shooting wolves with a Mini-14 from a running snowmobile



What an idiot. While driving a snowmobile, I would definately stick to a handgun. Even a folding stock mini would be a little akward. Oh, I am kidding by the way. ;) People like that are the kind that make all of us look like nuts.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Why would he be doing that? Hmmmm...
An Anti-Enviromental Terrorist? Nooooo...
Pelt Hunter? Hmmmm... nooooo...

Maybe a rancher tired of a pack thats learned to hunt his stock? Could be... If this was the case - is he justified in this action? Could be...

El Rojo

New member
Maybe there are two people on the snowmobile.

Maybe he rides on the back as the other guy drives.

Gunslinger. You said, "I am rather partial to wolves after having had one sleep in bed with me every night for the past two years." Does your wife know you refer to her as a wolf on TFL? Why has she only slept with you for two years? Where do I find me one of these "fierce animals" to sleep with? I was just curious ;).