Seecamp .32


New member

As with all Seecamps the LWS380's are few and far between.. When one does show up as being available it's gone in a heartbeat. And we are talking at a suggested retail price of $795.00. :eek:

IMO the best way, (and what I have done) to acquire an LWS380 is to order one thru a dealer, (or directly from Seecamp).. You pay a deposit, then patiently wait approximately one year until it is manufactured. And since you aren't going to get your LWS380 for a year, you might as well spend the extra $35.00 and get one with a personalized serial number of your chosing. (I did, and it doesn't delay, or accelerate your manufacture time).

For all of those folks out there thinking "geeze, almost $800 bucks for teeny little mousegun" I say, yep. But when you take into consideration that you are getting a 380cal pistol in the size of a small 25, of absolute top quality, practically handmade, which has a reputation for reliability and of which only approximately 3-4 are manufactured per month (I could be a little off, here but I think I'm correct) I consider it a bargain.

As for the gentleman (brentfoto) who thinks a Seecamp LWS32 is too pricey and a J-frame snubby is just as good I respectfully suggest, IMO, he is wrong. I HAVE two J-frame Smiths.. A 49, and a 638 Airweight Bodyguard. The Bodyguard is very light, has a great target trigger, and offers 5 rounds of +p 38cal rounds. The problem with a J-frame is that the bulk (or budge) of the cylinder on the J-frame precludes cc in many circumstances that the Seecamp can be safely and completely concealed. My 638 has a set of Crimson Trace Lasergrips on it and I STILL wind up carrying my LWS32 99% of the time.

If Larry Seecamp reads this I'm in for a "whuppin'" as he simply does not like Seecamp lovers to make a big deal of defending his pistols on other forums. His theory, (my words) is that his Seecamps are the finest little "last resort" backups in the world, but they are not for everyone. So, if you can figure out a reason that works for you that makes you prefer another firearm over a Seecamp, that's certainly your right, and go for it.

I've had the Tomcats, Guardians and KelTecs. I have in my experience found the NAA Guardian and the Keltecs to be very good pistols. (I still have them both). But if you ever take one of those and compare it to a Seecamp I think you will understand what all the hoopla is all about.

If price is your problem, and you want a very small, concealable pistol,then I would say the P3AT (or P32) would do you a great job at a very reasonable price. Getcha' one. Great value for the price I think.

Don't be concerned that Larry Seecamp will become destitute because you chose to buy a different firearm. Every Seecamp made is spoken for before it leaves the factory, and at present there is a wait to the dealers of approximately 3 months on a LWS32, and 12 months on the LWS380.

It all boils down to what you want. A Timex keeps good time, but it will never be a Rolex. I'm old, retired and have very little play money. I can't afford the best of many things, but I can afford a Seecamp (4 actually at last count) and IMO the Seecamp is the best of the best of such type pistols.

If you want the best of the best you have to pay for it. Just the nature of things. Larry Seecamp & his employees in ****ord, CT. (all 7 of them) make the Seecamp LWS32 and LWS380 and the prices and waiting times are the price of admission. They are not for everyone, but I assure you that the folks who actually own one (generally more than one) cherish them, and generally want more.

It is my understanding that the Kalifornia Seecamp LSW32's are $100.00 higher than the ones for the unoccupied States, but come with an unnecessary safety which meets the requirements of the nuts who make the gun laws in that state. Folks from the few other occupied (Mass?) states are always posting on the asking when Larry might get one of his pistols approved in THEIR states..

So, as with anything special , lots of folks want 'em, there simply aren't that many produced to go around, and they aren't cheap. Sounds good to me. :D

I'm a "Seecamp homer" and if another firearm does the job for you, no matter the price, more power to you. If you want a fantastic extremely concealable firearm of top quality and reliability you might want to consider a Seecamp..

Apologies in advance to anyone who I've offended by my long post. :)

J. Pomeroy




New member
Are the .380 Seecamps hard to come by? I don't see them available on the on-line gun sources.

The short answer is "Yes".

You can order direct from the Seecamp Co. and wait about a year or just keep hunting the major gun sites, and local shops too of course. One pops up on GunBroker ever so often, but usually at a premium price.

FWIW Ron Gilstrap, mentioned above is out of the gun business.


New member

In fact a new LWS380 popped up on one of the firearm selling websites last week and lasted 28 minutes.....:D

Ron Gilstrap actually sold me my first two Seecamps.. He is a real gentleman, and a pleasure to do business with.

I think he just wanted to retire, and I wish him well.:D



New member
I have a Seecamp LWS .32. I also have five other concealment firearms in sizez varying from a Beretta 22 up through a Kimber compact stainless .45.
The Seecamp is my always gun. Its always in my pocket in it's Mika holster.
The Seecamp quality is evident as it their customer service.
Finally, my .32 goes "bang" every time I tell it to. No jams, no problems. Just Bang evry time. no matter what.



New member
+1 for the "always gun" post. My other concealed pistols are a S&W Model 36, a S&W 442 airweight (my second most often carried), Glock 26, and S&W CS45.
All are "concealable" to varying degrees, but the Seecamp is "invisible". It's the only one I'm not constantly aware of. Other pocket pistols I've owned, then sold a are couple of Bobcats, and a Kel-Tec PF9 (won't criticize it, just didn't like it) and several others.
Texas CHL and I feel very secure with 7 rds of .32 ACP gold dots in my pocket.


New member
I've owned a Seecamp 32 for some ten years now and have always found it be a reliable high quality gun. One time I had a problem with it, not the guns fault but some defective ammo. I couldn't get an unfired round out of the chamber.

Anyway, I went to the Seecamp forum and posted about it. Would you believe Larry gave me his personal cell phone number to call him directly for help!

Now that is customer service.