Shipping BP pistol to Ma???

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New member
Uberti cap & ball guns are not considered to be firearms that cannot be purchased or sold in MA. They are considered to be antique reproduction guns just like any other muzzle loader.
However, just like with many other famous maker's "firearm" guns, I trust that the Uberti firearms mentioned on the Four Seasons website are restricted if Uberti is not complying with MA laws.
MA allows the guns that are already legally in the state to be transferred, and new residents moving in can also bring in the guns that they already own and then transfer them to other state residents.
Four Seasons is one of the most popular & respected gun shops in MA. If they could sell something they would. And I think that they would update their information if there was a change in the law or the MA master compliance list.
In MA, the dealers have more restrictions on what they can sell than individuals.
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New member
i understand that, but state law should not override federal law especially when it comes to our rights as American citizens.


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Can We Move On?

As I stated above I live in MA and have had a BP revolver delivered to my home via UPS. Furthermore, Blue Northern Trading Co. In MA sells Uberti C&B handguns. Case closed!
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New member
what part dont you understand? our rights shall not be infringed yet the state "further restricts" as you put it our rights under federal law.

i guess you are a go with the flow kinda follower and not a independent


New member
Hey, 55. The topic of this thread questions if BP weapons can be shipped to an address in MA. If you wish to discuss legal issues start a new thread under "Law and Civil Rights".


New member
technically my posts pertain to the law of the land in MA on certain firearms, now that it is cleared up that he can in fact purchase in state and have shipped from out of state newly produced reproductions. i was just covering bases that were not mentioned.


Questions about legality should be answered by citations and discussions of the laws involved, not debates about the constitutionality or morality of those laws.

Debates about the constitutionality and/or morality of those laws should be reserved for the Law and Civil Rights subForum of TFL.

Discussions and debates in any part of TFL need to remain civil and polite.

The OP should feel free to start another thread on the topic if this one hasn't answered the question to his satisfaction.
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