Shot size for Home Defense use.

Your IDEAL shot size for Home defense.

  • 000 Buck

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • 00 Buck

    Votes: 60 53.1%
  • 0 Buck

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • #1 Buck

    Votes: 29 25.7%
  • #2 Buck

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other... Please elaborate.

    Votes: 18 15.9%

  • Total voters


New member
My new home will be in the country where people will have to get through a security gate, past the dogs, through the security system and up a very long driveway over relatively open ground. Lots of fields of fire there, the AR's and bolt guns will hopefully come into play long before I'd have to resort to pistols and scatterguns
Arguing that the badguy iss going to have to be real determined to get to you would seem to be an even better argument for more efffective ammo;)
But like you said to each their own


New member
+1 mavracer,

I live in the middle of the boonies. LE response time is same as non-existant. Sooo....I figure if they're determined enough to keep coming after the motion sensor lights, burglar alarm, 130lb protective German Shephard and 'the ruler of the roost', a very alert,yappy 15lb pomeranian that will wake the dead if she hears something strange, I figure they are very desperate and will be dealt with accordingly.
Seems we've had a rash of home-invasions around the county where it seems the perps want someone home to assure them of finding their loot of choice. Money(as always) and prescription drugs seem to be the latest loot of choice. On every occasion I know of there have been more than one armed perp.


New member
Arguing that the badguy iss going to have to be real determined to get to you would seem to be an even better argument for more efffective ammo

Reckon you missed the last part of the statement

Lots of fields of fire there, the AR's and bolt guns will hopefully come into play long before I'd have to resort to pistols and scatterguns. Might even get a pet gator out of the swamp to guard the outside.

But don't worry, if I were to need buckshot, I have plenty from 000 to #4 in shells from 2 3/4" to 3 1/2". Heck I picked up a box of 3 1/2" #4's from a gun shop a couple seasons ago. I imagine that'd put a world of hurt on someone if they got in.

I just don't spend a lot of time worrying about shooting bad guys. I'm more apt to run up on a rabid coon, coyote or PO'd hog.


New member
Reckon you missed the last part of the statement

nope but I reckon you missed the point of mine.

I just don't spend a lot of time worrying about shooting bad guys.
but you'll spend time giving bad advice about self defense against humans and even more time arguing about
I once dang near tore a rabbit in half with a load of 7 1/2 shot from a .410 I'm sure it'd prolly make a nasty flesh wound on something bigger and might detour it. of course I'd imagine most people would be detoured by a bucket of warm cat urine. Still don't suggest leaving a warm bucket of cat urine by the bed.


New member
So, you'd rather be shot at 20ft by a load of #5 shot than a load of buckshot. Dead is dead, then again you might believe that a .300 Win mag is required to kill a whitetail where as a .243 will do all I need it to.

As far as advice, one could also say that your advice is bad as the projectiles you want to throw around inside of a dwelling pose more of a danger to others within the house who may be on the other side of that partition. Or be more apt to breech an exterior wall/window and present a danger to your neighbors if they were to live in close proximity.

As to self defense against humans, answer this, are more people killed in a year by .22lr or the .50 BMG? Are more people electricuted by 110 or 220? Human life is frail and just like everything else shot placement is key. You do it your way, I'll do it mine. Chances are the bad guy would end up the same way but collateral damage and injury to others won't be as prevelant on my end.


Staff In Memoriam
As to self defense against humans, answer this, are more people killed in a year by .22lr or the .50 BMG? Are more people electricuted by 110 or 220?

Irrelevant... You have to factor in "rounds fired per capita" per caliber or "electrocutions per capita" per voltage... And I am also an electrician so I know both voltages are lethal. But far fewer end consumers come into contact with the electricity leaked from 220 and of those, many just get one side which is still 110v range.;)

How many hundreds of thousands of .22lr are fired for every hundred rounds of .50 BMG? And you would also factor in the people discharging each size caliber... Predominately the .50 BMG is owned and operated by highly experienced gun owners which cannot be said for the venerable .22lr.



New member
Man I seen a deer killed by 6 shot at 30 feet. You can never ever say how a shot will effect anything until it is shot.

I use 00 buck in a 3 in mag cause I got a large amount for real cheap like 30 years ago :) only shot 10 or so shells so far, got a couple hundred.

I also read where a man was shot in the belly by his kids son, he lived but isnt the same.

One pellet in the heart is all it tqakes to die. A bb gun can kill you and I have proof of that many times over. Dont play with these things, just cause it has 7 shot dont make it worthless, it can and will kill ya.

Some day I will tell about the guy shot himself in his eye with a bb gun, I saw the whole thing..... :(


New member
The point was that human life just like any living thing can be extinguished by the smallest of things. At 20ft which seems to be the agreed upon interior limit of most shots one would likely encounter inside a residential structure, both loads would have a high component of lethality. One just offers a much less chance of collateral damage.

I for one would rather not kill a bad guy in my home with buckshot and walk into the next room and find that I had also killed my child or wife. Others might disagree but again and for the last time it my personal opinion and a choice I hope to never have to make.


Staff In Memoriam
Salty, nuttin' you said can be discounted... But on the note of over penetration, the same precautions should be taken whether the round is a beanbag LTL load, a 7 1/2 or any of the buck or slug loads...

Murphy and I are well acquainted and we ain't friends... He is out to get me I swear to god!

My luck, a plastic wad will sail through 2 layers of drywall and strike a loved one killin' them deader than heck... I am certain of this... I am not the luckiest fella and my X-Ray and hospital stay history bears this out.:eek:

The whole thing about know your target and what lays behind it is a statement I MUST adhere to with out waiver.

Since I will be following this code of conduct, the 00 and 7 1/2 have exactly equal chance of striking a loved one, NONE. My positioning of myself to deploy lethal force comes before my own safety as this is for the safety of my family...



I made the mistake of using a hog for an analogy for pellet penetration.

But I think something to bear in mind is that hunting rounds to take down deer or medium game don't necesarily make the optimum HD loading. Nor does LE loadings in all circumstances.

Officers are often firing into vehicles with their shotguns and they need those rounds to bust through windsheilfs, even car doors or hte backs of vehiucles - like through the bed of a pickup, maybe evn go through a car or truck dseat and stiill hit the bad guy.

In HD you don't necesarily need that.

I think the advice from the tactical institute is good - you want the pellets to penetrate to about 14" in ordinance gelatin - which should correlate to adequate penetration in humans to disrupt vital tissue. You want to create as many 12-14" wound channels as possible.


New member
I like what the Box O Truth site has to say about using birdshot for defense against humans:

Birdshot as a Defense Load
I have had a lot of questions, summed up as follows: How effective is birdshot (#4, #6, #8, etc.) as a defense load?

We have done tests with various birdshot loads. Birdshot penetrated through two pieces of drywall (representing one wall) and was stopped in the paper on the front of the second wall. The problem with birdshot is that it does not penetrate enough to be effective as a defense round. Birdshot is designed to bring down little birds.

A policeman told of seeing a guy shot at close range with a load of 12 gauge birdshot, and was not even knocked down. He was still walking around when the EMTs got there. It was an ugly, shallow wound, but did not STOP the guy. And that is what we want... to STOP the bad guy from whatever he is doing. To do this, you must have a load that will reach the vitals of the bad guy. Birdshot will not do this.

In fact, tests have shown that even #4 Buckshot lacks the necessary penetration to reach the vital organs. Only 0 Buck, 00 Buck, and 000 Buck penetrate enough to reach the vital organs.

Unless you expect to be attacked by little birds, do not use birdshot. Use 00 Buck. It will do the job.

However, it remains a free country (for the time being). If you want to use birdshot to defend against humans, please feel free to do so.


New member
Have y'all had to point a shotgun at someone or had a shotgun pointed at you?

The look on their face looks like what I imagine mine looks like when I almost step on a snake when fishing, or when I'm duck hunting and come across a herd of psuedorabies infested hogs out for human blood or facing down a brace of deer outta thier minds w- blue tounge craving human brains...

Thanks for the entertainment!

By the way, I like #1 or 00 but will stuff anything handy in in a pinch. Just like with the boat paddle, you gotta do what you gotta do!


Staff In Memoriam
Have y'all had to point a shotgun at someone or had a shotgun pointed at you?
Yes and yes...
In fact as a 14-15 year old, I was shot from 10-12 feet in the face with a 12 gauge wad by an older 19 year old iirc... One thing that was mentioned was that I never looked afraid. I didn't have time before the shot as it was a matter of "Hey Brent..." and when I turned my head to look, I was shot... But after the shot... everyone there said I looked like a rabid dog as I went for my .410 intending to teach the guy how you do it...

Lucky for me, they had hid my ammo before they set up the "harmless" prank...



New member
Have ya'll had to point a shotgun at someone

no to a shotgun, yes to my ccw

or had a shotgun pointed at you

Yes and I was armed. Was very thankful to look over and realize it was an LEO. But that sure didn't make that bbl look any smaller. Also, was a very tense few minutes,standing in my underwear, lowering my weapon as told "veeerrrrry slowly to the ground" while trying to explain who I was.


New member
If I wanted to use a shotgun for defense it would be OO buck .../...but I don't ...

(I'll continute to rely on one of my 1911's and .45 acp 230gr Hydra Shok ammo ) ..../ I live in the suburbs of a big city ...but only me and my wife in the house 99.9% fo the time overpenetration isn't my issue / neighbors housed are 100' or more away from my house on each side the closest...
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.45 COLT

New member
I believe that any lead shot, #4 Birdshot and larger, will effectively stop an intruder. Even so, I picked 000 Buck, mainly because last week I loaded up 125 rounds and like the way it shoots.



You can deliver 2 shots out of a 12ga as fast as you can double tap with a pistol.

That is pretty devastating...

I feel a lot safer using a SG for HD than a pistol. Someone who is armed with a pistol going up against an opponent armed with a shotgun - is outgunned