Scariest looking and most effective defense handgun ever


New member
I've been studying the effectiveness of personal defense handguns for a long, long time. I'm pretty much convinced that in the right hands a .45 ACP 1911 is hard to beat. However since I've been writing on this forum and reading the thoughts of others here and elsewhere on the net. I've come to the conclusion that in a one on one or two on one defense scenario, in which an individual has to suddenly produce a deadly weapon to protect their life. That a nickel plated 3.5 inch N-frame .357 is the most visually intimidating and psychologically shocking when fired handgun in the history of man.

Now before everyone goes off defending their favorite handgun, of which there are many great ones let me explain.

First of all a blue 3.5 inch Model of 1950 or Model 27 is scary enough, but nickel makes it look even bigger. Now you might say I don't care if my assailant is frightened by my pistols appearance, I only care about its effectiveness. Well, it is effective also and in more ways than one. First the noise, the .357 is notoriously loud, second with the right powder, it produces a very long flame and last, but not least, it fires a very effective projectile.

Here is the scenario, some one is threatening you with bodily harm, you produce a wicked looking nickel plated large frame handgun, that is enough to instill fear in most people, if they are still a threat you fire, the noise is deafening and a flame ten or fifteen feet long exits the barrel right behind a 125 grain projectile traveling at close to 1500 feet per second, at a range of 2 or 3 yards it would probably exit out their back at close to 60 caliber.

Now if this(and it would have to be) monstrous, insane psychopath is still on their feet you shoot them again.

If some on knows of something better and scarier, that can be easily carried, lets see it.



New member
Evening Nate, you have an interesting concept here...

my own idea goes more along the line of being proficient and sure handling in a situation. Keeping calm and focus conveys more than whatever you have.
Never has to pull but measured action seem to ward off more than anything I've encountered.
A 2" SS rides normally with me, then goes to 4" blued (9mm/.357 size) or 5" .45


A cocked, large caliber revolver that is obviously well-worn and is showing the gaping cavities of JHP rounds through the front of the cylinder.


New member
Distance is a factor ie. a .25acp 10 inches away from one's head is much more intimmidating than a .45acp 10ft. away from one's head...:rolleyes:

Big bores tend to get one's attention ie. a .45 stainless derringer presents two big bores of .45. quite boldly. I always thought the stainless Colt Officer's model .45...was a nice aesthetically intimmidating pistol.

Nevertheless, anything can be very intimmidating, especially in close quarters situations. A .38 snubbie is what it is ie. nobody is going to mistake it for a camera or a candy bar.:eek: All guns can be very intimmidating, and that's why brandishing one can get a person into a lot of serious trouble, especially if it is done unlawfully or recklessly. I don't carry to intimmidate anybody - but I do carry for self-defense, and I have no interest in intimmidating anybody or taking any prisoners.:cool:


New member
I would think a gun of any caliber, stuffed in my face, would get the same response.

A large wet place in the front of my pants. Don't think the quantity would be determined by caliber either.


New member
I would think a gun of any caliber, stuffed in my face, would get the same response.

I'm not disagreeing with you, a .22 looks small till someone points one at you. Again, there are many effective handguns, I personally would like a 1911 if I had to fight.

All I'm saying is that combined with it's visually intimidating appearance, flash bang effect and a reasonably effective projectile. The nickel plated 3.5 inch N-frame .357, may be the scariest looking, sounding and flash producing pistol ever.

A cocked, large caliber revolver that is obviously well-worn and is showing the gaping cavities of JHP rounds through the front of the cylinder.


I've had this Model 29-2 for over 20 years, it looks fairly scary from the wrong end.:) The rounds pictured happen to be 250 grain Nosler Partition-HG over a healthy charge of H-110, but it doesn't really matter most all .429 projectiles are effective.


New member
Dirty Harry... .44 Magnum in a big revolver. Pretty damn intimidating if youask me. I think Desert Eagles (in .44 or .50) are pretty intimidating too. You see that triagular shape that movies love to use so much. Besides Desert Eahles are pretty big guns.

I honestly don't believe I would find a mouse gun intimidating, especially if it was pointed at my face where I could see the muzzle. In fact, My chances of resisting and going for my own weapon would probably be much greater than if it was a larger gun or larger caliber gun. I'm not trying to sound like Mr. Tough Guy, but in a life and death situation, I believe I would have less hesitation to act against a mouse gun.


New member
Somebody ran a poll on this once among criminals. I'll have to see if I can find the study.
Basically here's what they said:
A large pistol is scarier than a small one.
A semiauto is scarier than a revolver.
A blued firearm is scarier than stainless.
A large caliber is scarier than a small one.
and (surprisingly)
A DA is scarier than SA.

But keep in mind, a firearm isn't meant to intimidate compliance, it's meant to inflict penetrating trauma. Don't rely on the BG's reaction.
If I'm forced to point a firearm at a bad guy, he'd best hope my reaction time is good enough to respond to the fact that he's complying, because I have every intention of shooting him at that moment.
I ain't a cop and this ain't a movie. Pointing a gun and saying "freeze" is a dandy way to buy a farm.


New member
Just my two cents, . . . but when thinking about intimidation factor, . . . I believe one must also add the "reputation" factor.

The 1911 has the rep, . . . I'm not sure the .44 or .357 mag do.

May God bless,


The 1911 has the rep, . . . I'm not sure the .44 or .357 mag do.

where exactly is this rock you've been living under?


I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?


New member
I used to have a 16ga. SbyS French coach gun. It was short, well balanced, an antique, as manufactured and thus legal. I wish that I could remember what I traded it for......what was I thinking?

vox rationis

New member
and (surprisingly)
A DA is scarier than SA.

They must be referring to revolvers for that one, in which case that's totally understandable

A blued firearm is scarier than stainless.

That's a little surprising, but then again I guess a "dark" gun might seem a little more sinister, a bit more scary, than a stainless/nickel that has a less serious look about it, one can argue :D (hiding now as all the members with pimpalicious shiny pistols get ready to attack)


New member
As far as the OP goes, the muzzle flame with most of the .357 Magnum ammo I've fired out of a 4" M28 seldom exceeds 4 ft at the max. Of course the blast shockwave extends out a few dozen feet. :D

The nickle M27 3.5-inch is impressive, but I think the blued version looks more intimidatingly "business like". Especially viewed from the muzzle. No doubt that the appearance of Gold Dot "Flying Ashtrays" in the cylinder would add to the effect.


Nickel Model 27 3.5-inch barrel

However, if one wants to make an impression, I don't think anything beats a large bore revolver. I have a 2.75" barreled Model 25 .45 ACP that, when viewed from the business end looks like it should have a sign over the muzzle saying Union Pacific.


Model 25 "Jovino" Custom .45 ACP


Well, I'm glad you folks like those little calibers.

I'm not sure which is scarier, the .500 Max, in blue, or the FA 83 with 400 grain XTP's peaking out.



Honorable mention goes to this .500 Linebaugh Redhawk jack built:

Heres a BFR in 50-110:

And, a .500 JRH Ruger Alaskan:


New member

Ya, I like little squib rounds like the .45 Colt, .44 and .41 Mags.

Don't you have a .500 S&W that was converted into a concealed carry piece?


Nate 45:
I get to take pictures of stuff that is really cool, made by one of the best gunsmiths in the world(check my sig)

I think this is the one you are talking about>>>


New member
i think my 357 mag is about as scary as a 357 mag can be, well i suppose i could mount a bayonet on it.

6" blued gp100 w/ crimson trace laser grips.


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