Sellior & Bellot .357 JSP-Too Hot?


New member
I bought half a case of S&B .357, and not only is it difficult to extract the cases, I have had one or two cases split from head to mouth in most every cylinder. The rest of the ammo is now sitting in my storage locker in a box marked "S&B CRAP." I'll use it only in a time of extreme desperation.


New member
Thanks all for your replies. At least I know now I'm not completely insane yet!

I think the conditions I last fired this cartridge in were not optimal because it was so hot and humid. Being a transplant from the PRK, which is mostly an irrigated desert, the humidity back here in KY is hard to get used to. When your hands are sweating like little pigs and the loads are hot, it makes it tough to hold onto the gun.


New member

My mother moved from Illinois to California in the 1940's for the same reason. I really liked N.M. the few times I have been there. Albequerque (sp?) reminded me alot of Pasadena CA which is my home town. Not as developed yet but it really seemed like a nice place and reminded me of home.

The humidity is a bear here but I would have to get a divorce and ditch my kids to go anywhere else now. They all love it here. For the most part it's not so bad. I guess the humidity is why everything is so green. This is the best time of year in California. I remember watering my lawn in a Hawaiian shirt several years back while people in Chicago were freezing to death. California is has become a lost cause politically over the last 4 years in particular.



New member
Russ, given your situation, crank up the AC, be sure to frequently clean the sweat off of your carry guns (voice of experience here!), and enjoy your family in the green hills of Kentucky! :D (And start drinking bourbon!)


New member
I shoot the S&B through my titanium 617T sunbbie all the time..........and yes, it is a bit rude! problem though and dead on at 10 yards with not much need for the remaining six shoots. My Dan wesson just eats them up with no worries

..........and I'm waiting to see how they go downrange through my 'now being assembeled' IMI Timberwolf pump action .357 rifle