Saudi Broadcasts Promote Anti-Semitism, Martyrdom

Jeff Thomas

New member
Friends, some of us have recently debated "Islamists", and the implications of radical muslims, the "War on Terror", etc. Some people are still reluctant to describe and recognize the real enemy here. Please read the article below.

Now, perhaps Fox made all of this up. Perhaps this arab network is just tweaking our nose. Perhaps I'm from Mars and believe in more anti-self defense laws ...

Or, perhaps "Islamists" are indeed the enemy of any civilized person in their right mind ...

And, to keep this gun related ... we are indeed going to need to train with and know our firearms well as long as there are such savages left in the world.

Regards from AZ,2933,55321,00.html

Saudi Broadcasts Promote Anti-Semitism, Martyrdom

Friday, June 14, 2002
By Amy C. Sims

NEW YORK — A television station backed by a Saudi prince has sparked outrage by broadcasting clips that show young children being taught to hate Jews — referring to them as "apes and pigs" — and embrace martyrdom.

Recent broadcasts on Iqraa Television, one of the global satellite channels packaged by the Arab Radio and Television Network (ART), a Saudi-based company, features anti-Semitic interviews with a father, a psychologist and even a 3-year-old girl.

During a May 7 episode of Muslim Woman Magazine, anchorwoman Doaa 'Amer asks her special guest, a 3-year-old girl named Basmallah, a series of questions the youngster quickly and calmly answers.

"Are you familiar with the Jews?" Amer asks.

The girl says yes, and says she does not like them "because…they’re apes and pigs."

"Who said so?" the anchor asks. "Our God," the girl replies, adding that Allah says this "in the Quran."

In another interview broadcast in April, Prof. 'Adel Sadeq, which the station identifies as head of a psychiatry faculty at a university in Cairo, talks of Islamic martyrs reaching "the apex of happiness."

"The height of ecstasy and happiness — and I am talking to you as a professional, a psychiatrist — comes the moment ... just like the producer told you: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and then he presses the button to blow himself up.

"The most beautiful moment, for which he would have time speed up, is the moment he says "one ... this man explodes, and he feels that he is flying."

On another program, a father discusses what lessons he’s sharing with his son.

"I am already preparing him for martyrdom, either mine or his. He asks me: If I carry out an operation and blow myself up, will Allah give me a car, a rifle to shoot with, toys? I answer him, ‘You will get everything you ask for.’"

The Middle East Media Research Institute translated and released the videotape compilation, with English subtitles, from the ART, which has transmission facilities in Italy and describes itself as "the leading producer of premium Arabic family programming and entertainment worldwide."

Widely watched Iqraa television is ART's effort to provide "a focused insight into the teachings of the Quran" to "intellectual, elite, and conservative Islamic markets."

Prince Alaweed, a member of the Saudi royal family, is reportedly a major backer of ART. He made headlines in the United States last year when he tried to donate $10 million to the World Trade Center relief effort, but was rebuffed by then New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani after saying U.S. support for Israel in part prompted the Sept. 11 attacks.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, this story would not be complete without reading about this sweet young Islamist girl ... coming to a pizzaria near you, someday ...,2933,55304,00.html

Raw Data: Interview With Muslim Girl

Friday, June 14, 2002

Following is the transcript of an interview with a 3-year-old girl conducted by Muslim Woman Magazine host Doaa 'Amer on Iqraa television:

'Amer: "Our report today will be a little different, because our guest is a girl, a Muslim girl, but a true Muslim. Allah willing, may our God give us the strength to educate our children the same way, so that the next generation will turn out to be true Muslims who understand that they are Muslims and know who their enemies are. This girl will introduce herself immediately.

She is the daughter of my sister in faith and of the artist, Wagdi Al-Arabi. Her name is Basmallah and we will ask her as well."

Toddler: Allah's mercy and blessing upon you.

'Amer: What's your name?

Toddler: Basmallah.

'Amer: Basmallah, how old are you?

Toddler: Three and a half.

'Amer: Are you a Muslim?

Toddler: Yes.

'Amer: Basmallah, are you familiar with the Jews?

Toddler: Yes. '

Amer: Do you like them?

Toddler: No.

'Amer: Why don't you like them?

Toddler: Because . . .

'Amer: Because they are what?

Toddler: They're apes and pigs.

'Amer: Because they are apes and pigs. Who said they are so?

Toddler: Our God.

'Amer: Where did he say this?

Toddler: In the Koran.

'Amer: Right, he said that about them in the Koran. Okay, Basmallah, what are the Jews doing?

Toddler: The Pepsi company.

'Amer: [Approving laughter.] You also know about the boycott, Basmallah? Did they love our master, Muhammad?

Toddler: No.

'Amer: No. What did the Jews do to him?

Toddler: [Pauses, struggling for the right answer.] The Prophet Muhammad killed someone . . .

'Amer: Obviously, our master Muhammad was strong and could have killed them. All right, you know the traditions about the Jews and what they did to the Prophet Muhammad?

Toddler: [Mumbled assent.]

'Amer: Is there a story you know?

Toddler: Yes, the story about the Jewish woman.

'Amer: The Jewish woman? What did she do to our master, the Prophet Muhammad?

Toddler: The Jewish woman?

'Amer: Yes.

Toddler: There was a Jewish woman who invited the Prophet and his friends. When he asked her, "Did you put poison (in my food)?" she said to him, "Yes." he asked her, "Why did you do this?" and she replied, "If you are a liar you will die and Allah will not protect you; if you speak the truth Allah will protect you."

'Amer: And our God protected the Prophet Muhammad, of course.

Toddler: And he said to his friends, "I will kill this lady."

'Amer: Of course, because she put poison in his food, this Jewess.

Toddler: Oh.

'Amer: [Speaking directly into the camera.] Basmallah, Allah be praised, Basmallah, Allah be praised. May our God bless her. No one could wish Allah could give him a more believing girl than she. May Allah bless her and her father and mother. The next generation of children must be true Muslims. We must educate them now while they are still children so that they will be true Muslims.

The point really isn't what this poor child said, of course. The point is the outrage that these Islamist savages would pull this crap with young children. Islamists are savages, period.

Regards from AZ


Well, the Nuke em thread was ended a few days ago but, here is more evidence.................................

USMC Retired

"your right, yes, I am".

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Evidence of a fact that was never disputed. Thanks.

The point in that thread, gentlemen, was not that there are not "Islamists" or that "Islamists" are not a threat. Not ONE person on that thread disputed the point that there are lots and lots of people out there who either believe or pretend to believe that Islam demands that they wipe "us" out, "us" being Americans or westerners.

The point in dispute was whether, in the process of attempting to kill those terrorist savages, we ought also to murder several million innocent people.

Had you, Clem, been arguing for targeted operations against "Islamists" who support terrorists, you'd have been hard pressed to find anyone with whom to argue. It's disingenuous to pretend now that that was all you wanted.


New member
Those interviews were chilling. The middle east has a long history of child sacrifice, something I though they had outgrown. Now it seems there are people who raise their children to commit mass murder and suicide, yet are unwilling to do either themselves. At a minimum it is a sick situation. The word "evil" keeps coming to mind.

I just found a site that translates Arab electronic broadcasts into english. Reading this site leaves me with just as cold a feeling as reading FNC's report


New member
It is very, very sad to see children's vulnerable minds warped into becoming racist murderers because their parents and/or distorted religions raise them that way.

I lived in Pulaski, TN for 10 years. Pulaski has the unfortunate brand of being the birthplace of the KKK, who hold at least two rallies every year on the square. What saddened me the most was seeing a young couple in the new "paramilitary dress" the Klan like to wear now (looks ALOT like Nazi gear, but they're not Neo-Nazi's, though they do show up to the Klan rally too), and in the mother's arms was a baby wearing the while KKK uniform and hood.

That little baby, who otherwise wouldn't care if the baby in the crib next to him or the baby playing with him were black or Jew, is going to grow up believing what his parents believe. And the cycle begins again.

Sick. Just plain sick.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Well said, Betty.

When I read these "interviews" with the kids I was shocked and sickened. I KNOW there are people in this world who want to kill me. I've seen them. To read about three year olds who are being told this is in the Koran is...well hell, I can't even THINK of an adjective that can be posted here.
I also read something yesterday regarding 9/11. An Islamic militant was saing that 9/11 was "only a good start" and that they "have the RIGHT to kill at least four million Americans, half of them children, plus maim and injure and harm many more". Any sympathy I ever felt for the arabs has disappeared. These people genuinely ARE savages. (I don't want to read that some are not.)


Marko Kloos

New member
So that TV station speaks for all Arabs? And all Arabs, without exception, are savages? Just checking, for clarification.


New member
lendsringer - Heard a dissenting voice from the rag head press yet to counter this disgusting diatribe of radical islamist racist tripe? I haven't. Just reverse the interview. What if a young Israeli toddler were being interviewed by a Zionist ideologue with hatred for all things Arab and the child made statements about Arabs like the ones broadcast about Jews? The Western press would be contorted in paroxysms of condemnation for all things Israeli or Jewish. But from the educated of Arab countries what do we get? A deafening silence. They believe what they believe and in forcing the rest of the world to believe as they. Some are willing to die trying. Unfortunately, we collectively here may be forced to assist them in that outcome.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Good points, Lendringser...

However, with some of the things I've heard and read lately I'm very angry. Plus, I'm the first to admit I'm angry enough to not be thinking so clearly. Maybe they all don't wish us harm, but the ones with the loudest voices and the most money seem to. I watched a program this morning about a certain sect which wants NO DISCUSSION. If you aren't a believer, you should be killed. No if's, and's or but's. The persons being interviewed stated there was no lattitude for religions living side by side in peace. If you don't believe the same thing they do, you HAVE to be killed. They seemed pretty dedicated to that task to me.



New member
What saddens me even worse than seeing a child spout racism is an adult spouting "raghead".

Here we are complaining about what the liberal American press spatters in their newspapers. If a foreigner were to read all that garbage, would you want them believing that's what all Americans are about? I don't believe the Arab newspapers speak for all Arabs. Newspapers print what they want to print, and some countries' newspapers are even controlled by the government.


New member
runt_of_the_litter - You are offended of my use of the pejorative "raghead." Perhaps rightly so. As an infidel I must be punished with death. A little extreme for my slight and smear of the Arab "street," I would opine. Guess my emotions got a little carried away after watching an HBO special the other night on the 9/11 attack with up close and personal video of people jumping from the WTC towers including what one looked like after the splat.


Staff Emeritus
I watched a program this morning about a certain sect which wants NO DISCUSSION. If you aren't a believer, you should be killed.

Ah, let me guess -- the Reverend Jim Jones and his brand of Christianity?

Catholics and/or Protestants in Northern Ireland?

Pat Robertson?
The 700 Club, 14 Jan 1991:

"You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions but I don't have to be nice to them."

Randall Terry (Founder of Operation: Rescue)?
News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN 16 Aug 1993:

"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."

Some of those followers of Christ can be bloody nasty.

Guess my emotions got a little carried away after watching an HBO special the other night on the 9/11 attack with up close and personal video of people jumping from the WTC towers including what one looked like after the splat.

I get the same way when I read books about the Inquistition, the Albigensian Crusade, and the witch-hunts.

Heard a dissenting voice from the rag head press yet to counter this disgusting diatribe of radical islamist racist tripe? I haven't.

Really? How odd. Having a problem using Google?

The search string: "muslim leaders condemn terrorism" takes 0.11 seconds and returns about 18,900 hits. And you can even vary the search words! "Muslim press condemns terrorism" gives you 8,600 returns right there on your monitor to read for your very own self. Once the foam is wiped off, of course.


Kentucky Rifle

New member
No Law Dog...

It was an Islamic sect. I do recognize that we also have had our share of crazies trying to force their own brand of religion down throats. (Along with cyanide.)
I wonder just how much harm and killing can be attributed directly to "religion"? Sad.



New member
Law Dog - Thanks for pointing me to Google. I went to both the inputs you recommended. It's nice to know American Islam, Islam in Britain, Canada, and other Western countries condemns the use of terrorism. I still didn't see any references from any Arab dailies or T.V. condemning radical Islamic terrorists (and it is radical ISLAMISTS in the Arab world intent on pursuing the force feeding of a fifth century theocracy upon the rest of us). Further, why do you assume I am a Christian (or a Jew for that matter)? The only foam near my computer is in the head on my beer. I wish you well in your endeavors at establishing moral relativism in these matters, but I do believe your readers won't bite. That dog won't hunt.


Staff Emeritus
There's nothing relativistic about my morals. I find it absolutely immoral to blame an entire religion for the actions of a small fringe group, I do not waver on my moral stance that it is wrong to insult, belittle and degrade an entire religion for the actions of a fringe group, and I am morally certain that it is un-American to blame innocents for the actions of others.

Rather, the morally relativistic part applies to those here who freely do unto others the things that they scream bloody murder about when they're on the receiving end of those actions.

It is morally relativistic to cry for justice when the police shoot innocent people during the serving of a warrant, but to demand the killing of innocent people in retaliation for a terrorist act.

It is morally relativistic to take insult when the Media protrays gun-owners as ignorant red-necks who breed with their sisters and are a danger to anything downrange, yet label any Muslim as a 'rag-head'.

It is morally relativistic to take the Media to task for potraying all gun-owners as serial killers and murderers, and then turn around and label all Mulsims as terrorists.

It is morally relativistic claim the protections of the Constitution for yourself, to demand all the God-given rights guaranteed under that document even though people in your community commit crimes and abuse those rights, yet deny those God-given rights to other people because some of their neighbors commit crimes and abuse those rights.

I believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty and everyone has certain God-given rights. Everyone.

Other people seem to believe that some people are guilty until proven innocent (not themselves, of course) and that only some people have God-given rights because of the religion they follow and the clothes they wear.

I want justice visited on those who are guilty of crimes, and I want mercy and kindness to those who have not committed crimes towards me or mine.

Other people want to label every Muslim as a 'raghead' and hate them all equally -- whether they committed any crimes or not. Guilty and innocent are all 'ragheads' and all needing to be tried and condemned.

Now, you tell me who's being morally relativistic.

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Jeff Thomas

New member
lendringser and Law Dog, I see many of your statements as straw man arguments. I think most on this board recognize the difference between Islamists and peaceful Muslims. Islamists, as recently articulated, advocate violent attacks against and destruction of non-Muslims and non-Muslim nations.

I don't see many who claim that all, or even most Muslims are Islamists. And, I saw no one claim that all Arab media is the same.

Let's not carry PC and righteous tolerance to the foolish level of ignoring our true enemies ... and, the enemies of all the civilized world.

We don't need moral relativism ... but we do need logic, and a recognition of what "color" we're operating in here. We're not in "yellow" or even "orange" any more ... we are most clearly in "red". The fight is on, and for most of us, the threat is clearly identified.

And, please ... sure there are Christian nutcases and other religious nutcases out there. But would you seriously describe them as approaching the dangers we face from Islamists? Time to get real.

I remain disappointed we waste so much time with these straw man arguments, and beating our chests about how most Muslims are peaceful. Yes, most are ... but we're facing a large number ... a large number who are not.

A final point, noted above ... even my Muslim acquaintances recognize and note the deafening silence from supposedly civilized and peaceful Arab Muslim leaders. That silence speaks volumes. And, I would hope that even the most tolerant Americans occasionally recognize the homicidal hypocrisy of some Islamist organizations ... they "condemn" terrorism on one hand, while providing funds to terrorists, families of homicide bombers and so on. Actions speak so much louder, no?

Finally, you want to discuss the Inquisition and the Crusades? Interesting. A Muslim friend noted exactly that comparison a short time ago ... but only to point out how sadly backward Islamists really are. Are we to accept Islamist barbarism because they act like some of the ignorant butchers from those sad historic passages? Frankly, I think that would be an absurd perspective.

Islamists are our enemy ... this isn't complicated, IMHO.

Regards from AZ


New member
I guess "raghead" really hit a nerve, LawDog. You have chosen to repeat it over and over and over and over. Please do a search on my posts,sir. Note what I posted early after the attacks about Islam and those responsible for these attacks. It would appear to me, dear Moderator, thou art hysterical. Get a grip, LawDog. I have read and taken to heart many of your posts. You are a thoughtful and reasoning person. However, I believe you are blinded by a defensive shield, rightly or wrongly, about ISLAM. Can you not see that which has been thrust apon us? I wish you no ill, sir. I respectfully disagree with your ascribing moral relativism to the myriad social ills our government reacts to as a non sequitur. Your posts indicate to me you are wounded. Were I a Muslim in a Western land I would too. Or am I ascribing to you that which you ascribed to me, that somehow my criticisms of radical ISLAM are attributable to the fact that I am a Christian (I don't know if I am or not, sure looks alot better than the alternative).