S&W Model 10 Question?


New member
Thanks..........I'll get to the bottom of this one way or another. It upsets me that S&W can't give a definitive answer in their tech dept.


I believe the "+P+" statement above was referencing .38-44 high velocity loads. Probably not a good idea to mix up those terms. Some .38-44 loads developed in excess of 40,000psi and should never find themselves in a K-frame of any vintage.


+P+ rounds in a Ruger GPNY...

I fired a few boxes of +P+ .38spl rounds in my law enforcement surplus Ruger GPNY revolver.
The stainless wheel gun(6 shot) was made in a contract run for the NYPD in 1991. I bought it in 2006. I fired SWC-HP +Ps & Speer Gold Dot 135gr JHPs mostly with zero problems.
I no longer own the GPNY but it was a robust, well engineered revolver.


New member
The GPNY revolvers were .357mag revolvers with. 38spl-only cylinders installed. You can shoot magnum-level loads in them with no problems. Just don't do that with S&W or Colt-made NYPD revolvers....