SD choice for a once in a while shooter Glock vs XD


Limp wristing is NOT proper grip/shooting stance. I've tried to actually tried to change my grip so that I wasn't engaging the grip safety and wasn't able to when I was firing. That included limp wristing. I'm sure there's someone out there that can MAKE it happen but I've never met someone that didn't buy an XD because they couldn't get the grip safety to disengage.

I never said I didn't buy an XD because of it......I own an XD sc in 9mm. As for limp wristing being only from a not proper grip I can assure you that you are wrong. Limp wristing is simply not providing the gun with the Resistance it needs to cycle properly. Often this is from improper grip and stance but not always. My 10 year old holds the weapon with the perfect grip thumbs up and as high on the strap as possible with a good stance as well. Still he gets LWJ's from everything except his p-22. My wife got them from a Kahr CW9 also despite a perfect grip and stance.

Also current order price on the XD at RSR Group is 415 buck thats dealers cost sans shipping, sales tax, and mark up. Glocks order price is 440.00 from the same wholesaler however there are special programs out there that allow you to get a glock for much less around 430.00 plus tax. Mark up on the XD @ 15 percent plus shipping put it at 490.00 plus tax. The XD has gone up dude.

That's truly the only advantage with either gun unless you start playing around with grip

If you think this is true then its obvious that you have never shot them side by side. The Glock has half the muzzle flip from my side by side comparison.


New member
woah there 3 gunner, i may not own a xd but i have fooled around with them at the local gun shop, and even though they are less common around here they cost about $425 for the average at my local gun shop. Glocks usually run $500 or so in the same gun shop, and thats not bad but it comes down to personal preferences i spose.


New member
This whole "kill the Glock" thing is kinda deep on here isn't it? I never really found myself to be a real hard core Glock guy but, I find myself defending it more and more on here. Guys, the XD is a fine weapon with features that are nice. The same can be said for the Glock. They both have merits and faults depending on the user. I can't see how you can say something is junk because it dosn't work for you. They both are great guns but I don't like the XD's bore axis. So I might buy one but, I wouldn't shoot it as much as some other guns. It dosn't mean it's a peice of crap. It's not. It just dosn't fit me. Neither do sigs but, they are excellent firearms, in design and function. There is nothing that will end the Glock vs. XD vs. 1911 vs. CZ vs. M&P and so on, war. I just think maybe some people are having a hard time giving credit to different, yet fine, handguns. You may not agree but, I can't change your mind. I would just be interested to see where this hate comes from based on real fact for each hated gun. Prob. hearsay.


New member
the XD is a proven gun, designed as the hs2000 and is war proven. name a glock that is.

Halliburton and DynCorp security carry glocks I've seen pictures of g23 on dyncorp guards in iraq.


New member
1) price wise in my neck of the woods XD are cheaper than glock but not by much ($25 to $60). To me the difference in price is irrevelant

2) the only reason contractors in Iraq are not using XD is because you cannot get parts there. They are either carrying Beretta M9 or Glock. The US military has M9 parts, the Iraqi police carry Glocks. You might have a real tough time in Iraq finding Magazines for a 1911 or a sig, but it will be impossible to find a magazine for something like an XD or a S&W.

I have total respect for glocks reliability and simplicity, but I personally like the XD and the way they shoot. The glock trigger reminds me of a toggle switch and the grip angle throws me off, but it is not about me its about my wife. I need to drag her kicking and screaming to the range and make her pick one.

I'm looking for somthing with no manual safeties or switches and something that is real reliable. The M&P is still too new. The walther P99C is a possibility, but I might not be able to rent one.

So do you guys think. Out of the Glocks 19 and 26, the XD SC and lets throw in the P99C, which one will have the least amount of recoil and will be less likely to limpwrist?


New member
I will not comment on the XD, as I do not own one.

But I own a G26. I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything else. It is my daily carry (until I get my conceal carry holster for my new Springfield EMP.)

However, in a recent forum regarding the merits of the 26, a member made a great argument for the 19. Because I have big hands and wanted my pinky on the grips of the G26, I bought Pearce +0 grip extensions for my mags. The member said that I should just get a 19, because with the added length of the extensions, the dimemsions of the weapon are now almost exactly the same as the 19, yet the 19 has more capacity.

It was a good point I thought. The barrel of the 19 is about a half inch longer, but that isn't too big of a deal because the grip is what has to be concealed (assuming IWB).

So, to me, the 19 is a more versatile purchase.

But I'm still not getting rid of my 26.

I would second the notion to take a look at the M&P compact. It is a really nice weapon as well. I have the full size 9mm and absolutely love it.

Good luck with your purchase. Rent as many of these for your wife as you can!


New member
Now i havent owned either gun, but the xd is a whole hellofa lot cheapers, and the features are there, but they just don't have the same marketing campaign as the glocks, so they probably wont ever be as popular.

Unless you're hiding under a rock, how can you make such an ignorant statement. Daves-got-guns,next time you're at Wally-World open up ANY of the Gun rags in the magazine section, then come back here and tell me that Springfield doesn't have more saturation in those rags.

I personally have shot XD's, I prolly am going to pick one up for myself in '07.
I own 2 Glocks, a 30 and 19.......
My wife really enjoys shooting the 19, and in a SHTF situation I know she can do what she needs to do with the 19 if need be.
The anti-Glock sentiment with a lot of folks in this forum is really surprising! Yes I'm a member of GT........Yes I think Glocks are great firearms.......NO, I would never put down another persons choice for a carry/range gun. Were all in this thing together folks, lets start acting like it. :confused:


New member
I'm looking for a semi auto that is close to revolver like reliable.
My S&W 640 locked up tighter than a drum. Had to bring it to a smith to get it un-stuck. With a semi-auto, you can at least do a "tap, rack, fire" procedure to clear a FTF or a FTE... with a revolver cylindar lock up, your done (in more ways than one). But with today's good quality revolvers and good quality semi-autos, you'll find each quite reliable.
A Springfield XD subcompact...not as reliable as a Glock
Ah... here we go again. They are both excellent guns... both accurate, both reliable, and both are easy to shoot.

I was amazed that the XD SC is bigger than the G26
Really? Did you ever hold both and compare them? Glock 26 length 6.29" while the XD sub-compact is 6.26" Glock 4.17" high, XD 4.5" The slight differences in dimensions hardly warrant "amazement" at the size difference :)

I personally really like shooting the XD, and think its a fine weapon, but it has a higher bore axis (aka top heavy)
Top heavy? Do you mean muzzel heavy? It certainly is not top heavy but if memory serves me it does have a heavier muzzel (felt only with an empty magazine, btw). Loaded, both guns actually weigh the same (and, yes, i've weighed them myself). In my hands, that results in slightly less muzzel jump in the XD than the Glock... but that could simply be due to the fact that the XD fits my hands better.

and the grip safety may do more harm than good.
Friend, you have some reading to do. Both the G26 and XD sub-compact are as safe as their owners allow... but the grip saftey is a bonus - not a deficit.

Here's the bottom line: See if you can rent or borrow several models (such as the G26 and the XD sub-compact in 9 mm, and perhaps the Kahr PM9 or the P9... or even the Kahr K9) and have your lady shoot a few magazines in each... without informing her of your own prejudices beforehand (especially since some are based on I don't know what). She'll soon know which one she likes the best. Good luck and enjoy shooting with your wife! Your'e a lucky man.


New member
I have chosen Glock over XD's on many occasions, perhaps if the XD's had a more rust resistant finish, they would be a better choice.....hpg


New member
I hear that issue's been cleared up.

I was actually thinking of trying a .45auto compact.

If they're still rusting I'm not taking.

XD owners, I know how to take care of a gun, I clean them once a month and every time I use it. With normal care and maintenence do ya'll get rusty grip safeties?

I'm starting to like the xd but I really don't want to get gangreen from shooting it.


New member
I have gone through a variety of Glocks, in my day. I was a committed 1911advocate for the longest time, but the plastic fantastics have their uses, undoubtedly.

I am a big fan of the G26. To me, it recoils less than the 19 OR the 17, but that's just my impression. Somebody else might think diffferently, but the double-recoil spring eats up the kick nicely.

No problems with functionality of the gun. The only problem I did have was some very crappy ammo, but that wasn't the gun's fault.

It's small. My wife hated the fact the pinky hung off the grip. She really appreciated the Pearce extender, though I think it hurts concealability somewhat. That's a plus. I think smaller guns are quicker to get on target in close shooting, but that's a personal preference again.

Glock has a great track record, though it does have its detractors. It's not perfect, but find me a handgun that is. I still don't know enough about the XD, and I'm somewhat distrustful of a new design until they get around 10 years old or so. To me, Glock's track record is a bit better right now.

Walther P99's haven't been around long enough. Same for the M&P. Plus, it's a lot easier to get parts and mags for the Glocks. They're literally everywhere.

I think it's an excellent choice for your wife. Lightweight, accurate, DAO, easy-recoiling, lotsa bullets, etc. I'd pick it out of everything else mentioned here, if I had to pick only one.


New member
Since the thread took a small step toward revolver reliability. I figured I'd point out a few things. Generally revolvers have more moving parts, more entry points for grime, tighter tolerances, and in my and in many other professional opinions, a revolver is in no way more reliable than a good semi auto. That was a stigma I had banged out of my head very quickly during school. Well kept revolvers are great. I'm not bashing. Just trying to help. Generaly revolver look and feel more simple to operate so then people assume they are more reliable. A well kept revolver is reliable but, a well kept semi is just as reliable. Sorry for the hijack.


New member
+1 Mastersmith...Revolver can jam, I had both S&W and Taurs revolvers jam on me. While even my wife knows who to tap and rack, I sometimes get stumped for a few minutes when a cylinder locks up.

The grip safety on the XD just concerns me because of that slight possibility that my wife will grab the gun in a panic situation and and not properly disengage the grip safety.


New member
The grip safety on the XD just concerns me because of that slight possibility that my wife will grab the gun in a panic situation and and not properly disengage the grip safety.
That worry probably stems from the fact that some 1911's actually had that very problem - hence the presence of grip safety extenders on the better made 1911s. That said (and I'm a big 1911 fan), that is not a problem with the XD grip safety. If your wife can hold the gun well enough to depress the trigger far enough to fire the gun, either single handed or with a two hand grip, the grip safety will engage and allow the gun to fire. That's how well the grip safety is designed in that gun.

All too often we read a bunch of junk on the web from people who have little or no actual experience with a particular gun, yet never hesitate to pontificate about its pros and cons. Instead of getting hung up on rumors and imaginary fears, try putting a few 100 rounds through an XD (double handed, strong hand only, and weak hand only - and drawn from a holster) and then let me know if you have any concerns about the grip safety. The XD grip saftey is a big plus.

If you are really concerned about your wife not using a gun properly in a panic situation, please hire a qualified instructor and have him/her teach your wife how to shoot and how to practice properly when she goes to the range. Do not try to teach her yourself. If you are not willing to do that (or cannot afford to do that) please re-think the notion of getting a gun for your wife. Gun safety and proper use of a gun does not reside in one's choice of which gun to buy. To believe otherwise is pure folly.


New member
I never said I didn't buy an XD because of it......I own an XD sc in 9mm. As for limp wristing being only from a not proper grip I can assure you that you are wrong. Limp wristing is simply not providing the gun with the Resistance it needs to cycle properly. Often this is from improper grip and stance but not always. My 10 year old holds the weapon with the perfect grip thumbs up and as high on the strap as possible with a good stance as well. Still he gets LWJ's from everything except his p-22. My wife got them from a Kahr CW9 also despite a perfect grip and stance.

Also current order price on the XD at RSR Group is 415 buck thats dealers cost sans shipping, sales tax, and mark up. Glocks order price is 440.00 from the same wholesaler however there are special programs out there that allow you to get a glock for much less around 430.00 plus tax. Mark up on the XD @ 15 percent plus shipping put it at 490.00 plus tax. The XD has gone up dude.

If you think this is true then its obvious that you have never shot them side by side. The Glock has half the muzzle flip from my side by side comparison.

Ok, if his wife has the strength of a 9 year old, she may have issues with "limp-wristing". If a gun is being held properly by someone that has the strength to counter the recoil (i.e. most gun owners) then limp-wristing shouldn't be a problem. The resistance needed comes from the grip and stance. granted, if the strength isn't there, then the resistance can't be given anyway. It's a moot point and semantics. Limp-wristing shouldn't be an issue with any gun owner and a gun that they own. If someone doesn't have the strength for a gun, they won't buy it.

I guess if the XD is going up in price, then people around here are making less money. Prices on XDs and Glocks haven't changed in a long time here (i.e. I can't recall a lower/higher price on either). I paid $418 for my first one, another guy I know bought his for $418 7 months before I bought mine, and they are STILL $418. Same deal with the Glocks.

And yes, I have shot Glocks and XDs side by side. I actually shoot them side by side quite often and made sure to do so before I purchased either since I was originally trying to decide between a G19 and XD9 Service. Apparently I need to say it again, I shoot better with the XD. I know you think Glock is God's gift to gun owners but it's not. Some people don't like them, some people do. Some people are more accurate with them than anything else, and some can't hit the side of a barn. Get over the glock thing man. I've repeatedly said that they're both good guns. I don't own stock in Springfield and I don't care what he buys as long as it's the gun that works best for his situation. What I posted was truth. If you don't like it, get over it. There's no need to respond to me in every post that mentions Glocks or XDs.


New member
" A Glock in your hand is a safer bet than a cop on the phone."

ROTFLMAO... I love it! You are SO right!
Can you believe somebody actually told me that this saying was setting a bad example. I'll elaborate:D :
STEP 1) Hear loud noise and wake up
STEP 2) Piss pants if applicable
STEP 3) Grab (insert prefered handgun) and phone
Step 4) Call police and wait.
Step 5 optional)
OPTION 1) You can either throw the phone at the armed B&E suspect and let him speak with the dispatcher
OPTION 2)or you can throw a series of slugs into him. Your choice but, I'll take my chances with the slugs. Just trusting my gut here;)


Elwaine, I made my XDsc in 9mm lock up while testing it for limp wrist failures. I used a proper although super soft grip with everything loose including grip,wrists, and elbows. It didn't happen often but it did happen. BTW the XD is the least likely to limp wrist jam of the Glock, PX4 Storm, and Kahr tested. It was the most likely not to fire because of the grip safety LOL.


New member
I made my XDsc in 9mm lock up while testing it for limp wrist failures.
I hear ya, threegun. Anyone can get a semi to malfuntion. That's just another reason to learn, correctly, how to hold a gun and shoot it well (and at realistic defense distances; i.e., from a 10 foot distance - not 45 to 75 feet). Then again, revolvers will have a much greater tendency to be pulled off target due to "milking" because of the heavier trigger pull - another reason to practice.

It's "learned instinctual behavior" or "muscle memory" that will get one through a gun fight. Anyone hoping to think clearly in a panicked situation, or to rely on a particular type or make of hand gun without proper and continual practice, is better off with no gun at all.

The Glock vs (you name it) arguments are meaningless expressions of personal preferences - nothing more... nothing less.


New member
I have both a Glock and XD. The Glock 22 (full frame .40) is my issued duty weapon. My personal weapon is the XD .45, 4in. I like both guns and shoot both well. I have shot a glock 26 (or whatever the sub 9mm is) once. It shot fine.

I have no reliability problems with either pistol. I have put more rounds through the Glock, both because it's my duty pistol and because I've had it longer.

I personally shoot the XD better. The grip angle fits my hand better. I shoot the Glock almost as well, and plenty well enough to qualify each year. Both are easy to operate, break down, and clean.

Ideally, your mrs. would be able to take both to a range and fire both. If that's out of the realm of possibility, at least let her handle them at a store. Let her get a good grip and pick out some poster high up on one of the walls and see which one aims better for her. It's all about feel.