Shooting from a rest questions???


New member
I have shot rifles using a rest, but I have never shot a pistol using a rest.

How do you do it? What type of rest do you use? How big of a difference does it make in your groups at 7, 15, or 25 yards (farther if you shoot it)?


The penultimate rest is the Ransom Master Series, but I wouldn't exactly call using it shooting - more like utilizing a peice of testing equipment.



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New member
I just use a surplus ammo can with a sand bag on top. I rest my wrists on the sand bag when shooting. When I go to the range it's usually for an extended session with multiple guns. After a few hours shooting the rest helps with my acuracy for sure.


New member
The penultimate rest is the Ransom Master Series

In this context, what in God's name does penultimate mean:confused:


Almost every gun will shoot to a slightly different point when fired from any type of rest compared to firing it offhand unsupported. I used to work in a shop that had a Ransom Rest and I learned pretty quickly that if you adjusted the sights to be dead on from the Ransom they would be slightly off when the owner (or myself) fired it offhand. If you are going to shoot from say, a sandbag, rest your hands on the bag, not the gun and let it recoil naturally as it would when fired offhand. Any difference in how much the gun moves when recoiling will give you a different POI. This assumes of course that you have steady hands and a clean precise sight picture.


New member
I use a sandbag/towel and use it to support my fist. This lets the barrel flip in a normal fashion but takes the wobble out of my arms.

I use a rest, at times, to make sure that I'm following the basics when shooting standing up. What works for me is a twelve inch piece of 4X4 with a sand bag on top. I place the trigger guard on the bag making sure that the barrel isn't touching it. I take a normal grip and align the sights. Make sure that you don't get your weak hand under the pistol's grip. I did this one day with a .44 magnum and the recoil hammered my hand; it brused most of my hand's back.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery Sergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired


The penultimate rest is the Ransom Master Series

In this context, what in God's name does penultimate mean :confused:

It means that when a weapon is resting in a Ransom Master Series, it's really resting...


New member
Quality directly proportional to cost !!

Well, as you can see, a pistol rest can come in various degrees of being secure. A sandbag is on one end of the spectrum and a Ramsom, on the opposite end. I've always thought It would be neat to have a Ramsom but really can't justify the cost for my usage. ..... ;)

Currently using a Hyskore pistol rest and one of my buddies uses one of the Caldwell rest but don't go to cheap as a sandbag is better than some that I have seen. I think I paid about $50.00 for my Hyskore. .... :)

Be Safe !!!


I created a thread about the Hyskore a long time ago asking about it, I guess not that many people have experience with it.

How do you like it?

What guns do you shoot using it?

Walt Sherrill

New member
A Ransom Rest is designed to measure the innate accuracy of a particular weapon by removing the human element. Each gun requires a different insert, and for some guns, you may not find one.

A Ransom Rest works as designed if the frame is steel; but can't be used with a polymer-framed gun, as those frames won't necessarily return to exactly the same position with each shot.

For aimed shots, like from sand bag rest, using the sights, it doesn't matter. if the gun is steel- or polymer-framed.

Shooting from a (bag) rest is a less complex (and expensive) way of REDUCING the human variable as much as possible, and it's most useful with new guns, in getting them sighted in -- or in evaluating repairs after some big problem, a new barrel, etc.

You can pick up a mid-sized (but cheap) plastic bag of rice, leave it in the plastic store bag from the store, and take it with you to the range. Rest your hands on the bag and slowly squeeze off your shots.

Once you get the gun sighted in, you take the bag home, and you or your spouse uses it fix some future meals, and you work on improving your skills, shooting offhand in your next range trips.


New member
My Hyskore Works for most applications !!

How do you like it?
For my usage and the money, it works out quite well for me. It's actually a rifle rest that I break down to a pistol rest. I use it for scope work, cleaning and small caliber rifle shooting. I also use it as a pistol rest, so far for the calibers that I shoot. It's stout enough to handle what I shoot but leary about pushing it too hard on higher caliber rifles. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!


Penultimate as in super, mega, ultra, meta ultimate.

Or as in the best possible rest short of something that causes all motion except the slide and the bullet to cease, or as in best possible rest short of traveling back in time an repeating the exact same shot over again.

Anyway a Ransom rest is good, and it's usefull for zeroing a weapon or testing a weapon but I don't think they're much fun to shoot with.

It kind of takes the fun out of it when you hold up a target and think "All I did was pull the trigger." Maybe you get a sense of pride that you have a fine weapon capable of incredible accuracy, but after you've created two or three of those targets it gets old. About as much fun as shooting at a target that is 5 feet from you.


Well, having a customer stand there and watch as his gun prints a nice 1 in. group (or less) after he has brought it back and complained that "it's not accurate" is pretty useful I can tell you. The look on their face is priceless.