SA Revolvers


New member
If I am in dangerous game territory, I am talking extremely large, I will be ripped apart in the blink of an eye territory, I am carrying a 12 gauge or 45-70 on my shoulder. There might be a revolver strapped to my hip but that will be for use on me if it comes down to it, kind of like a cyanide capsule.

One doesn't have to do with the other for me. The SA for me is to admire and have fun with, not for use as a tool of any kind.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I have always wondered about the term "plow handle" as applied to the grip of a SAA Colt (or the earlier percussion guns). I am sure not an old farm hand, but the handles on the plows I have seen bear only a general resemblance to the SAA grip. Mostly they are just round and straight; a few have swells but nothing like the famed "plow handle" grip. Were the old plow handles different, or was it just a term that someone thought was clever?


Pond James Pond

New member
For me survival gun means able to keep you alive and safe in a wild environment. If we're taking the old failure of society scenario, then I'd look for a combat weapon.

Taking the above into account and reading all of this, it seems that the only real advantage is mechanical simplicity. Fewer parts to break, springs to break etc. In the case of the Blackhawk there is also the sheer strength of the design.

These are things I like, but then I look at my Redhawk and I seem to recall only one spring in the handle!

Whilst I understand this design makes tuning harder, I still think it a plus. Given what the other parts look like I'd be most concerned about that one spring failing. The rest looks pretty tough.

So, I can see the appeal and the merit in it being a survival gun choice, but perhaps not the best. Good, but good amongst others with differing qualities to consider.


New member
i love ruger sa revolvers. the slower more deliberate pace means better aimed shots and more effective practice. as others said, as old handtools, they feel better in the hand. as "old fashioned" pieces they are more politically correct in peoples republics than black guns. rugers are built like, and work as simply as, brick outhouses. probably best employed when the adversary isnt combat loaded, for which there are better tools. in my book a ruger 357/38/9mm and 22lr/wmr are indispensable. they are the epitome of the adage: beware of the old guy with just one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


New member
I grew up with single actions. What few da's I've had I shot sa. Can't shoot a da for squat and really don't care enough to want to learn.


New member

I know there are drawbacks for the top break Schofield type revolvers but to me, the method of loading makes a lot of good common sense.

44 AMP

Top breaks are good common sense, when the alternatives are solid frame loading gate SA's, AND when you are all limited to black powder pressures.

Get past that point and the disadvantages of the top break begin to take over.

The main ones being, not as strong or durable as the solid frame swing out cylinder design, and being more labor intensive (therefore costly) to make.

Top breaks are so cool, but became an evolutionary dead end a long time ago.


New member
SA wheelguns are just more fun to shoot. What's there not to like about one of these?