Serious question for Ron Paul supporters

Pat H

Who wants to vote for Ron Paul the man who blames America First, LOL.
I see you're attempting to define the US government as America. The US government has never been America, isn't America now, and will never be America in the future.

Blaming the US government for stimulating the attacks of 9/11/2001 is correct. The 9/11 Commission stated that, and a CIA unclassified report, which Ron Paul referenced numerous times, says the same thing. These attacks are blowback for 80 years of US government meddling in the mideast.

Now, I know that some believe in the fairy tale of a blameless US government that is only overseas for "their own good", a remnant of New England puritanism that seems to never go away, fortunately most Americans to hold those views.


New member
I've been a member for just over 3 months. While being around for a long time is proof that you haven't done anything to get yourself banned, I don't think it necessarily makes you more credible than the newbies.

It doesn't make me any more credible, however in 99% of the cases it usually make a person troll proof. Were I just trying to stir the pot, you'd have seen things like "why my candidate can win" or "why your candidate sucks" some 500 posts ago.


New member
Blaming the US government for stimulating the attacks of 9/11/2001 is correct.

The only person missing from the boat is Ron Paul.



New member
The only person missing from the boat is Ron Paul.

well that was childish.

Blaming the US government for stimulating the attacks of 9/11/2001 is correct. The 9/11 Commission stated that, and a CIA unclassified report, which Ron Paul referenced numerous times, says the same thing. These attacks are blowback for 80 years of US government meddling in the mideast.

Blaming scantily-clad women for stimulating rapists is correct?

Sure why not. But you're missing the the point. 1)there are better ways to express that sentiment in rhetoric than to quote CIA reports, i.e. "if we go around making enemies, we'd better be prepared for them." 2) It doesn't matter if RP was right or wrong, he let himself get smacked around by Guliani. 3)the thumb twiddling?

Look, we all know that the question, "are you suggesting we invited the 9/11 attacks, sir?" is really unfair (i.e., "does your mom know you're a bedwetter?") If you say yes, then you're setting yourself up to get a "blame america" accusation. If you say no, well, that's just not true. If you go on and on about CIA reports and blowback, while appearing real nervous, it makes you look like you're darting the question - and whenever a politician avoids answering, people tend to assume the worst.

The three solutions I can think up right now are A) don't set yourself up in a situation where you'll be asked such questions, or B) "Mr. Moderator, that's the most perpostuous assertion I've ever heard." or C) say what the People want to hear: "oh hell no."

In a way, the question has not be answered in B), but the heat is now on someone else instead of yourself. This option is probably the best, because you've also managed not to answer an unanswerable question.

Choice C) might invite the retort, "then what were you really trying to say?" which would then give you a fair question and a rare second chance opportunity to clarify.

Instead RP set himself up for Guliani's reply, and a really, really unfair question: ".... retract that statement."

But hey - do go on about how RP is *technically* right. Technically, it does depend on what the definition of "is," is.


New member
Serious question for non Ron Paul supporters?
Why do you keep coming back like an abused spouse and asking for more crap?.....then get shocked 2 years later when it hits your face?
:mad: wake up
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New member
nice edit job on my post.

here a list of reasons to vote for Paul
1. He Supports the Constitution.
2. He Believes In Religious Freedom.
3. He Has Never Voted For A Tax Increase.
4. He Is Against Public Funding Of Abortion.
5. He Is Against Funding Abortion Abroad.
6. He Is Against The National I.D. or Real I.D. Act.
7. He Believes In The "Just War Theory".
8. He Supports The Rights Of Private Property Owners.
9. He Wants Us Out Of The U.N.
10. He Wants Us To Trade With Nations And Not War With Them.
11. He Is For 2nd Amendment Rights.
12. He Opposes NAIS.
13. He Wants To Shrink The Federal Government, Not Expand It.
14. He Has No Plans To Start A War With Iran Or Anyone Else.
15. He Wants To Bring Our Troops Home.
16. He Does Not Belong To The CFR (Council On Foreign Relations).
17. He Has Not Received Campaign Contributions From Rupert Murdoch (Like Hillary).
18. His Running Mate Most Likely Will Not Have Shot Anyone In The Face.
19. He Wants To End The I.R.S..
20. He Wants To Cut Spending......Really, Cut Spending.
21. He Is Against Eminent Domain.
22. He Is Against The Nafta Superhighway.
23. He Is Against The North American Union Or SPP (It Exists Google It).
24. He Is For The Principle Of Sound Money.
25. He Is Against The Idea of The Amero (Google It).
26. He Is Against The Federal Reserve's Monopoly On Monetary Regulation.
27. He Is Philosophically Opposed To Big Government.
28. He Voted Against The Misnamed Patriot Act That Stripped Us Of Our Rights.
29. He Is For The Bill Of Rights.
30. He Knows The Meaning Of Liberty.
31. He Was 1 Of 4 People That Supported Reagan Early On.
32. He Has Been Married For 50 Years, Which Is An Achievement These Days.
33. He Is Not Married To Hillary.
34. His Supporters Love Him.
35. He Is A Once In A Lifetime Candidate.
36. Because His Record Is Consistent.
37. He Is Against Funding The So-Called War On Drugs (Another Unsuccessful War).
38. He Is Actually Against Funding Many Unsuccessful Federal Programs.
39. He Does Not Want To Ruin Healthcare By Nationalizing It, (Like Hillary, Obama, et al.)
40. He Is A Student Of History.
41. He Votes In Accordance With The Constitution.
42. He Will Not Forcibly Implant Us Or Our Troops With Microchips Or Like Devices (It's For Your Safety, Of Course).
43. He Is The Only Conservative, In The Traditional Sense, Left.
44. Republicans Love Him Because He Is For Small Government.
45. Democrats Love Him Because He Will End The War For Oil.
46. Libertarians Love Him Because He Wants The Government Out Of Their Business.
47. He Is The Only Electable Republican Candidate.
48. He is Against The Creation Of A Surveillance Society (See London).
49. He Supports Homeschool Rights.
50. He Wants To End The Corporate Welfare System That Is Destroying Our Government's Credibility.
51. He Tells It Like It Is. He Is Truthful.
52. He Reads.
53. As A Doctor, He Is Informed On The Healthcare Issue.
54. He Has Not Been Hannitized.
55. He Has The Courage To Speak Out Against What Is Wrong.
56. He Will Be Good For The Economy (Freedom Generally Is Good For The Economy).
57. He Wants Us Out Of The WTO And Like Organizations.
58. The I.R.S. Is Scared Of This Guy.
59. He Is Smart Enough To Prefer Gold Over Paper.
60. He Knows The Term FIAT-CURRENCY and knows what it means.
61. He Wants To Secure Our Borders.
62. He Favors Guarding Our Country Over Policing The World.
63. He Opposed The War From The Beginning.
64. He Authorized The Hunt For Osama Bin Laden.
65. He Believes Local Governments Are Better Suited To Handle Their Own Issues.
66. He Is Willing To Listen And Reason With Others.
67. He Is A Christian Who Believes Christ Was Right When He Said, "Blessed Are The Peacemakers".
68. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
69. He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
70. He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
71. He has never taken a government-paid junket.
72. He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
73. He voted against regulating the Internet.
74. He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
75. He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
76. He Is Against Selective Service Registration.
77. He Is Against A Mandatory Draft.
78. He Is Still Not Married To Hillary.
79. He Has The Support Of The Youth.
80. His Campaign Has People Across The Country Motivated.
81. His Supporters Are Enthusiastic.
82. He Is Educated.
83. He Wants To Apply The Golden Rule In Government (How Radical).
84. He Believes in Freedom Of Speech.
85. He Believes In Individual Rights
86. He Believes Those Rights Come From Our Creator.
87. He Does Not "Move With The Herd".
88. He Has Delivered Over 4,000 Babies And Values Life.
89. He Doesn't Have To "Act The Part" Because He Is What He Is.
90. He Has Not Waffled On The Abortion Issue As Every Other Republican Candidate.
91. He Has Faced Tremendous Opposition With Dignity.
92. He Is Optimistic
93. He Values The Traditions That Have Kept Us Free.
94. He Understands That Monopolies Are Bad Things.
95. He Understands The Difference Between Individual And Government Responsibility.
96. He Understands Inflation Is Not Just The Prices Going Up, But Rather The Value Of Money Going Down.
97. You Will Feel Good About Your Vote For A Change.
98. You Will Know You Have Done The Right Thing.
99. For The First Time In A Long Time, You Will Not Be Voting "For The Least Worst".
100. You Will Help Undo The Damage Done To Our Country Over The Last Several Decades.
101. He Is Our Last Hope For A Free Nation.

Bonus: Since I said He Is Not Married To Hillary Twice I Will Include One Final Reason:
102. He Will Win!

publshed first at this blog Against All Tyranny@:


New member
Good list. Good post. Unfortunately, some here will either twist his words or, more likely, twist the words of someone who has already twisted his words, to try to refute many of the points. What they can't do though, is show why we should not vote for him, instead whining about why they won't.
Again, good post.


New member
Number 1 reason not to vote for Ron Paul is because he is labeled as a kook and has no chance at winning the Republican nomination. The Machine will not get behind a man who is not electable. If the machine will not get behind you ( see Pat Buchanan) then you have no chance. Give it up and move on.


New member
Number 1 reason not to vote for Ron Paul is because he is labeled as a kook and has no chance at winning the Republican nomination. The Machine will not get behind a man who is not electable. If the machine will not get behind you ( see Pat Buchanan) then you have no chance. Give it up and move on.

Then the GOP is a dead empty party. Nothing left then the "machine"

And voters that think like this better not have anything to complain about after 2008.

If voters really wanted liberty....they would get it. But liberty is risky.
Thinking like the above post is not based on principle (Now I know why the GOP party platfiorm is dead)

I demand more. And I will go elsewhere it get it. Dont blame me, as a conservative, the party left me.

Its funny you think Ron will not win based on principle........Then I think the GOP will not win because it lacks it.

Pat H

Then the GOP is a dead empty party. Nothing left then the "machine"
After watching todays debate, the cold, unalterable fact is that the only "electable" candidate on that stage today was Ron Paul. The rest of them came off a either sleazy con men, slick effete pretty boys, kooks, or in one pathetic case, a crotchety old man with swollen neck glands.

Those of you that want a Republican in the White House come January, 2009, had better get behind the only electable candidate right now.


New member
After watching the debate I now no where all the Ron Paul supporters get their zeal from using the words Neo-con or Neo Conservative. Seems every other word out of Ron Pauls mouth today was one of those. Parrots really do repeat everything they hear.

The Tourist

using the words Neo-con or Neo Conservative

I'm glad you pointed that out.

I took a lot of English and lit courses during the protest years when every idiot with a placard and a grease pencil became a 'coalition.' I had a discussion in class one time about just what 'neo' meant in the context of a 'neo-nazi.'

If 'neo' is to be used meaning 'a new thing' and 'nazi' was the 'old thing,' then ergo, we now have a 'new old thing.' And supposedly it was the bright guys and the world thinkers who spoke in that fashion.

Every time I hear the expression 'neo,' my BS meter goes off. Is it so frakken hard to explain your position as a rendition? Is your ego so hidebound that giving credit to a guy, who lived 25 years before you, deflates your bloated stage presence?

Maybe there's wisdom in it, yet. We now have a new old guy rendition placard coalitionist.

I'm sorry I just said that. Three guys in the audience just voted for it.

Pat H

ne·o·con·ser·va·tism also ne·o-con·ser·va·tism (nē'ō-kən-sûr'və-t�*z'əm) pronunciation

An intellectual and political movement in favor of political, economic, and social conservatism that arose in opposition to the perceived liberalism of the 1960s: “The neo-conservatism of the 1980s is a replay of the New Conservatism of the 1950s, which was itself a replay of the New Era philosophy of the 1920s” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).
neoconservative ne'o·con·ser'va·tive adj. & n.

See also The Neoconservative Persuasion by Irving Kristol, one of the leaders of neoconservative movement.

The movement, since it was founded by former Trotskyites, much it owes to the communist movement of the 1930's, and to Leo Strauss.

The Tourist

“The neo-conservatism of the 1980s is a replay of the New Conservatism of the 1950s

Why not just say you're a strict constructionist, or that you support The Constitution as envisioned by The Framers?

I guess I could say that I am a "non-neo-reconstructionist." However, just hearing that makes me feel like a socialist trying to cover his true objective.

I support The Constitution, in simple English.