Rumors of lifting the 10 round and AW ban ?


New member
Unless extended, strengthened or reauthorized in some manner, the drop dead date is 13 September, 2004. Both The House and Senate would have to agree in order to extent or reauthorize this legislation, pos that it was, is and remains.

What we all need to do is to contact and keep contacting your elected things(federal) re this, making certain that they understand that this so-called Assault Weapns Ban has got to go, and that there is absolutely no way around it.

As that old political chant went HEY, HEY, HO, HO, ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN HAS GOT TO GO!!

The foregoing applies to the federal law, part of the 1994 Crime Bill, or The Crime of 1994, depending on one's point of view. Some of the several states, California for one, have legislated on this matter already. Some of this legislation is really terrible, but that is a state matter, especially given that USSC remains intent on ducking Second Amendment questions, or so it appears.

Of course, given that the technical definition of Assault Weapons is what it is, the entire law was and is way out in left field, making no sense whatever, but try telling that to your average anti gun"congress critter", whose attitude can often be summed up as follows, "why do you plague me with facts, when my mind is made up", and who just "knows" that guns are bad, which of course is a problem.

I do not have the answer to that question, I merely keep trying, and hope that others will too.
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