School Board shooting


New member
Have not been able to find a link to this breaking news, but its all over the TV
A remarkable Women tries to unarm him with her purse and fails.
Unbelievable nobody but the assailant dies.


New member
Yea she got no help form the other guys in there. When he turned around to look at her they had a chance but just watched. You can tell from the video he was not trying to hurt anyone. His finger was never near the trigger when he was pointing the gun directly at anyone. I think I heard they were blanks.I did not see any holes in any drywall when he was firing at the walls. Looked like a suicide by police to me. He must not of seen the sign no firearms allowed.;)

the vid in this link picks up where the other left off and the bad guy gets shot...

Check the video. Whacking with the purse did absolutely nothing useful, unfortunately.

The head of the school board did a good job of trying to work with the guy and trying to get the others released - also not useful.

I am not sure how it is that the gunman was eventually shot by a security guard. Where was he the rest of the time?

Aren't you glad the bad guys don't practice? He had stationary targets and missed at 8 feet.
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New member
Article I read last night...

.... said they were not blanks.

However, people interviewed implied they thought the guy was suicidal, and looking for a suicide by cop. He may have missed everybody he shot at by design, and not by poor marksmanship.

Supporting the "not blanks" angle, after he was wounded by the chief of security, he did finally kill himself with his own gun.


New member
Not suicide by police and not blanks. Security guard managed to shoot him in the leg but he died from his own gunshot. Unfortunately, FL law would have prevented any FL CCW holder from being armed in the meeting because the school board meeting was on school property.


New member
FL law would have prevented any FL CCW holder from being armed in the meeting because the school board meeting was on school property.

That is what I meant when I said I guess he did not see the sign. Surly if he had seen the sign he would of not brought the gun into the building.


Active member
I listened to the recording of parts of the School Board meeting this morning. What I found appalling is how poorly the idiots on the School Board handled this situation. One man arrogantly antagonized the shooter by saying "look, I know what you're all about, you just came here to to kill me so that the police to kill you..."

Another one said something like "Hey, I'm a good person...I have a good life....a nice wife and children....." to the shooter who was obviously distraught over the fact that his wife had been fired by the School Board, there benefits have run out and they had no money. Niiiiiiiice, lets rub his face in the fact that he has nothing and you have a "good life" - that'll save your can.


Really? Care to cite the law that says they don't have the right to protect themselves?

Oh, they still have the right to protect themselves........ just not with a gun.

......'Cause purses are .......sooooo effective .... in that capacity.
"Really? Care to cite the law that says they don't have the right to protect themselves?"

As I'm reading it, Florida law 790.115, 2(a):


A person shall not possess any firearm, electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon as defined in s. 790.001(13), including a razor blade or box cutter, except as authorized in support of school-sanctioned activities, at a school-sponsored event or on the property of any school, school bus, or school bus stop; however, a person may carry a firearm: (talks about school sanctioned events, training centers, etc.)"
Mike you cited a law that limits concealed carry on school property. I failed to see any part of that law that says that there is no right to protect themselves.

Did I miss the part where the lady with the purse has been arrested for her attack on the gunman, or was what she did covered under Florida's laws on self defense?


Active member
Mike you cited a law that limits concealed carry on school property. I failed to see any part of that law that says that there is no right to protect themselves.


Are you being serious? How exactly do you expect folks sitting in a meeting room, unarmed, protect themselves against an armed, distraught, suicidal madman?

You're parsing rdmallory's comment WAY too finely and in a manner not consistent with the tone and tenor of the ongoing conversation.

He obviously meant that citizens with CCW permits were/are prohibited from carrying a gun into the meeting by state law, ergo removal of right to protect oneself using a legally carried firearm.

Given the way the law is written, a 5-ton weight or a pointy stick would probably be legal when used for self-defense...

But we're not a 5-ton weight or pointy stick discussion board.


New member
It might be worth mentioning that the gunman was unable to possess a firearm since he was convicted of a crime punishable by more than a year in prison...

State prison records show Duke was charged in Oct. 1999 with aggravated stalking, shooting or throwing a missile into a building or vehicle and obstructing justice. He was convicted and sentenced in Jan. 2000 to five years in prison but was released in Jan. 2004.


the gunman was unable to possess a firearm since he was convicted of a crime (I forget which) and was sentenced to five years in prison.

So the signs are doubly ineffective- They won't keep guns OR criminals carrying them out. Who'd a thunk it?


New member
Did I miss the part where the lady with the purse has been arrested for her attack on the gunman, or was what she did covered under Florida's laws on self defense?

I am sure had the outcome been different and he had lived there would an assault charge pending by him. And his attorney would be using as part of his defense.