S&W Model 10?

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New member
Hey I'm new to the forum but have been reading posts on here for the last few months and am sincerely impressed with the amount of knowledge out there. I have several handguns that have been given to me as gifts or by members of the family but I'm finally taking the plunge and purchasing my first. I am a very traditional type when it comes to firearms and want something that has historical meaning, yet can still be fired at the range and that i wouldn't be hesitant to reach for as a means of self defense. With all of these factors I think I've narrowed it down to the S&W Model 10. While it's not my desired .357 it fits my criteria nicely. I am open to suggestions for anything else that might fit what I'm looking for but I'm curious to what particular model year would be the best and it's price as far as the Model 10 is concerned. I really like the "Victory" models but don't know their availability or price range for one in good condition. Thank for the help!


New member
"Victory" models in my area ...are pretty easy to find in decent condition for $ 125 - $ 300 / depending on how much of the original finish is still on them. A lot of them were carried by law enforcement officers ...and may be in very good shape ...but a lot of the finish is worn off ( I have one, been in my family since the late 1940's ) ..and almost all the finish is gone ...but it shoots great. Every month at my local gun shows I see at least 4 or 5 for sale. Here is mine...and the holster my uncle carried it in / for 30+ yrs as a sheriff's deputy in Montana...
S&W Mod 10 Victory  .38 spl.jpg

Year made ...makes little difference....you have to check the condition and timing ( look at the stick in this forum - on how to do it ) ...and you 'll be fine.

Other K frames to consider ...besides the mod 10's ....mod 19's or 66's in .357 mag ...and I'm seeing a lot of affordable guns in 4" barrels in both models. Mod 19's were available blued or in nickel ...and again if they have some holster wear...the price will come down / but they are probably fine. You'll have to pay a premium for Nickel. The stainless mod 66's ...are solid guns..
Mod 19's and 66's ....in my area ...$ 400 - $ 750..?? ...but prices are trending up ...unless the seller is motivated...
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New member
I tend to prefer the pinned-barrel S&Ws.

I think the Model 10 is a wonderful choice; triggers are great, they shoot to point of aim with 158gr loads, nice solid firearms.

As a matter of personal preference, I like the heavy barrel model. A little extra weight, but helps soak up recoil and get back on target quickly, as well as steadying the aim with the extra mass out front.

I picked one up with target trigger and hammer, glass-smooth action, for less than 300.
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