Shield Safety Alert

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New member
Wow. I actually had this happen to my Shield. I sold it some time ago, but I definitely noticed this happening.


New member
I just checked the wife's, which was bought in May of last year. Checked out fine, glad I read this forum!


New member
Thanks. No problem here. But makes me wonder about earlier Quality processes and testing.
On the positive side, they appear to have rapidly fixed it once discovered.


New member
I think it was a recent batch but they needed to be cautious. Bought our first one in November last year and the second one this March.


New member
Mine was made in Jan of 13 and works like it's supposed to. I have to wonder though if this is now something I'll have to keep an eye on or do you either have the problem or don't. Could it break later or if it's not doing it now then I'm good?


New member
Stopped my LGS chain, they went thru every Shield in their inventory, said they had 40/200 that had the issue but its all within new batches


New member
Why don't they fix them all?
It seems like the ones that are "fine" would still have the same propensity to someday not be "fine". I guess the S&W lawyers and actuaries figured out this was the cheapest way to go, customers be damned.


New member
Humm...I'm saving up for one and hoping to find one once I have the $$$. I'll have to make sure before pulling the trigger.


New member
While my M&P is not the "Shield," it has the same trigger mechanism in appearance and not under the warning label. The only time I check this mechanism is when cleaning, but I don't exercise it multiple times. I tickle all moving parts an observe for signs of wear, etc in the cleaning phase. While this seems ok, it may not have found a failure as the instructions says "test multiple times." I'll have to check out my other pistols and come up w/ a highlight list to examine prior to use. I have been thinking linearly and need to re-examine some of those concepts. I like safety tips and spending time on the gun bench. Then again, I like the mechanical mechanisms and slowness of reloading. I like to be thorough and it also helps me to be more observant with a deadly weapon where second best may not be good enough. Thanks for posting this on the forum as a reminder to keep vigilant.
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