Shipping BP pistol to Ma???

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New member
Hi Guys,
Can cap and ball pistols be shipped to Massachusetts? I have a feeling that its not allowed but on Cabelas and Dixie's website they list certain places they won't ship to, such as New Jersey. I used to see MA on the list but not anymore.
Does anyone have any info?


New member
Massatwochits has some weird laws with regards to blackpowder firearms.

I'm a CT resident and I don't know the answer to your question - but when I went to the Bass Pro Shops in Foxborough, Ma, I found, as a CT resident, that I could purchase a black powder firearm, but could NOT purchase any black powder, black powder substitutes, or even lead balls without a state permit. :rolleyes:


New member
now the cabelas warning dosent say they wont ship to these places but that you need to check you local laws first. MI is on that list and all i had to do to order a bp pistol was fax a paper with my signature so they have proof thare not selling it to a kid but thats just my state. you need to look up your state law's


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I live in MA and Cabela's shipped a BP gun to me via UPS with no issues. Just needed an adult available to sign for it.


New member
i had to sign for mine in PA from cabela's and we are not on the list, so much for the 2nd Amendment huh...


What has signing for a package got to do with the Second Amendment? Anyone can ship a package of anything with a signature required! Don't read into it something that is not there.


I can think of NO state where you can not own a firearm of some sort. True there may be a lot of red tape, but a total ban has not happened...yet.


New member
there are many cities where you cannot own a firearm (Wash. DC) or purchase certain types of firearms esp in MA you cannot buy any type of Uberti firearm


I don't know where you get your information from, but Washington DC is not a state, and furthermore.....
Washington, D.C., has enacted a number of strict gun-restriction laws. The Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 prohibited residents from owning handguns, excluding those registered prior to February 5, 1977; however, this law was subsequently overturned in March 2007 by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Parker v. District of Columbia. The ruling was upheld in June 2008 by the Supreme Court of the United States in District of Columbia v. Heller. Both courts held that the city's handgun ban violated individuals' Second Amendment right to gun ownership. However, the ruling does not prohibit all forms of gun control; laws requiring firearm registration remain in place, as does the city's assault weapon ban. Additionally, city laws still prohibit carrying guns, both openly and concealed.

DC residents were not prohibited from owning certain rifle and shot guns (black powder and smokeless) even under the old city rules.

AFAIK, Massachusetts has no ban on Uberti black powder firearms (ask several members here that live there). These MA regulations only concern dealer sales.
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New member
there are many cities where you cannot own a firearm (Wash. DC) or purchase certain types of firearms esp in MA you cannot buy any type of Uberti firearm

??????? Blue Northern Trading Company in Ayer, MA is a Uberti dealer. They keep several Uberti guns on display. Walk in with the $ and walk out with a shooting iron.


New member
yes sales of certain non conforming MA guns in the state, and DC may not be a state or "city" but it is on US soil


You don't know what you are talking about, so I suggest you do some research BEFORE posting inaccurate information here.

Don H

New member

Got an official source by any chance? Four Seasons Firearms is hardly the definitive source for this kind of information.
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