Scenario #2


New member
1. What if anything would you have done differently?

I also would've lay low, unless bad guy become a life threat. Some of the bg has sleepers. Those are the ones we gotta watch out for.

2. Was deadly force justified in this incident?

I would say depends on the state law.

3. Could this have been prevented?

Yes, if he didn't become a hero. I cannot criticize the defender, because he may have thought it was life or death at that sitaution.


New member
I would have stayed proned out and watched developments.

Yes, this is a deadly force incident - the BG made it so by producing his pistol and threatening the teller.

Yes, this fatality could have been avoided by prudent restraint on the part of the CCWer...




New member
I would not have stood and drew my pistol.
I am not a cop and the money is insured

Off topic but actually it isn't insured for theft. The bank takes the loss.
Even the money taken by fraud isn't insured, again they take the loss.
Believe me you don't want to know how much a bank looses a year. That and defaults is why we pay so much in interest in loans.
It is insured by FDIC for say a bank failure do to mismanagement.

That being said, banks tell their employees to give them what they want and let them leave the bank. If they are not in the bank then they believe the danger is gone and thats what is important.
They are allowed to trip an alarm via tray alarm, foot alarm or give them a dye packet, but they are not required to. They are not security or police and are not trained to be. It's a liability to the bank to require them to do it.

Now all that being said, I would only draw if and only if they shot or started shooting at someone, or tried to take money out of my hand that I had already gotten from a teller. That cash isn't the banks to say adiós to, it's MINE an the bank probably wouldn't reimburse me.

Tim Burke

New member
There was a recent bank robbery, near Chicago, IIRC, in which a teller was shot and killed.
This was so unusual that it stood out to me.
I'd still play the percentages in a bank robbery. They want to get in, get the money and get out, and I want to be unnoticed while this is going on.
That doesn't mean deadly force isn't warranted... I just think it's a bad idea.