SD choice for a once in a while shooter Glock vs XD


New member
OK my wife is officially fed up with shooting a .38 snub nose that I have for her for Home defense. She actually prefers to shoot semi autos, a feels revolvers are too top heavy:confused:

Anyway I'm looking for a semi auto that is close to revolver like reliable. Something for a person that knows the basics of shooting, but will probably rarely go to the range. I also needs to be a 9mm, small in size, yet mild recoil. Also it cannot break the bank (less than $600). So here are my current options;

A Glock 19...Some people are probably scratching their heads. I'm not a converted Glock Basher yet, but I admit I'm starting to see the merits of glocks. The Glock 19 is a decent size not too big, not too small. Reliable, easy to use, and high capacity.

A Glock is what I'm concerned about. Is the Glock 26 more likely to limp wrist than a 19??? Is the recoil the same on the glock 26 vs the 19 or is it different (dual recoil spring vs a single spring and larger weapon)?

A Springfield XD subcompact...not as reliable as a Glock but the only manufacture that gets pretty close in my price range. I was amazed that the XD SC is bigger than the G26 and just a little smaller than the 19. I personally really like shooting the XD, and think its a fine weapon, but it has a higher bore axis (aka top heavy) and the grip safety may do more harm than good.

So out of those 3 what would be the best buy???


New member
I don't see how the grip safety can do any harm. If you have a proper grip on the gun, then the safety is depressed. If not then the gun won't fire (i.e. holstering, handling, etc.). In other words, if the gun is being shot, you shouldn't notice the grip safety. My XDs were the first guns I ever fired with a grip safety and the only time I noticed them is when I am taking the slide off occasionally.

I also wouldn't say the XD isn't as reliable. Maybe not as proven but that's completely different. I've never had a single failure out of my 9mm Service or my .40 SC.

Overall, both are good choices. I don't own a glock because the grip angle is annoying to me but I do think they're good guns. I have been very happy with my XDs and actually have plans for at least 2 more (.40 Service & .45 Compact. possibly another 9mm or .40 Tactical).


New member
I prefer the Glock 19, best bet though, is to take the wife to the store and see which one she prefers! :D

The Body Bagger

New member
If you want a Croatian gun imported by Springfield get the XD. Had one, had various niggling problems, got rid of it. If you want an Austrian gun get the G17. The g17 is without equal. There are numerous complaints of the .40S&W 22/23 models but the 17/19 are rock solid performers.


My wife has claimed my G-19 as her own. She can flat out shot it and with ease. The G-26 will function flawlessly however unless size is a concern (concealment issues) go with the G-19. I own both and love both........the 26 actually out shoots the bigger gun so accuracy shouldn't be an issue in your decision.

I have an XD sc and don't like it. It shoots very good but like you said its top heavy (higher bore axis). As for the grip safety it is possible to properly grip the pistol yet not disengage the GS. In my limp wrist testing (very light hold) it happened a couple of times. This could effect a woman if a positive grip is not used. BTW my XD is the least likely to limp wrist jam.


New member
yeah its a possibility that somebody could limp wrist the xd, and not engage, but you could limp wrist alooot of pistols and have cycling problems. Also i just found more reasons why people dont like glocks as in my other bulletin: "If you want an Austrian gun get the G17. The g17 is without equal." theres your prime reason for people bad mouthing glocks, saying they have no equal, glock perfection. Glocks are good, dont get me wrong but to me i would never own one, just dont like them. Now i havent owned either gun, but the xd is a whole hellofa lot cheapers, and the features are there, but they just don't have the same marketing campaign as the glocks, so they probably wont ever be as popular. Check out the compact smith wesson mp's, i think they have one out in 9mm? also bersa .380s are USUALLY good, but we have had problems with ours and i think its due to high tension mags and not using corbon ammo. Also i hear mixed thoughts on taurus autoloaders...


New member
Eh... i couldn't pick out of those choices, if i were her, i would go for a Sig p228 in 9mm, they are a blast to shoot and i love the size of mine, not to big not to small...:D but thats just my humble little opinion:rolleyes:
Daves-got-guns: Yep, you don't own either, and you apparently haven't shopped for either lately. The XD is either as much as or more than a Glock now.

I'd get wifey whichever she likes more. They're both nice pistols.


New member
I would definately recommend the XD. I would change your choice to be the standard XD40 for more bullet diameter. Why could the grip safety ever be a bad thing?

The Glock is great if you can deal with the grip angle and lack of an actual safety. Please don't flame this. Can we all just agree that a Glock will fire when the trigger is pulled, period? Even if you are holstering it.

I would check out both grips with my wife before buying. That will be the most important to her. You might even rent them to shoot. IMHO, polymer guns balance poorly without ammo, so it will hard to get a feel for it unloaded.

Also, you may look at a Kahr. That grip will fit smaller hands better. I think they are reliable, but I have had trouble with 2 range guns I've tried. I wouldn't let that temper my attitude on them, though. I think these experiences were not normal.


New member
Also try the Walther P99/P99c - in your price range, totally reliable, has a great unobtrusive decocker, nice 'verticle' mag release allows 2 finger actuation, adjustable sights, the sweet QA is consistent 7.5# trigger pull every shot, AS offers DA/SA, perfect size, perfect grips, natural pointer, German made, tennifer finish, no recoil problem in the subcompact @9mm, sure it is really easy-shooting in the full size.


New member
I have been deciding what to get for my first tupperware gun for 2 weeks till Monday when I picked my new Glock 19, the XD was 75 bucks cheaper but I went with the Glock and heres why.

1-PROVEN Over the last 20 years the Glock has been proven and carried more than any other gun in the world.

2- Glock uses metal inserts for the rail, Xd plastic on the back.

3- Freinds XD started rusting on the grip safety and slide lock after a couple days of owning it even after cleaning and oiling.

4- The abbility to change trigger pull, I like a heavier trigger and it only cost 3 bucks for the spring.

5- Simpler, less parts.

6- Accuracy, I can shoot a glock better than the 2 XD9's that I have shot.

7- The abilty to get parts or mags virtually anywhere and for cheap.

8-Malfunctions, the glock needs less cleaning, my and my buddy shot side by side yesterday and his XD started getting FTF's after 600 rounds without cleaning, my new unfired g19 went 800 rounds till I ran out of ammo. BTW I just wanted to check reliabilty and the G19 will now only get a couple hundred rounds a year now since its only my SHTF gun and not a range toy.

9- A few years back the XD's were labeled as hs2000 or something and sold for around 250 bucks and no one whould buy them then Springfield put there name on them and the price went to 450 bucks, so you get a 250 dollar gun then you pay another 200 dollars for the springfield name but you still have the same gun that was selling for 250 bucks a few years ago. :rolleyes:

BTW both are great guns these are just the reasons I spent the extra money and got the Glock and remember everyone has their own opinions and either gun will put holes in something.


New member
Wow, a lot of disinformation.

First, XD's ARE the HS2000 and the gun has been redesigned with the help of Springfield into what is out now. And how much do you think a Glock costs? My Buddy's tiny department is paying $300 for theirs. So I guess with a Glock you're paying $600 for a $300 gun! that's a stupid point.

Limp wristing is NOT proper grip/shooting stance. I've tried to actually tried to change my grip so that I wasn't engaging the grip safety and wasn't able to when I was firing. That included limp wristing. I'm sure there's someone out there that can MAKE it happen but I've never met someone that didn't buy an XD because they couldn't get the grip safety to disengage.

Malfunctions: I'm curious as to ammo. So far, the XD has passed all tortured tests the Glock has. Well, except the no cleaning test. They decided to go longer than the Glock and still had no issues. Neither gun can be expected to malfunction on you.

Accuracy: They are equally accurate for 95% of shooters out there. Personally I am more accurate with XDs than Glocks.

I've never seen a XD that cost as much as a Glock other than when the Glocks were on sale and the XDs were at regular price. My XDs were $418.99. Can someone show me that price for the Glock?

Finally, ALL XDs have melonite finishing now. No more rust. This is the same thing as tenifer w/ a diff. trade name. If you're buying a new one, it's got it. If it's used, you can email springfield and they can tell you or if you can get ahold of the test fire casings, a date after march should be melonite.

You really need to take her to handle/fire both guns. The guns are simply too close to each other in details. Like I said, I bought the XD over the Glock because of the grip angle. Yeah, I was more accurate with the XD and it was cheaper but we're not talking huge differences. The Glock does have advantages in parts. That's truly the only advantage with either gun unless you start playing around with grip (Glock's promotes locking wrist but often bigger, XD's angle more natural to hold w/ size that tends to fit more but wrist locking doesn't occur so more recoil may be "felt").


New member
everyoe has their favorites. BOTH are good choices. The 26 is a solid choice as well. It's just as accurate as the 19 mostly, but in my hands the 19 works wonders.

The 26 has a dual recoil spring, the thing with glocks is , even though the 17 is longer than the 19, the slide is the same weight, so the recoil is similar. THe 26 is of lighter weight, so they made the recoil spring better so the recoil feel similar to the 19. GLOCKS are really well designed.

That being said, the grip angle is either something you love, something you hate, or something you need to get used to. After 10 years with HK, It took some getting used to for me.

The XD has a different grip angle more similar to traditional pistols. It fells better to some. I know people always say this, but this is truly a case of what feels better in your hand.

The springer had a lot to live up to, and people have beat the heck out of it trying to break it. It's a solid piece. In 20 years, it will have the same reputation as the GLOCK.

as for the 19/26 debate, assuming you don't want to buy both, get the 26 if she has CCW permit, it's a better carry gun.

If she shoots as much as she should 2-3 times a month, the 19 may work out better.

all three are good choices.


New member
ive shot both..but only own one ..the XD 4in has its pros/cons just like the Glock and every other thing id like to see on the Glock would be the 1911 style grip safety (prb never happen)..and on both guns if the Glock had the 1911 safety id like to see just a reg flat trigger ..with the grip safety i dont feel like the funky trigger would be need...but thats just some point and time i would like to have a G19 just to say i have a Glock in the family

i wonder if putting a reg trigger and grip safety on a Glock could be done or a reg trigger on the XD is possible..hmmm gunsmiths some R/D might be needed :)


New member
If you are between a glock and an XD, why not consider a S&W M&P? they have the new 9mm compact, I just took a look at one yesterday. They have all the good features of glock and xd, plus the 3 different palm swell stocks that come w/ it so you can find a perfect fit for your hand, plus the newest ones have a manual lock-out w/key. At around $500 I am strongly considering one for carry.


New member
It sounds like your choices are really between the g19 and the xd. Some people hate grip a safety, I personaly don't notice it on the xd's I've shot. Some people say they hate the glock trigger safety,I honest to God can't feel it on any of my glocks, and you actually can get a solid trigger for a Glock but then you sacrifice the trigger saftey. I have a solid on my 17L. However, if you did utilize the solid trigger on the Glock then you should have no problem putting in one of those manual safeties. I did on my wifes G19 and she loves hers but thats an awful lot of work just to add a few perks. Go to the range, rent the guns, shoot the heck out of both. Then decide. Otherwise you will get a plethera of contradicting advice and still have no clue what to get.