Setting off alarms


New member
When I worked at a local wally world, we had a door that went off every time someone walked through it. 2 weeks of techs fiddling and ok-ing everything only to have it go off again. The ice machine beside the door went out, someone came to fix it, and a cashier took advantage of it being away from the wall to clean. Low and behold, one of the tags for clothes was under the ice machine. The system worked fine after that.


New member
Nope, it has never happened to me and I always carry when going to the store. I carry a 357 Taurus model 605.



Well, here's a possible explanation.

They're supposed to deactivate the theft detection "stickers" when you purchase the stuff. I've noticed that the folks working back in sporting goods are much more likely to forget to do the deactivation swipe. The result is that if you buy stuff back at the sporting goods counter you're generally more likely to set the alarm off than if you carry it up front and purchase it there.

Years ago, I went to a school with one of those newfangled security systems on the library to keep folks from walking out with books that they hadn't checked out. When you crossed between two posts, there was a treadle that you stepped on to activate the detection system. It would scan you and go off if you had a book on you that wasn't checked out. I found the theft detection stickers (strip of tape with thin metal squares). After thinking awhile I pulled one out and stuck it to the back of one of the scanning posts when no one was looking (you could do that because the scan wasn't active until someone stepped on the activation mat/treadle). They practically strip-searched the first few people who stepped on the treadle until they figured out something was amiss. It was fairly entertaining.


New member
Here are a few of the possible cases to cause it to go off. (Since I work at wal-mart this is what we found out causes it for those people who always set it off. A few have gotten tired of it and asked us to help them hunt down the reasons.)

1. Check your wallet closely. Sometimes they have a little strip in them. DO NOT have them deactivate your wallet unless it is completely empty. That will erase all your credit card strips.
2. Deactivate your shoes. Some shoes have the little strips built into them.

Those are the common causes for people who habitually set off the alarm.