S&W 6906 or Glock 19


New member
I had the opportunity fo test fire both 6906 and the G19 at an outdoor range.
I personally prefer the 6906
Less recoil, and the mechanics felt more superior than the G19.
And the main reason I liked the 6906...it fit my hand better.

Lucky 7

New member
Recently did some Spring cleaning and my Glock 19 and 26 have came and went but my 6904 and '98 4513 (short grip) remained in the rotation.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Glock's weight, capacity, and shootability. It was my 1st true carry gun in '06 after my Kimber refused to run. I've shot many IDPA matches with it, used it as a loaner gun and demo gun in my CCW classes.

The Glock's grip, however, never really fit me and always forced my shots a touch high while the S&W, with a slight bobtail treatment and a flat mag base pad, fits me like a glove. The 3rd Gen S&W's DA trigger, trigger reset, and SA pull are simply perfect for me and the effects on target reflect it. Additionally, I find the S&W's recoil to be softer than the compact Glocks.

For a gun I paid $350 OTD for, it has served me well and only required $10 in springs to make it 100% again.



New member
I carry a G23 the 40 short and wobbly version of the G19. I've owned the 6906 and it was a fine gun. YOU NEED TO SHOOT BOTH and decide which one you like best. They are both suitable for what you seem to want. It is a matter of your preference.

I liked the Glock because it has one trigger to learn and seems to me to be easier to carry. Both are subjective reasons.

Lucky 7

New member
Suprised someone hasn't mentioned the "shoot both" solution in this thread. Great sig line btw.



New member
I had the opportunity fo test fire both 6906 and the G19 at an outdoor range.
I personally prefer the 6906
Less recoil, and the mechanics felt more superior than the G19.
And the main reason I liked the 6906...it fit my hand better.

I now see that you have already done as I recommended - before I recommended it - and there you have your answer.

Besides, everyone needs a 3rd Gen Smith for their collection!