Sandy Hook shooting report released

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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Sane - once again - sanity is a loose term.

In modern times - insanity is a legal term and not a psychological/psychiatric term.

It has to do with the application of criminal penalties. It does not that you have a mental illness in general.

There are different standards - commonly you are sane if you know right from wrong and are aware of the consequences of your actions.

That does not mean that you can't have a host of mental illness issues.

Other standards may add that the action is not the consequence of mental illness to be considered sane and thus punishable by the criminal justice system.

That standard is the most controversial and not the majority viewpoint.

So, saying Lanza is sane or not is to use a colloquial usage and not really worth much on a technical level.


New member
I believe it would be important to dig deeper into the lost relationship with his father. If we are going to learn anything from this is not going to be how to spot a potential shooter, at least I hope not. But there are some things to learn I believe.
It bears mentioning that this is one of two expected reports. The second one is due from the state police, and it will likely be more detailed. We can start a new thread when that one becomes available.
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