Ruger Transfer Bar Broken

Jim March

New member
NO. Ruger SAs are easy to work on.

You do need to find hollow-ground screwdrivers or hex bits that fit the various screws. Brownell's has a neat screwdriver kit worth looking at:

These bits are all specific to Ruger SAs. If you already have a handle get the bits only...the handle is overpriced but it does hold all the bits inside the grip. The hex drive pattern is standard...but for God's sake don't use any sort of power-driver. Seriously. If it's got a battery, don't use it on your gun. Period.

If you're going to take it down completely, and you will to swap the transfer bar, you might consider doing a spring kit at the same time:

If you want, you can also swap hammers to the SuperBlackhawk type, particularly if you're a "strong-side thumber" as opposed to an "off-hand cocker":

This is basically the same hammer as a Montado or "SASS Special run" New Vaquero. It drops the hammer "reach" distance down to near-identical with a pre-WW2 Colt SAA or most of the USFA models. The NewVaq is most closely cloned off of the post-WW2 Colt SAA which has a longer reach. With this hammer your gun will look less "period correct" but in truth it will handle closer to something Wyatt Earp might have shot back in the day :).

SASS rules recently legalized this hammer for all competition.

Just sayin, if you have an excuse to tear it all apart, put it back together *right* :D.


New member
Just got my 44 special flat top back from my gunsmith. The transfer bar had broken. My gunsmith called ruger and the lady told himthey would replace the first one free and sent him one. He said it sounded like ruger may have had some bad ones. Before it broke it had a rough spot when you would cock the hammer, now it feel ssmoth when you cock it.


New member
The Ruger Video's are great, they were the ones I used to learn how to take mine down. Just watch them a few 4/5 times and learn what everything does and you should be ok.

Bart Noir

New member
Jim March, thanks for all that info. But...

The hammer should glide forward as your finger comes off it,

I do believe you meant "trigger" rather than "hammer".

Bart Noir
Who will make that check as soon as he can get his hands on his Vaq.