Shipping black powder firearms to Michigan


New member
Possibly MyKeal , that’s part of the problem . For what ever reason , the law just isn’t as clear as it would seem .
While its not related to your state , an experience I can relate this to .
When I was a boy my father was a CO here in Idaho . I can remember setting with him in meetings where enforcement officers would be going over new law and rules changes.
Seemed each officer would often have a different interpretation of the laws .
Some would have a broad view , others a narrow view .
When that would happen , which happened a lot , a clarification would be ask for from the legal team. that’s the definition that would be followed until such time as the courts defined the actual meaning of the law.
Over time as the courts made rulings base on citations , those views would start to come closer together. Thus the actual enforcement would become based on a more definitive understanding throughout the jurisdictions .

So on one hand I understand fully when someone says ; that’s not the law , don’t call the police and ask because they don’t know .

The problem with that however is that those officers are the ones who are going to issue a ticket , for right or wrong , based on their understanding of the laws .
it’s the courts which will decide if those officers are correct or not .which in turn changes the officers understanding and thus the way the laws get enforced. Remember its not their job to define the laws . Its their job to enforce them .

that’s one of the problems we all face . There is just way to many laws .
While some may seem to be very clear in their wording , nothing sucks more then having a states attorney stand there and start quoting case after case were prior courts have interpreted the meaning differently even though we think its very clear .

So unless a person is willing to go though all the different steps of fighting and proving that their interpretation is correct , its much safer to call the local police and ask them as more then likely they are the one thats will write you the ticket . Thus starting the bigger ball rolling .

Now does that make it right , NO . IMO doing just that is whats gotten us into such a mess in this country and why the governments are aloud to continue to do what they do . Simply put , there isn’t enough folks anymore with the time and money to willingly stand up and fight to the point the laws become completely clear .

For what ever reason that’s what im gathering has not happened to any real deep level in your state . IE the word hasn’t gotten out about the way the laws actually is OR the law isn’t being applied in a broad enough scale as it was written or in the context as your understanding it . Be that understanding factual or not .

Which may very well be why these companies are simply saying they don’t sell to your state .


New member
Wow... pretty interesting...

... stuff there Captchee, however I disagree with you. It's true... many times local law enforcement does not know the law. If I do know the law, there is no harm or foul. Go ahead and write me a ticket. It will be thrown out before it ever gets to court.

There are tons of laws here that have not been taken off the books. The responsibility falls on us to be compliant, even if the local boobs don't know what is current. The officers are not informed, or not kept current for a good reason. They write tickets. I do not consult local law enforcement or even the State Police on these issues. They don't know squat.

As mentioned above, I look at MCORGO. If it's not there, I ask a local FFL dealer. They ARE informed.

Back to the original question, if the firearms manufacturers don't know what's truly legal... from one state to another, it's their loss not mine.



New member
if anything will get thrown out or not is a mater of speculation .
The question is it worth it to you if it doesn’t even if in the end you win .
You wont get your time , money back unless us sue .
Plus if the decide to make an example of you your trouble will have only began .
See you may say you know the law . But that’s not up to you , its up to the judge to accept your knowledge or not .

that’s all im saying . As I said I don’t disagree with what you folks believe is the law .
All I am saying is every one has the right to sell or not to sell . You have the right to buy or not to buy .
But in this day and age where the US supreme court can accept the wording and meaning of the 2nd amendment by 1 vote .
Just today basically say that we the people do not have the right ask for some type of proof of citizenship before you vote .
I don’t think I would be so bold as to bet on anything

PS , i dont think i would be laying my trust on just any FFL dealer eather . some know the laws , some dont . some dont even know anything about guns , they only have an FFL becouse their line of work dictates the have one .

but then are you sugesting that Traditions wont sell one of their guns to an FFL ?
that seems rather odd. they dont sell new guns to companies within your state ?
if they do , then go through that FFL and let him worry as to if he knows the laws or not .
frankly thats what i would do as i dont have time to fiddle around with an officer who is just doing his job.
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