Rumor on executive orders and imports


New member
Obama has not used Executive Orders to implement his policies. Most of his policies have been implemented through arcane rule making by various agencies.

Not all executive orders are published. They may be issued and through a Presidential Finding not be published.

Given this administration's fixation on veterans as being potential terrorist, (DHS latest threat assessment) and a belief that all veterans have PTSD (Senator Feinstein) and should not be allowed to own firearms. The President could issue an unpublished EO banning the ownership by veterans by issuing a presidential finding on National Security Grounds.

This same logic could be used against many other groups and or objects.

Alabama Shooter

New member
The President could issue an unpublished EO banning the ownership by veterans by issuing a presidential finding on National Security Grounds.

Whelp, there goes the half police in the country. Somebody better start rounding them up. Won't be the government workers though because about half of those guys are vets too.


New member
Alabama shooter and Come and take it. You make my point. A simple change buried in the Federal Register or through a National Security finding can have impact far beyond what it appears on the surface.

One only need to look at the problems caused by the Domestic Violence law which, at the time it was enacted, was applauded as a reasonable measure.

As one Legislator once said, the devil is in the details. Many Public Safety Measures/ National Security measures can be enacted without the normal 90 day public comment period. The damage can be done before we even are of aware it has been promulgated and way before we can take action in court.

We have all read the horror stories of recovering our guns from local law enforcement. Can you imagine the problems of recovering our AR-15s from the BATF if you were to win a court case against them for illegal seizure after a regulation was overturned by a court.