S&W to close two plants

Ronin 99

New member
In the end we all lose and the Clintons will go on. Divide and conquer,turn one faction against another and when one is destroyed do it again and again and again until there's no one left. Where's our Slick Willy? We need leaders with vision who can play the political game with skill and get down and dirty when it's called for. I'm tired of being lied to,suckered and demonized. I don't care if I'm on my deathbed this Fall,I'm gonna be out there voting on election day. If we go down it ain't gonna be 'cause I didn't do my part. VOTES ARE BULLETS!! TAKE THE S.O.B.s DOWN!!! :mad:





New member
I do see one possibility for victory. That would be if S&W voided their agreement with the government and spoke out against the kind of blackmail they caved in under. I think the message now needs to be the willingness of American gun buyers to welcome them back with open arms if they realize the error of their ways. It would take a complete turn around though, not a halfway attempt to please both sides.


Sig 229 .40 - When you care enough to shoot the very best!


New member
Shed no tears for S&W.
As a corporate entity, it is reaping what
it has sown. Don't forget, Tompkins sees
Smith as a small part of its empire. That's
why it was willing to sacrifice it at the
altar of Blair/Clinton.

Tompkins will sell Smith-(hopefully at a
firesale price). The grand old name of
American handguns will not die. Instead,
it will ultimately emerge as a smaller
company with backbone.


New member
It's very sad for the employees of S&W but they didn't speak up loud enough, if they had the chance.

I don't see it as a loss for us as gun owners because as Americans there is always someone out there ready to take up the slack and start their own manufacturing. Lots of gun companies have been started since S&W and there are more yet to begin.

In my opinion, it's a great victory for gun owners of America. Maybe, just maybe S&W will see the error of their way and back out of the deal. Perhaps they'll find out that the "contracts" with govt. agencies don't pay as much as the millions of gun owners.

Last gun show that I attended, every dealer was trying to get rid of their S&Ws. Many individuals were trying to get rid of them also but without much luck. Personally I liked one of their folding combat knives but went with benchmade instead. The S&W had all of the features that I liked except one; it said S&W.

Hats off to gun owners and lets keep up the pressure!


New member
Kiffster: Man, I hope they do what you say - all that would happen is that they could go back to being sued (which they are anyway).

That or Taurus build revolvers with Smith's trigger-pull potential.



New member
Aside from the rights we are constantly in the process of losing, the fact that S&W F*&(%# themselves is just a consequence to their spineless actions. It was apparently better to sell out ALL of the consumers that bought S&W or even liked S&W, than it would have been to stand up to the so full of **** "leaders" of our disgraced nation. I have absolutely no sympathy toward any corporation that feels that way. The workers got F@^&*( but that is corporate America for you. The only way we'll keep our guns without bloodshed is if companies involved in the industry support the people that keep them in business.

---Wow! Sorry for the attitude, I didn't know I felt that strongly.

Captain Bligh

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dennie suman:
I thought when you try to subvert or destroy our constitution, you are guilty of treason.
Punishment is hanging. Doesn't this still apply?

"It is the right of the people to alter or abolish it...and to institute new government." I don't think it ever did apply.

Of the people, by the people, and for the people,


New member
Ultimately, this will mean that S&W will lower prices to try and regain market share.

Say what you will, but if a new 5906 hits the $350 mark, put me in the front of the line to buy one.

I'm not cheap, but my affections can be bought...

Take the long way home...