Scared of a rusted, barnacle-encrusted, firearm

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New member
I think this is a simple case of media hype. Dealing with the media on a daily basis they embellish just about everything to make the story lead better. I have been miss quoted more times than I can count. Who knows what this guy said or did.


New member
Just my thought, but maybe Eddie teaches kids to leave the area because there is a possibility that someone who hasn't learned about guns may do something dangerous with the unattended firearm?


New member
Then you must not be very familiar with firearms, but which is it, "hardly recognizable" or your inability?

I am just so, so sorry. I shall try to be more careful with my nomenclature in the future lest I attract still one more ad hom from you.

This site sure is getting antsy. I'm almost starting to miss Playboy Penguin.
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