Scared of a rusted, barnacle-encrusted, firearm

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This guy reels in a firearm that is hardly recognizable as a firearm and he is scared of it. He found it to be a ""upsetting and scary" catch." He also thought it was particularly upsetting because he had his three-year-old son with him.



Boston angler reels in handgun

Published September 24, 2012

Associated Press

BOSTON – A Boston man fishing for dinner at a city beach instead came up with an "upsetting and scary" catch -- a handgun.

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Or an imaginative "journalist?"

I was thinking of imaginative jimpeel.

This guy reels in a firearm that is hardly recognizable as a firearm and he is scare of it.

Apparently, jimpeel was able to determine from an article with no pictures that the gun was hardly recognizable as a firearm despite the fact that the fisherman recognized it as a firearm.

Sorry, you want to roll eyes about the guy being afraid of a gun he caught on his fishing line, but seem perfectly okay with creating information about the story that isn't in the source cited. :rolleyes:

So before making up information such that the gun was hardly recognizable, take the time to sleuth the story further next time. The gun is clearly a gun, a replica gun, but clearly a gun none-the-less.

It was a good enough looking gun that the police spokesperson still did not hav a determination if the gun was real or not at the time of this article.
Detectives were sent out to recover the barnacle-encrusted gun and interview Pina. Grant said it is still unclear whether the gun was real.
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New member
Lots of hysteria there !
Scrape off the barnacles ,lube it up and it'll work fine !! :D

I've seen a bunch of guns rescued from the water , cleaned up and worked fine.


New member
DNS, you quoted the "barnacle encrusted" bit yourself.

I have to agree with jimpeel - I have a hard time thinking a replica gun described as barnacle encrusted would scare anybody with a lick of sense.

I could see them thinking it might have been a disposed-of murder weapon, but I can't see them thinking "this may go off and kill me."


New member
People are trained to fear firearms. In Boston it's no different and probably worse- Boston native and until 2010 resident for ten years

Might be a murder weapon. That could be scary to contemplate. Could just be the spin on the story.

That Roxbury man shouldn't let his kid outside in the Roxbury I know, if he wants the kid to be insulated from scary stuff. It's all perspective


New member
Yeah, growing up in Boston, the mentality is that a gun sitting on the table could kill everyone in the neighborhood by its mere presence. So, any chance for the media to build the myth they will. The Boston Globe is notoriously anti gun. A neighbor of mine used to do the Lexington and Concord reenactment and one year he was stopped loading his car up at 3 am by two BPD. He explained everything but they still confiscated his stuff and the story made it to the local paper of how he was concealing the weapons in his car.


New member
So before I pulled up the pictures I was wondering what kind of bait/lure the guy was using in case I might want to go gun fishing. I mean, how do you catch something that is basically a rock with a trigger guard sitting on the bottom? However, after seeing the picture it is obvious that the proper lure is a top water plug (if I'm not mistaken here). I'm sure you'll all let me know if I'm wrong, but the only non-fish I ever drag up are sticks.


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But what Alberto Pina, 37, of Roxbury reeled in was “upsetting and scary,” he said.

“I reeled in a gun,” Pina said, still hyperventilating as he described his catch more than an hour later. “Yesterday I caught a 27-inch bluefish. Today? A gun.”

“To pull something like that out of the water is extremely dangerous. I didn’t want my son to see something like that, but he did. Horrible,” Pina said. “When I pulled it up, I dropped it over at the pier. I didn’t dare to touch it.”

Sheesh. Drama queen.

Might be a murder weapon. That could be scary to contemplate. Could just be the spin on the story.

Scary, how? Nobody's getting murdered with it anymore. It's a piece of metal and plastic. I own WWI and WWII rifles that have been used to kill people on both sides of the war. Never seen one get out of the safe and hurt anybody. A "murder weapon" isn't going to do it either.


New member
I was thinking of imaginative jimpeel.

No imagination necessary.

I had to look at the pics really hard to see which end was up on that thing. It looked like a piece of jewelry that would be worn by a woman named "Marge".

While we recognize it as a firearm, the uninitiated, like the person who hooked it, did not ... at first.

From the story you posted:

After reeling in his prize, he was briefly puzzled by the weirdly-shaped object he had pulled out of the water, ..."

Then it turned out that it wasn't even a firearm but a replica:

After examining the object, which Pina said took about 40 minutes, detectives determined the firearm to be a plastic replica and it was then disposed of, Boston police said.

Note that it took the PD 40 minutes to make that determination because they didn't readily recognize it as a real firearm. How long would it take you or me to determine it was made of plastic? Not 40 minutes, that's fer damn sure.
I had to look at the pics really hard to see which end was up on that thing.

Then you must not be very familiar with firearms, but which is it, "hardly recognizable" or your inability?

Note that it took the PD 40 minutes to make that determination because they didn't readily recognize it as a real firearm. How long would it take you or me to determine it was made of plastic? Not 40 minutes, that's fer damn sure.

But they sure as hell readily recognized it as a gun, huh?

Come on. You started this thread to make fun of some poor sap who doesn't know squat about firearms and then created the key feature that it was hardly recognizable to justify making fun of the guy. He recovered what he thought was a gun and called the cops. He did the right thing.

DNS, you quoted the "barnacle encrusted" bit yourself.

I have to agree with jimpeel - I have a hard time thinking a replica gun described as barnacle encrusted would scare anybody with a lick of sense.

I could see them thinking it might have been a disposed-of murder weapon, but I can't see them thinking "this may go off and kill me."

Yep, it has barnacles on it, but I didn't have any trouble recognizing it or its orientation. Did you? However, the issue wasn't if the gun should be scary, but if it could be recognized, which as you see, it is readily recognizable as a gun.

Won't go off? Probably not. How do you know if you are a person who knows nothing of guns? We read about "acciddents" all the time, don't we? We even have long discussions here about the dangers of mishandling of guns, even 'unloaded' guns. We readily are critical of gun owners who don't know the 4 safety rules and critical of gun owners to don't teach their kids, friends, and family the 4 safety rules after one of those folks gets ahold of a gun and has and ND. All this guy knows is that it is a gun and he doesn't want there to be a problem. He isn't right, but that is what he knows.

Heck, we "know" that unloaded guns are dangerous. I don't know how that is possible but God forbid an unloaded gun is pointed at somebody. How is it we have such a fear of unloaded guns? There is no physical way they can discharge a bullet from them if the cartridge isn't even in the gun, can they? Yet, and unloaded gun is considered as dangerous as a loaded gun. We have even had discussions about people being hurt with "unloaded" guns. How did they get hurt? The person with the gun did not understand the situation. The fisherman didn't either. So he called someone who (eventually) would.

Sheep....... Afraid of everything...
Scary, how? Nobody's getting murdered with it anymore.

You can call them sheeple and afraid, but you can also thank Eddie the Eagle of the NRA for helping promote the sense that guns are dangerous and making non-gun people that much more afraid of them. After all, his teachings indicate....

If you see a gun:

Don’t Touch.
Leave the Area.
Tell an Adult.

The Eddie Eagle Program has no agenda other than accident prevention – ensuring that children stay safe should they encounter a gun.

Guns are SO dangerous according to Eddie the Eagle that you need to leave the area or there could be an "accident." It isn't good enough to not touch one, but you can't be anywhere near it.

And who do you tell if you are an adult? The cops tell you to call them if you find a gun.

The only thing out of propportion in the story is that event made the paper. It was a non-story before the cops left the scene.


New member
He really should have just cut the line and sailed away !

Sometimes it's best not to tell the authorities. Years ago a fishing boat picked up a German torpedo in it's nets off the N Jersey coast .German U-boats sank many ships there. The Navy didn't want to risk trying to disarm it as it had been in the water for many years ,So they detonated it --along with the fishing boat !:mad:


New member
Guns are SO dangerous according to Eddie the Eagle that you need to leave the area or there could be an "accident." It isn't good enough to not touch one, but you can't be anywhere near it.

The Eddie Eagle program is for teaching children what to do when they see a gun.

I could maybe understand a non-gun person carrying this over into adulthood,,,
But to blame the Eddie Eagle program for this is somewhat laughable.


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