SCC (Single Caliber Choice)


New member
OK, I know it's been asked and debated and debated some more but let's go again... Another thread got me wondering about the forum member's Magnum vs no Magnum ratio.

If you could only have one caliber, what would it be? Rimfires do not count, only centerfire. Obviously the area of the country could affect your answer as could your ability to travel to other hunting spots. But based on the target shooting and hunting you've done the last few years, what would be the one caliber you would chose right now?

I'll go first. Probably have to go with the 243. Well placed bullets will take any animal I will be shooting at in the next several years. Ammo is reasonable, if not cheap. Minimal recoil. Better than decent long range capabilities. I'd be tempted to name the 257 Roberts but as I haven't really done that much shooting (and NO hunting) with it, I had to go with the .243.


Staff Alumnus
I'd go with .308

It will do the job on most any animal in North America.

Ammo is readily available at every place that sells ammo.

IF for some reason it isn't available at a store it is available from the Government. ;)
Given the amount of hunting I now do (about 0), and the amount I may do in the future (may also be about 0), I'd probably say 7.62x39.

If, however, I entertained the thought of hunting deer again, .300 Savage.

Unkel Gilbey

New member

Personal preferences aside, I believe that you'll have a hard time finding a better all-around cartridge than the 30-06. It can (and has) been used on just about every game animal in North America, if not the planet.

You can load it hot, or load it light. Heavy bullets, light bullets, cast or jacketed. Commercial and military. And when you look at the list of bullet weights available for 30 caliber, you can see that there are a lot of different possibilities with this cartridge.

Of course there are certain cartridges which perform certain tasks better - but you will be hard pressed to find a round which has the all around capabilities of the 30-06.

Unkel Gilbey

Marko Kloos

New member
.308 Winchester, a.k.a. 7.62x51mm. It'll do just about everything the .30-06 can do, in a shorter cartridge and action. Ammo, including cheap surplus, is available everywhere, and the three-oh-eight can take anything that walks on this continent.


New member
Umm... My vote would probably be on .30-06 or maybe a .300 Magnum. If you told me I would be able to hunt big and dangerous game, maybe a .375. If you told me I could only hunt non-dangerous thin-skinned from elk down, I would say .260. If...... ;) 990 out


New member
I would have to go for the 30.06 on this one. It has a wide range of bullets and it has been a proven caliber in the field. :)


New member
Only one rifle for hunting? For me, the .30-06! I wouldn't even have to stop and think about it.

If I didn't handload, the .308! The .30-06 and .308 are roughly equal with factory ammo. With handloads, you can load .30-06 to the same pressure as the .308. About 52,000-55,000 CUP.

With good handloads, the 06 has about a 200-250 FPs advantage over the .308.

Actually, I'd feel quite well armed with either.