S&W CS shutdown?


New member
Called S&W today, to check on status of some parts. Voicemail said they are closed for some sort of project until August 15th. In the interim, they are only servicing Law Enforcement and military contracts.

Had this been advertised anywhere?


New member
They took several months to get some bad guns back to me and they were'nt even fixed. Im not surprised that they are on vacation. Probably celebrating all the money they have raked in in the last few years...:confused:


New member
I talked to them last Monday. They charged me $140 to fix a revolver that I bought second hand on Gunbroker (I got ripped off by a 'reputable' dealer). Got it back Friday. They did a great job and the price was reasonable IMO.

Maybe they're going to have their CS people beat on their QC people.


New member
Ugh......... and I just sent in my 442 for inspection/repair. Supposed to be there in Springfield tomorrow (8/2/11). My luck.

James K

Member In Memoriam
The "factory vacation" is an old New England tradition. They just close the doors for two weeks. When a lot of manufacturing was located in New England, the whole region just shut down.



New member
Nice. Not very businesslike.

I sent my Bodyguard 380 in 10 days ago and haven't even received an acknowledgment that they got it. Have to wait 2 to 3 more weeks?


New member
Jamesk has the right of it...lots of factories have a week or two week shutdown. Typically it isn't for a holiday, but cleaning and maintenence that can't get done during the normal work times. I don't know if its normal for customer service to shutdown as I've only been involved with the manufacturing end and not dealing with people.

Good luck with your gun :)

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New member
Worked in the auto industry (VW) many years ago. Every year around the middle of August the plant would be shut down for two weeks for retooling and maintenance. That's pretty much the standard for most manufacturing plants.


New member
Why not take them at their word? Their voicemail said they are closed for a project. So be it. Could be something very beneficial.


New member
Worked in the auto industry (VW) many years ago. Every year around the middle of August the plant would be shut down for two weeks for retooling and maintenance. That's pretty much the standard for most manufacturing plants

I have worked in customer service for over 15 years, and while I like S&W products and have never (knock on wood) had to use their CS, I have to say this is not very perfessional and (seems to be) a poor management decision.

I understand that manufactoring plants will and do close for extended periods of time, but I am willing to bet the customer service people of those companies usually do not.

I will admit that I am not familar with the auto industry, but I would hope the people that provide support to customers (dealer sales and repairs support) would not got 2 weeks without being able to be reached.

I could be wrong, but any company that prides itself on customer service would not shut that function down for 2 weeks.

If they are not capable of handling whatever "project" they are involved in and provide CS to their customers at the same time, then at the very least they are in over their heads on this "project".


New member
One of the companies we get our [Elevator] door equipment from was shut down for a week last month, tech support and all.
'Company Holiday' was what they called it.
'Lazy @%*$#@# Yankees' was what we called it.:D


New member
Well, someone (Rodriquez) at the S&W plant just signed for my 442. With my luck it was probably the janitor!


New member
I work in steel fabrication and I'd love a two week vacation from this heat. What a brutal summer so far...
But in this economy its hard to justify shutting down for two weeks. Even if it is tradition, which here in the sweet sunny south it is not.


New member
It does seem strange that they would shut down their Customer Service and repair operations just because they are shutting down manufacturing. However, if they are not doing any repairs I can see why they would not want people shipping in guns that are just going to pile up on the loading dock.


New member
Well at least the computers are working, e-mailed on Tuesday 8/2 - got my return label today 8/4 - Fedex has it now. The janitor is going to have a nice collection by the time they get back from vacation!:D


New member
A lot of businesses have traditionally closed for a couple weeks for vacations. It makes a lot of sense:

1. Everyone knows when they can take their vacation. For couples who both work there, this is fantastic.
2. Long time customers know it, and can work around it fairly easily..
3. With the plant shut down, a real upgrade/replacement of equipment can take place, not a rushed, "get it done ASAP" rush job.

I worked at a place that did this and it was great, no "I can't get off that week, nobody is available to take my place!". You knew a year ahead of time so you could make plans, etc. They did have a minimal "doomsday" crew, mostly senior management, there during the shutdown. They could do some of the stuff needed, but they were pretty helpless.


New member
To clarify, I am not complaining about S&W, I am simply asking if this is something they advertised, or just a long-standing thing of which I was unaware.