School Board shooting


New member
In an interview this AM with the Wonderful Lady that tried to stop Duke with her purse she did state that it was a stupid decision, but HEY she tried and to me that counts big time!
Now if it had been my Mother in Law's purse he would be in intensive care right now with multiple fractures, ;) I always told her it should fall under some kind of dangerous weapon's law. :D
But I stand behind the Lady!

New member
It might be worth mentioning that the gunman was unable to possess a firearm since he was convicted of a crime punishable by more than a year in prison...

Wait, you're telling me a criminal, by definition a person who breaks laws, broke the gun laws? I thought gun laws were magic fairy dust that instantly removed firearms from criminals hands, or so the anti-gunners would have you believe.

FL 790.115, 2(a) is another one of those it seems to make sense when you pass the law, why would anyone "need" a weapon at a school board meeting? Kinda like in '97 in California why would police officers "need" AR-15's in their cruisers, oh, guys wearing body armor.

It's the condom principle. I'd rather have one on me and not need it, then need it and not have one.


New member
Wait, you're telling me a criminal, by definition a person who breaks laws, broke the gun laws?
That is exactly what I am saying, and its worth mentioning that many people outside of this forum won't get that concept. They see an act committed by a man with a gun, and will demand more gun control. It is up to us to show them that there were already gun laws in place to stop this (no felon possession, and no firearm on school property), but that it did little to stop this act from happening. If we can convey that properly, we can maybe help prevent the passage of even more gun control laws...


New member
I saw a video earlier on youtube when the security officer guy came in the BG even said" he probably does not have a gun with him!". and you can hear the one of the guys telling the security guy to just get out or something..About the lady with the purse well..she is brave but not sure if that was the smartest thing to do at that point:confused: one thing is for sure its a miracle nobody gut killed except the BG..

You're parsing rdmallory's comment WAY too finely ...

Sorry, but rdmallory wrote clearly and did not mince words.

The state took away their right to protect themselves by not allowing CCW permits in schools.

Of course, the fact that rdmallory made this following comment indicates that he does believe that the right of self defense isn't present in schools as he thinks the lady with the purse would have been charged.

I am sure had the outcome been different and he had lived there would an assault charge pending by him. And his attorney would be using as part of his defense.

Of course she would not have been charged. The right to self defense is indeed intact in the state of Florida.
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When did it become acceptable for the media to distort, misrepresent, speculate, outright lie, just to be the first to air a "breaking news" story?

There is so much conjecture and downright falsehoods that must be waded through, to find anything even resembling what happened and it hasn't even been 24 hours, yet...I wonder how much, politics, plays a part in such possible propaganda?


The Lady made a fundamental mistake. Do not fight the gun, fight the man.

(Did ya' guys see all that integrity and honesty sittin on the board? I never seen such respect for signs and Laws in all of thier lives...);)


NOT A SINGLE ONE of them even budged, when she swung at him...I always thought it was "fight or flight".....Makes you wonder about the mentality required to run for a seat on a school board. (That was a very nice way of saying what I think of their failure to act.)


New member
Well first, if you've never been in that situation you probably shouldn't be judging them. Second, that fight was over in about a 1/3 of second. If they had tried anything there's a good chance someone would have gotten shot.

And third... those guy were fairly old and fairly fat. I doubt any of them could have jumped up all that quickly if they could jump at all.


I'm just saying, it seemed that they were quite content with letting her jeopardize her life for theirs, and they didn't appear to want to reciprocate the favor.
I've only been in 2 situations where I felt my life was in danger. None of which involved a firearm. But in each of those, time seemed to crawl by, as if everything was in extreme slow motion. My senses went through the roof, and in hindsight, the memories of each were of really simple, vaguely related things. It was quite surreal, to say the least. As if I knew that I had no control, without even trying to control it. My strongest memory is wanting to help my wife but having no way to get to her. Even though I was sitting right beside her, at the time...Strange.


New member
The guy fired one shot, which appeared to hit the table immediately in front of one of the board members, and then he had an AD into the floor before himself being shot. I'd read that the guy shot numerous times, at various people. He got off one shot before being taken out. The part that interests me, is when did the security guard, or whomever shot the perp, show up on the scene? Did he wait until after the nut fired a round before reacting, or did he show up on the scene just as the shooting started?
Well first, if you've never been in that situation you probably shouldn't be judging them.
I am pretty sure none of us have been school board members with a gunman pointing a gun at us. However, evaluating what occurred, when, why, how, etc., is educational. Learning about situations and how things turned out and why may involve speculation, but can be helpful for future decision making processes.

Second, that fight was over in about a 1/3 of second. If they had tried anything there's a good chance someone would have gotten shot.

You exaggerate by a factor of 10. Good chance one would have gotten shot? Yep, but apparently not. The gunman didn't even shoot the woman that hit him. There was a good chance that just sitting around that someone would have gotten shot. The gunman said he was going to die "today." He told the board that. Such clues are not great for the potential victims.

And third... those guy were fairly old and fairly fat. I doubt any of them could have jumped up all that quickly if they could jump at all.
Now who is judging? The two closest were gray haired, but three of them were neither old or particularly fat.

The part that interests me, is when did the security guard, or whomever shot the perp, show up on the scene? Did he wait until after the nut fired a round before reacting, or did he show up on the scene just as the shooting started?
He showed up earlier after being allerted to the situation, saw the gunman asked if he had a real gun, the gunman invited him in and he opted to not enter. The gunman then commented that the guard probably didn't even have a gun. The guard then waited outside of the room for backup to arrived.

So he enter after the gunman fired two shots, not just one.


New member
For an armed guard to not have entered when invited I think is silly on his part.

I mean here you are, a securityguard given the opportunity to provide security to a room of people and you say "Thats quite alright."? Are you effing serious? I mean what in the hell does this guy get paid to do? Deal with kids cutting school to get MickeyD's for lunch?

Come on, that security should have been in there with his weapon pointed at the crazy guy and the second he raises his weapon TURN ON THE HEATER!


New member
I am having a hard time figuring out how many shots were fired by the security guard.
I think that there were a couple of the board members beyond the target when he fired. Its amazing nobody was hit by friendly fire.
It sure would be interesting to know if those desks were penetrated by friendly fire.
And as for the others to react would have been something they probably would have needed to be trained to do in a stressful situation like this.
I have been in sticky spots and figured I would have help from my crew and they froze. I was P.O'ed at the time but then realized I had no right expecting anything when we were(scratch that), I was winging it.

I Fault Them, NOT!
I mean what in the hell does this guy get paid to do?

We may not agree with it, but from the interviews with the board members, it sounds like the security guard did exactly as he was supposed to do...monitor the situation and wait until the real cops arrived and only to intervene if the situation went south.


New member
His instructions are likely: "Observe and Report". Sounds like he did alright. had he become the first casualty would it have turned out better?


forum posts; remarks...

I just checked over the forum member posts a few times & I see my remarks were removed. :(

I guess my posts or statements are not as valid as other website forum members.


New member
Let me say, I really don't know how I would react in that situation prior to the shooting starting, but I'm about 100% sure that once that first shot was fired, I'm on the move..... somewhere. I sure wouldn't curl up in my chair and just sit there like it appeared a few of these guys did. My gosh, at least make yourself a moving target. :rolleyes:

I like to think I would do something before the shooting started because I'd sure prefer to go down fighting than to be executed. The lady with the handbag appears to have had more guts than any of these guys but she's lucky she didn't get a couple in the head right then and there. That was also their opportunity to jump the guy and get the gun away from him. The way they all sat there, they're all lucky to be alive. But..... who can say for sure how you'd really handle that situation.


New member
I'm in Panama City where the School Board

shooting took place. Actually, I live on the beach across the bridge. On tonights 6 o'clock news they showed almost the whole video, including the cop shooting him and he going down - AND - WHILE HE WAS DOWN THEY SHOWED HIM FIRING OFF SEVERAL ROUNDS AND THEN PUTTING THE GUN TO HIS HEAD AND KILLING HIMSELF.

They just apologized on the 11 o'clock news for showing it.

Pretty amazing!!!!!