S&W .44spc

Dave T

New member
I sent S&W an e mail yesterday about your statement concerning the 624 cylinder and I got an answer this morning. They are sending me a shipping label and insurance to send it back.

Not giving you a hard time but a word of caution is in order. If they find the cylinder is in the range of the bad ones they will keep the gun and offer you a voucher for something else. They have no more stainless 44 Special cylinders. A guy on the S&W Forum sent his 624 in and lost it this way. He was pretty up-set but S&W would not return the gun (lawyers & liability).

Yeah, I just sent a PM to the same effect. That model is not made anymore. If the cylinder is from the bad batch of steel, they will probably keep the gun and scrap it. If you have the original box, check the end where the label is. Mine has a red 'C' in a red circle stamped on the end. I told S&W that and they said that it meant mine had already been checked out and it was OK.

I would at least call them and find out exactly what your options are.

Don't e-mail. Talk to somebody in person.


New member
Wow. That would stink out loud.

I normally try not to post without contributing, even if the contribution is simply a question or a giggle. That possibility physically cast a darkness upon my usually cheerful visage. Frowned me up proper. Man I hope that doesn't happen to you.

To quote Hawkeye Pierce, it "put me right off my fresh fried lobster."

Sorry, needed something to lighten my mood.


New member
To be truthful with everyone the 624 that I have is one of the worse N frames that I have. Trigger is nothing to write home about and 6 inch N frames don’t work well for me (4 inch !!!:D).
SO, if I get what I feel the gun is worth there won’t be any lost sleep on it. And it will help me pay for a new 96.


New member
I just got off the phone with S&W and he did confirm that SN- AHB38XX is one of the guns with a possible bad cylinder.
They actually have to test the steel and if they have a cylinder they will install one but he couldn’t tell me if they had any or not.
Sorry to hijack the thread a little.


New member
I have a half dozen .44 Specials. I have an original Model 24 with 6½" barrel and two 624's. One is a 4" and one is a 6½" barrel. I love BOTH of them. One of the best targets I ever shot was with the 6½". These are superb field revolvers and I have taken quite a number of edible small game with them. For close shots, I take them in the head. If they are farther away, then a shot through the slats does them in RIGHT NOW. All of this without excessive meat damage due to shot placement. Loaded heavy, they make a very practical deer gun.

I cast my own bullets and reload so get maximum benefits from this very practical caliber (in fact, I was loading some wadcutters for my .44's tonight). Here is the 6½":

Here is the 4":

Both of mine have the Red "C" on the box and have been checked out.



New member
I prefer the 4" barrels too, and a good 4" 624 would be my first choice. For myself, the stock grips from back then are only good for pictures - there is a reason we had so many aftermarket grips available (and still do).

A S&W 44 Special is pretty neat. And handloading is a great idea for ammo, especially with current prices.
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