Scrap yard owner sentenced to 12 years

Don H

New member
Doug11606 said:
If the aspiring athlete and his friends had turned on this man in the middle of the night alone in this junk yard and killed him the most they would have received is juvenile detention till age 21.
Perhaps you need to get to work on getting your state laws changed. In this state if such a thing happened, it is almost a certainty the juvenile would have been certified to stand trial as an adult and, depending on the exact homicide charge, would be certain to be spending at least 15-to-life.


New member
Like the law or not, believe it's wrong or not; stray from it and pay the price.

There's a lot of "jailhouse" lawyers on the inside to keep such folks company.


New member
You can't shoot someone for braking into a scrap yard. I am sure we all have done things we shouldn't have when we where teenagers i dont think you should get a death sentence for braking into a scrap yard . As for the man that fired the shot he will be more careful if it happens again before pulling the trigger.
There comes responsibilities with owning a gun. These sort of incidents just help the anti gun lobby.


New member
You can't shoot someone for braking into a scrap yard. I am sure we all have done things we shouldn't have when we where teenagers i dont think you should get a death sentence for braking into a scrap yard . As for the man that fired the shot he will be more careful if it happens again before pulling the trigger.
There comes responsibilities with owning a gun. These sort of incidents just help the anti gun lobby.

I agree, you shouldn't get a death sentence from breaking into a scrap yard.
If no one is there.


I think things change just a tad when you break into a occupied property.


New member

I don't think breaking into a scrap yard to steal scrap or whatever he was doing places him in the "Gangster" catogory. I think the employee should get more time for his actions.

Some things aren't worth killing for. Its not like the guy was being attacked and in fear for his life.


New member
"Occupied property," hmmm?

Seems to me that in most states, the yard is not considered the same as the home structure.

If the intruder had been shot in the building where the shooter lived, this probably would have been handled very differently.

As it was, seems the intruder was not in the dwelling, and was trying to hide.