Rust is killing my guns!


New member
Not trying to be a smart ass but.... I would suggest a compressor-refrigerant-heat exchanger style cooling system, ASAP. "F" that high humidity nonsense. It is also asking for trouble with mold, fungus, and attrracting bugs and such. I wouldn't give a damn what the Jones use.


New member
Things got so humid here in southern New Mexico, My leather Items and the stock on the SKS turned Green with Mold!:barf:

Resealed the door on the lock up and added another 1lb can of silica gel! Waiting to see if that did the job!


New member
That's why they call it relative humidity.

Its all relative and not absolute. You can have 30% relative humidity at 120 degrees but when the temperature falls to 50 degrees at night it becomes 100%. If the room is 85 degrees and the safe is 65 degrees guess where the dew falls?

IMHO it is more important to have a heater in the gun safe than pounds of dessicant. If you can keep the air in the safe a little warmer than the air in the room it will lower the relative humidity in the safe.


New member
I`ve used "Slick Fifty' in aerosol can for long storage of weapons in safe. Good heavy coat and no rust problems. Easily available in most stores


New member
I think meek and mild may have hit on the real problem..

the change in temperature especially when the guns are put inside a heavy duty safe.... I bet the inside of the safe is sweating when the temp drops. i think one of those low watt heaters is the answer.... keep the inside of the safe the same temp.

I store a goodly number of my guns in a cabinet in a very humid basement... and don't do a whole lot to them and there is no sign of rust... I even left a colt trooper hanging out on the sleeping porch for 9 months... spring thru fall in a leather holster...the holster grew mold.. no rust on the revolver.


New member
Another vote for EEZOX, been using it for years.

Oh, don't worry about a GoldenRod being a fire hazard, I have two 18" (18W) GoldenRods (the new ones are 1W/inch) in my safe and it keeps the interior nice and toasty warm. They run warm to the touch but not hot enough to cause a fire. If you're still concerned, they sell a 12" (12W) model or check out their GunSaver models, which are simply the old spec. GoldenRods: 12" (8W) or 18" (12W) in black.
Thanks for all your posts guys. It looks like a combination of Corrosion-X, Eezox, and maybe some other oils on the guns themselves should go a long way. And I will try that inhibitor stuff as well.

CorrosionX is a good rust inhibitor. However, Eezox is superior in corrosion resistance and lubrication qualities over CorrosionX.

My vote is Eezox. Don't need to use this in combination to CorrosionX.


New member
You gotta love the old mold box. Grew up with them. OK for dry climate but hell on guns.....

I have a silicone impregnated cloth i got at my local gun store for about $1.50. When a gun comes out I make sure to wipe down all metal with the cloth when putting it back. I have a Golden rod dehumidifier in my safe living in VA my humidity level is hardly ever under 60% 50% and it is real dry. Not a single spot of rust yet on any of mine. I am rather anal retentive about wiping them down though. Hoppes #9 and 0000 steel wool work real good for removing light surface rust then just wipe down or oil good. I also have a old school shaving brush that I also use to brush on a little oil from time to time.