School me on the SKS


New member
An SKS is kind of like going to the liquor store an buying the cheapest mass produced plonk on the shelf. It will do the job but you will have a headache in the morning.

Back when they were $125 and under guns this was just fine. Now you can buy an entry AR for the same price I've seen them going for. You may as well buy the $350 AR.

I also bought when they were cheap and own several. If you do buy one I find them more accurate when fitted with a ghost ring sight. I don't recommend the magazine conversion either. The musket length SKS doesn't lend itself to being a handy SD or HD rifle so a magazine conversion is of limited value.

44 AMP

The musket length SKS ...

what SKS is that?? To me, "musket length" implies long, and I've never seen or heard of a long barrel SKS. They are all carbine size rifles with approximate 20" barrels.


New member
Tanker ???

They are all carbine size rifles with approximate 20" barrels.
What about the "Tanker" model. Never actually measured one but sure looks to be shorter .. :confused:

Be Safe !!!

44 AMP

Never heard of a "tanker SKS". Are they like the "tanker Garand"? something made up by distributors in the US for the US market, and never an actual military issue weapon???


New member
Tanker garand didn't exist in the service. Heard it from a WWII tanker veteran. He never heard of that term. There is paratrooper SKS. Fake too. Heard it from a friend from China who served in the armed force. Tanker SKS is totally new. Most certainly fake too.


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New member
Chinese Norinco Paratrooper Type SKS 7.62x39 16" w/ Bayonet & Sling

I stand corrected; What the dealer described to me as a "Tanker", was actually a;

Chinese Norinco Paratrooper Type SKS 7.62x39 16" w/ Bayonet & Sling

Be Safe !!!


New member
what SKS is that?? To me, "musket length" implies long, and I've never seen or heard of a long barrel SKS.

Most SKSs have an OAL of 40-44", compared to the 26.5" of most ARs or even the 35" of an AK it seems awkwardly long to me. Extend out the pokey part and it is going to be chest high on most.

44 AMP

compared to the 26.5" of most ARs

I think you ought to back up that statement with some figures.
I'm NOT talking about AR pistols, or SBRs, here, but carbines and rifles.

MOST AR's are considerably longer than your claim. The M4, with a 14.5" barrel (which, by numbers made is not "most ARs) is 29.75" with the stock collapsed and 33" with the stock extended. The standard M16A1 goes a bit under 39" and the A2 is about half an inch longer yet.

I checked on the length of several ACTUAL muskets, and they are between 56 and 60 inches overall, not counting the "pokey part".

40-44" is simply not "Musket length", and the majority of ARs are not as short as you claimed.

If you have data supporting your claim, please, share it...


New member
I bought an SKS Para about 10 years ago when I walked into a local gunshot and saw it in the rack for, I don't know, something like $349.00. It has a pitted barrel that cotton patches snag on when I run them through the bore, and despite that it shoots about 3" groups at 100 yards.

The length and balance of the Para model I got makes it a handy little gun. IIRC the barrel is about 16".

When I got it, it had a 20 rd detachable duckbill magazine on it, I think Tapco. After a couple of misfeeds that required three hands to hold the bolt open, operate the magazine release, and pull the magazine out, I decided to look for an original 10 round fixed magazine. I found one and installed it and it's been running fine ever since.


New member
MOST AR's are considerably longer than your claim. The M4, with a 14.5" barrel (which, by numbers made is not "most ARs) is 29.75" with the stock collapsed and 33" with the stock extended. The standard M16A1 goes a bit under 39" and the A2 is about half an inch longer yet.

It is kind of silly to include M4's, M16A1/2 as practically none are in private hands. But even a full length 16" barrel, with the stock extended is still going to be 5-9" shorter, a pistol AR much shorter.

44 AMP

I thought it was kind of silly to say the SKS carbines are "musket length".

I get that you feel the SKS is too long to be a good home defense gun. But, you made what I feel is a ridiculous claim that "most" ARs have a length of 26.5", so, I'm saying, prove it.

You want to exclude the 10million + ARs in military service, fine. OF the several million ARs owned by private citizens in the United States, that are not legally pistols or SBRs, show me how "most" of them are 26.5" long, and not longer.


New member
There was a time... IIRC Bill Clinton was Pres...some Chinese arms dealer may have been privileged to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom...

And AIM Surplus had pretty good Russian 7.62x39 ammo for $69 a thousand delivered.
I went to a local gun show and found New In The Box Norinco 16 in bbl,10 shot, no bayonet , chrome bore SKS for $79.

I bought one just to have a tool to shoot the cheap AIM Surplus ammo.

Yes,the stock was pallet grade wood. It did slam fire a bit till I detail cleaned it. Problem solved.

I actually had to concede that,for the price,it was a pretty good "Volksrifle"

It would transform the unarmed citizen to an armed citizen. Not my first choice for a deer rifle,but it would make venison.

It was quite reliable after initial break in. I tried a cheapo SKS scope on mine. It actually shot pretty well. Probably as well as a cheap pencil barreled faux M-4 or a Mini-14. Not a bragger,but adequate.

Given the timing and the market, it was a great deal and very good value.

Today? Everything is a "Classic Collector" . (Including a 73 Chevy Pickup) I would not pay $300 for any SKS myself. The $69 a thousand ammo is gone so I don't need a tool to use it. The SKS found a new home.

As others have mentioned,there are cheep AR's available.Probably a better deal

As far as "Tanker vs Paratroop" variations.......I doubt there are a lot of SKS wielding tankers in the world...or Airborne Divisions of SKS armed Paratroopers.
I think you might find more 4 foot something 85 pound dangerous women who might be driving tennis shoes.
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44 AMP

.I doubt there are a lot of SKS wielding tankers in the world...or Airborne Divisions of SKS armed Paratroopers


There WERE Chinese paratroop units armed with SKS. Today, they aren't, they have different (more modern) arms.


New member

SKS question, where did they all go? I can't remember the last time I saw one at the public range near my home, and I have never seen one used legitimately afield. When they were cheap and available, I saw a couple surface in investigations and cases and occassionally in car stops. We viewed them as a "throw away gun" and I think poachers did too.

Now, I never see one, and can't remember the last time I did, except priced too high on a rack in some scalpers shop.


New member
SKS's were the mass produced infantry weapon, prior to the AK-47. It was cheap to make and not designed for accuracy, but to be able to unleash 30 caliber rounds downrange. I have had three of them (bought them when they were less than $100 each) and I gave two of them to my two sons. Theirs were Chinese and mine is the Russian I carry mine in my truck when heading out to the farm to check cattle and dispatch hogs or any other vermin. It is accurate enough to do the job effectively and I don't worry about getting it scratched up or wet since it is a battle rifle. I mounted a 2X handgun scope ahead of the bolt to give it the eye relief I need.
I recently replaced the stock and forearm parts with an aftermarket one to give ma a little better fit to my long arms.



New member
Once I find the pieces for the pokey thing I may sell off my Russian SKS, does not hold any appeal, and darn if they have not gone up substantially. They cease being a blast when blasting ammo is no longer darn near free. I'm seeing 500 + on GB closed auctions, I can't think of any of my investments that have appreciated 500% + in 20 years. We shall however call this an anomaly, and 500 bucks does not take one far today.
Edit: Holy Jeepers, more like a grand now for a nice Rusky SKS, I just reminded my bride she did not agree with me purchasing ten of these back then, I've one left of the three I purchased for 89 bucks. ea. cash and carry.
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New member
The way the SKS action works. It is interesting. I'm actually surprised...


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You might know that the Czech VZ-58’s op rod system is pretty identical to the SKS,
although the VZ-58 receiver’s striker design has nothing in common with an AKM (hammer etc).