Already a fan



If it were possible for me to purchase a 6.5" drop in barrel for an XD - I would have purchased one instead of my Glock 34.

I wanted a G17L / like setup and there was no way to get there from a base XD.

But I think the XDm 5.25 is a nice gun.

For me, the way I look at it, while a big handgun like that won't work for CCW, it's great for HD, and fun at the range. If a have a choice of short sight radius vs longer sight radius I'll take the longer sight radius. If I have a choice of shooting a round out of a barrel that is an inch or two inches longer - than I'll do it, it's higher muzzle velocity.

I guess I could make an argument that a shotgun would be a better choice and maybe even a cheaper choice, but anyway...



New member
Just kidding about Leatham; he's pretty much the "God of Gunfire." :) I have a life-size statue of him in the backyard, right beside the ones of John Browning, Sam Colt, Elmer Keith, & Elvis. :)
That puts you in good company for sure.

Anyway, I'm more a Glock guy when it comes to polymer pistols, but this thing has a sweet trigger, good sights, good feel, and puts them there bullets where you want them. I just couldn't stop shooting the thing. I'm sure I'll need to stock up on about 500 rounds before we do the Chapter 2 video. :)
Give the HK's a try, I think you'll like 'em.

As much as I like your videos, I always look at them knowing that my wallet will be thinned soon afterwards. Such was its fate after your video on the SR1911. That's all it took.

Great videos, please keep it up. We appreciate them.


New member
Whoa, I didn't know Hickock45 was on this forum! Your videos have kept me company during many lonely overnight shifts at work.


Hickock........XD vs XDm

Much of a difference?
They sure charge enough addl for the XDm model..........

I went side by side last week w my SR9c vs SR9 and
I have to admit my groups were quite a bit tighter with the fullsize
over the sub comp......actually the SR9 fullsize was even tighter groups than
my P226......Which was kinda of aggravating and now I need to buy another SR...


New member
I am sure this will be covered at some point in the coming videos and landslide of reviews... but was wondering if you could give us a sneak peak of how accurate this guy is? Was it noticeablely more accurate than, say, the XDm 4.5"? Or is the difference minimal? Did you have a chance to bench fire it to see what it can do with the human element removed/with the human element were the groups so impressive it didn't warrant a bench test?


New member
Darn - if he likes it - I will have to take a look at it again. I had the Tactical XD on my list for awhile but I never got it...I was looking for a 5" 9mm...


Looking forward to the video.


New member
I look forward to the video. I wish they'd get going and make a long barreled 45.

I always enjoy your videos, I only wish you'd post more! 200 posts in 11 years? C'mon man! :cool: You seem to have shot about every handgun there is, so you'd be a valuable resource.

Oh, regarding stocking up on 9mm, I was under the impression you were a handloader? ...or is the gun on loan with the condition that only factory ammo be shot through it?


New member

What holster did you use to shoot it and would it be considered a carry or duty pistol (changing the sights of course)? How does it compare to the Glock 34 (thought they were similar)? :confused:
Hows the price? Is the slide to frame or barrel fit any tighter than the service models? How do you like the new sights? Thanks for building the community.


New member
Springfield sent out an email saying the price is 795MSRP for the all black, and bitone was 865MSRP.

In his video, he says he is using the stock holster that came with it, and does compare it to the Glock34 briefly. He also says the slide to barrel fit is tighter and that he really likes the new sights (I think he mentions the sights alone are usually a couple hundred dollar upgrade).


New member
Huge fan of your videos. We've communicated a few times pertaining to the PM9 and shooting with older eyes. Saw your video of the the Nat'l. Muzzleloading Shoot in Friendship, IN. I could definitely see the difference in camera skills between you and John:)
Keep 'em coming and we'll watch 'em.