Savage re barrel


New member
Regarding the thread sealant, many have said it is not necessary. I have been informned repeatedly thant if you tighten the barrel nut properly you should not need to use the thread sealant. I did not apply any when I swapped my barrel and all seems well so far but I have only shot a few rounds through it.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Thread sealant...

I assume you means Loctite?

I've read rumors that Savage uses it on the factory barrels... I saw no indication of it on mine.

There should be no reason for it. The tension between the action/barrel and barrel/nut should be more than plenty.


New member
I haven't changed my barrel on my Savage yet, so I can't speak to that. But I do know they use Loctite on the bolt screw. The first time I cleaned I had to use a lever to break it.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Hard to be sure but I suspect Savage's reasoning is more along the lines of keeping less determined people out rather than being worried about it accidentally coming loose.


New member
Ya- I did not use any either. There was some on old barrel when I took it off. I put a smear of RCBS Case lube on threads just to make it spin easier and away I went. Thanks for all the help guys.


New member
From my personal experience with Savages, Savage does what it wants when it wants. There does not seem to be any absolutes with them.
That is not a negative on Savage. Savage has always prided themselves on their rifles being built by "rifle smiths" and not assembly line workers. Each rifle turns out a bit individual.
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New member
Thread sealant can be used for a variety of reasons....usually to counter warranty(loose barrel), provide a secondary lock (torque + thread lock), water intrusion blocker, tamper resistance, or to mask an improper joint. I'm guessing it is the last one since the thread diameters are so large and the nut is so small that it probably doesn't properly friction lock with the applied torque. Add to that it is loaded cyclically and failure causes a total loss of use....this is likey why they use thread locker.

Without testing, I have no way of knowing if needed, but I thing know is the generally accepted answer.

A light oil combined with a torque intended for light oil is the way to go. Check torque after 10 rounds and make your call from there.


New member
I have viewed numerous videos on barrel install's. All of them suggest using some form of thread sealant. I opted not to. I ordered a new machined,thicker barrel nut or lug?. If we can get above 15 below this weekend,I sure would like to put some rounds down it.


New member
Eppie- I tell ya. I just can't do that. It's like a obsession with me. I have to shoot. I have a Ice House ( old one) That is a 2 person. 4 ft wide by 6 ft long.
I took one of the doors ( 4 ft side all tarp by the way ) and cut it out. Now I can set my portable bench in it and fire up the Ice house heater and stay so so warm as long as the wind is not dead into me.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I'm with Eppie... -15?!


Heck, I don't go shooting at +15... make that +40.

Uh uh. I enjoy it but I hate the cold the way the devil hates good.

It better be warm or I ain't go...

and it better not be hot or I ain't going either.:D


New member
Brian--I thought you would shoot in anything too. You get some very cold stuff there too. I don't know,,Ya get things set up. Load a round,shoot,maybe take a second shot. Warm hands while barrel cools:D ha ha. I hate shooting with gloves on. Funny thing is- I can sit out Yote hunting all day in that stuff and it don't bother me at all,but sitting at a bench just seems to make it colder. The worst is walking 300 yards in snow up to your neck to set up target. Heck by the time you get back to the bench you need a nap your so darn exhausted.
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New member
Good point Reynolds. You look at the temp in your vehicle on way out ( 20 Mile drive). You think 17 below,10 to 15 MPH wind, Ya- I will have the range to myself,, Nope-You pull in and that's when you realize you are not the only Idiot. There are 3 or 4 other cars there and the only bench left is the one set for shooters that are,,, I don't know maybe 12 feet tall. Ya we have one out of 5 benches there that for some reason is just way to tall. You sit with your leg tucked under your butt and your still not high enough to use it.

All aside though, I am still getting trigger time and having fun. We have a indoor range I can go to for $20.00, but Pistol is just not as fun, I go there maybe 2 times each winter just to brush up and stay on top of my poor shooting with a pistol. If your the broad side of a Barn 50 feet away--Go ahead a tease me,because you are in no danger of getting hit:D


New member
I have to take the oppertunity to rub it in! Here at my house today 70 degrees Arizona is awesome for so many reasons but weather is the best one now!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Yes... well.. talk to me in August.;)

Actually, Payson seems a lot like Grand Junction, CO, which is close to my favorite places in the world.