Running deer

I don't shoot at squirrels running either since I typically use a 22.
I met some guys who tree squirrels with beagles, then unload their .22s on it until one hits the thing. 4-5 guys and apparently they regularly reload.


New member
If you want to try a shot at a close-up running deer with a scoped rifle or'd better have it on the lowest magnification possible --- preferably 1 or 1.5x --- so you can better pick-out the deer in your scope.


New member
I do. I do if I know I can place my bullet in the ribs. I have probably taken a third of approx. 160 deer and antelope on the run. Distance is the primary factor. Much over 150 yards I would not attempt it, but for these closer shots...and especially under, say 75 yards, an animal running sideways is far easier to anchor (for me) than a long shot (say 500 yards) with no time for a rangefinder.

Other folks would feel the opposite to be true.