S&W Classic Revolver Department

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New member
I heard over on the S&W forum, that S&W is going to start a "Classic revolver department". Anyone know if this will include producing revolvers the way they used to? Or is it going to be the same stuff as current production, with internal locks and two piece barrels, dressed up to look like M29's and M19's? Regards 18DAI.


New member
I probably shouldn't be spilling the beans, but everyone will find out in January anyway when S&W announces their new "Classic 29". The new model will be based on the old "N" frame, with a highly polished deep blue finish and walnut "coke bottle" style target grips. The lock? Well, it's the old good news, bad news situation. No more ugly hole in the side of the frame. The lock location has been moved to where you can't see it. The front sight will be mounted on a vertical pin at the front and a spring-loaded locating ball at the rear. You simply swing the front sight sideways and the lock is right there in the top of the barrel rib. You turn the lock with a little key and a titanium "blocking pin" drops down into the barrel. It works just as well as the lock that comes on the regular models, except you don't have to see it. S&W is finally getting the message. This way you can have a beautiful classic design and be safe too!! ;)


New member
Sounds unsafe

If I understand this right you are stating the safety device on the Classic 29 will consist of a barrel obstruction near the muzzle. That dosen't pass the common sense test.

My first thought when I heard of the classic revolver department was Registered Magnum, but a Calssic Model 29 would be about as nifty. Elmer would be so proud :)


New member
The beautiful classic designs are safe, without a lock. The safety is between the users ears, right where it's supposed to be. Internal lock...no sale here. YMMV. Regards 18DAI.


New member
Sounds wonderful! I'm not too sure about that lock tho... but, at least Smith is listening, and trying!


New member
"at least Smith is listening, and trying!"

I've got rocks in my driveway that hear and try better than they do.

"You simply swing the front sight sideways and the lock is right there in the top of the barrel rib. You turn the lock with a little key and a titanium "blocking pin" drops down into the barrel."

You simply forget that in an emergency and you won't get a second shot. That has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard.


New member
Come on, guys. The point of the "blocking pin" is that if the trigger is accidentally pulled, the bullet won't fly out the end of the barrel and hurt somebody. If you forget to unlock the "blocking pin" before firing you may have to replace the barrel or a few of your fingers. But that is far better than an innocent bystander or somebody's kids getting accidentally shot by a gun that discharged when it shouldn't have. Saving lives, that's what gun locks are all about. ;) ;) ;)


New member
Here we go!!

I the first place the safety described is not real and Smith isn't going to put a gun out with a safety designed to blow the gun up should someone pull the trigger with it engaged. Crikey, what nonsense. I am not a fan of mandated safeties anyway. I dislike government or corporate intrusions of this sort with a passion.:barf:

Even the mechanics of this particular type of fantasy safety are ludicrous.


New member
I don't believe even S&W is going to go with such an obviously FUBAR system. Well........... no, even they would not do something so ludicrous.


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Just remember, the regulators and responsible gun manufacturers are less concerned about you than they are about the helpless "victims" of handguns, accidental or otherwise. They are looking at the big picture. Better to have a few gun owners with blown off hands, than for little Johnny to accidentally shoot the neighbor kid because his dad's .44 Magnum didn't have a safety lock. ;) ;) ;) ;)


New member
I've got my own Classic S&W department. I call it the local pawn shops and gunstores:cool: This week I bought a Model 13-4 95% condition for $275 and a 681 no dash for $300. Got them to the range today and they are sweet especially the M13. It shot a 4" 24 round group double action at 15 yards.:)


New member
DonR101395 - Congrats! Nice revolvers. I'm on the prowl for another M-13. I let it go about a year ago. They won't make them like that again. Everything you need, nothing you don't. I shop at the same classic revolver store! Enjoy yours. Regards 18DAI.


New member
My next quest is for another model 65. I've got a 65-3 3" round butt and going to start looking for a 4" square butt so it will have a playmate.


New member
"The lock location has been moved to where you can't see it. The front sight will be mounted on a vertical pin at the front and a spring-loaded locating ball at the rear. You simply swing the front sight sideways and the lock is right there in the top of the barrel rib. You turn the lock with a little key and a titanium "blocking pin" drops down into the barrel."--JB696

You're kidding, right?

I agree that the older Smiths are the best--JMHO.


New member
I try to limit myself to four winking smiley faces per post. I guess I'm going to have to up it to six. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


New member
JB, you only think you're a wiseass. I'm going to take your idea and make it one better. I plan on going to a few of the dumber-er gun shops in my area and asking about it.

I'll bet money one of the commando's will tell me he has.

Hammer It

New member
The new model will be based on the old "N" frame, with a highly polished deep blue finish and walnut "coke bottle" style target grips.

Hello JB696
I am curious if you actually work at S&W or are simply specualting this new addion you speak of coming out In Jan.?
I heard this same report before they released the model 29 anniversary issue. Sadly they made the frame in the much hated round Butt configuration as a cost cutting measure. To me the round butt frames are fine in a pocket carry-J-frame, but do NOT look right nor give the balance of a square frame which a true big bore target revolver should have.I can over look the Pimple side lock but the grip frame needs to be put back to a square configuration before it get's my attention. This also presents a problem to anyone owning one for finding any grips as most grip Manufactures S&W Included do NOT offer a round butt to square butt configuration Target pair of grips. I also do not care for the Gold accents added to the retro models currently marketed. They Look Gaudy and out of place on any classic retro revolver to me. The Price of this anniversary model 29 is a bit stiff at over $1000.00. The Coke Bottle grips will not resemble the older vintage ones as they will be an open back strap set to accomadate the round butt grip frame and are a slimmer profile than the originals if they base them like the ones on the anniversary model currently released, and have a tapered speed loader area rather than the traditional football dished style we all would like to see. I Guess that is why I like my vintage revolvers as they have Pinned and recessed options that will NOT be offered on the Modern versions. Regards, Hammer It.
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