Ruger's new LCP .380


New member
Allright and you plan to do what about it? Spank them? Hurl Insults?

Nope. Bad press will do far more than insults. In the words of one LCP owner... "If Ruger's internal position is that this pistol is a low round count, no-dry fire weapon, then they have seriously misled those of us who are buying LCPs."

There are plenty of people who were previously considering this pistol that have since refused to purchase one. Again, in the words of one of them, " the only thing the LCP/Ruger "advocates" have accomplished in this thread is giving us a list of reasons never to buy a LCP.
lol Negative press? Last time I checked forums are not really considered "press". (SR9 recall aside)

And Im afraid there is more bad news for you. I know two local gun shop owners that cannot keep the silly thing in stock. And frankly, yours is the first negative thread on the LCP Ive seen anywhere on any of the forums I frequent.

To sum up, I really dont think a few people who are all PO'd cause you cant dry fire it and play SWAT around the house, and perhaps it will not last 1 million rounds, are going to change that. Couldn't you just get a snap cap for Gods sake? Seriously, they are like 5 bucks.


New member
lol Negative press? Last time I checked forums are not really considered "press". (SR9 recall aside)

I'd be willing to wager that more people use forums like these than gun rags to make decisions. Most long term gun owners know the gun rags are BS. There are many new folks looking for opinions here as well. So while it might not be "press" in the literal sense, its just as important.

And Im afraid there is more bad news for you. I know two local gun shop owners that cannot keep the silly thing in stock. And frankly, yours is the first negative thread on the LCP Ive seen anywhere on any of the forums I frequent.

I don't doubt it. There is a whole host of people that have to always have the latest and greatest thing to come out. Once the bullrush ends however, what matters is having a quality product. Thats what sustains things.


New member
I used to have a Ruger P345 and I loved it....never had a problem with it, but I traded it for an XD .45 just because of the magazine capacity alone. Im considering purchasing another P345 as soon as I can afford one

Boris Bush

I wonder what Rugers warranty is on this little piece. Even Kel-tec probably knows thiers wont last forever, but will fix it for free as long as you own it.

Is Ruger willing to do that is what I would ask myself if I were in the market for that pistol. I could care less who makes it (same pistol no matter who makes it) I want to give my money to someone that will fix or replace it even if I shot 12,000 rounds through it.............


I want to give my money to someone that will fix or replace it even if I shot 12,000 rounds through it

Excellent response and dead on especially when buying in this class and that includes all BUG type guns - they're all used for one thing and it doesn't include bench/range shooting ... :D

Boris Bush


I know people that have just over 3K through a P3AT, and it seems like it has a ways to go. We both know if it "breaks" tomorrow, Kel-Tec will fix it. Ruger hasn't proven yet that it will. They might as well say it aint that tough and to go buy another if they want it fixed. Who knows maybe Kel-tec might even fix it for ya, they seem to be real good about fixin stuff even if it wasnt the fault of the firearms design............


New member
I am reluctant to buy a "first issue" in anything including guns. R&D CANNOT account for every condition a gun may encount, even some of the everyday things.. EVERY gun is generally found with some glitches when it is made available to the public. Often the representative samples used for testing are not nearly large enough to bring some problem to the surface. Many just see more attention than others. In all likelyhood 10,000 owner/shooters are gonna find a few problems that 10 test guns didn't reveal. This is one of the reasons most stuff has a warrantee.
While I have experienced a few minor problems with Rugers, no more so than I have with anthing else. In this day of lawyers looking over your shoulder at every turn I have a hard time believing any gun company would purposely put out a substandard or disposable gun.


New member
shot my new LCP at the range

I shot my new LCP the other day, had a hard time hitting the side
of a barn so I guess I'll just use it for up close (if I ever need it for that)
I could handle the recoil easy but didn't enjoy shooting it.

(edited to add) all together only shot it about 50 times, so I'm not sure if it is broken in yet.


New member
I hope Ruger eventually introduces a LCP in 9mm, slightly larger than Kel-Tec's PF9 with a shorter and lighter trigger pull.


New member
"Crappy pistol. Several members over at sigforum have purchased them and have had major failures including breaking firing pins and damaged frames.

One of the members recieved a letter from ruger stating that this pistol has a relatively short shelf life and shouldn't be used at the range, only for self defense.

Again, ruger, they name is crap."

Where do these people come from? :confused: He doesn't own one, no doubt never handled one, provides no elaboration, I suspect never experienced the joy of trying to get a P3AT reliable (though admittedly they are a lot better now) but because "several members at SigForum" said it wasn't any good, it must be true.

You gotta love these internet gun forums. Spray yourself liberally with BS repellent before you read anything (by anyone).

Rex B

New member

I have, and have owned a number of Ruger firearms. Every last one of them can be dry-fired, and the owners manual proudly states that.

So if Ruger took the Keltec design and "improved" it, why did they not design it to be dry-fired?

As for the frame peening issue, Keltecs never had that problem. If Ruger had copied the design more accurately they would not have had a problem.

I am surprised Ruger hasn't offered a pinky extension for the LCP mags. I have those on all my Keltecs and it makes a big difference in control. Without them, I don't feel like I have a decent grip on the gun. And the LCP grip is much more slick.


New member
One of the members recieved a letter from ruger stating that this pistol has a relatively short shelf life and shouldn't be used at the range, only for self defense.

Can we get a scan of said letter? I'm not buying it.


A lot of misinformation

Keltecs not having Frame peening?? LOL

And that supposed memo sounds like a complete lie. Don't buy that at all.


New member
I have one....

115scott, I don't know if you're still checking this thread or not. Just in case you are, I do have a Ruger LCP. I got it almost 3 weeks ago. So far I am very favorably impressed with it.

My employer has a policy that forbids handguns on the premises. So I need a self defense weapon that is CONCEALED. I have my CHL and, as an American citizen, intend to defend myself to the best of my ability. The LCP fits exactly what I want at work. The KT P3AT probably would have filled the need also, but Ruger got my attention.

I could not be happier with my LCP. I'm at work at this moment and armed. Nobody but you knows that I'm armed. That's my goal! I have been very pleased with accuracy. The gun feels solid and I've had no malfunctions thus far. I've fired about 200 rounds with no hiccup and ever-improving accuracy. The gun is not hard for me to handle and recoil is not severe TO ME. You might feel the recoil was less or more than I do, but I'm actually only concerned with how the pistol works for me. I'm very pleased. I wish every investment I make was as sound as this one.:)