S&W Classic Revolver Department

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I just read a confidential memo from the R&D Department at S&W where they are doing the functional testing on the new "blocking pin" safety lock. More good news, bad news. The blocking pin was successful in stopping the bullet from shooting out the end of the barrel in 78% of the tests. Unfortunately, in the other tests, small pieces of lead and copper jacket got by the blocking pin and traveled up to 50 feet. The technicians concluded that these small pieces, although probably not fatal, could cause minor injuries or put somebody's eye out. It was proposed that a second blocking pin, at 90 degress to the first, be added. This would form an "X" blocking pin arrangement in the end of the barrel. But this idea presented a problem because there would be no way to hide the second lock. So management proposed mounting a second front sight assembly on the side of the barrel. This second sight would also swing out of the way providing access for the key, hopefully the same key used on the top lock. Management was very impressed with this idea, because a second front sight mounted on the side of the barrel could be used if you turned the gun sideways to shoot like the gang-bangers do with their Glocks and Mac 10's. Apparently the blocking pin design is still not ready for production. The new rumor going around is that it will be scrapped in favor of a hardened steel, round flapper plate that will pivot on the front sight and swing down over the end of the barrel. ;)


New member
Mods please lock or delete this. Preferably delete, due to the increasing idiotic content. I started it as a serious request for info. Regards 18DAI.
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