Ruger SR9c

I've read good things in the past about the SR9, but not much about the new compact version. How does it stack up in both size and quality to similar compact pistols? Is it more like a PPS, or more like a PM9?


New member
I have had mine for a few months and really like it. It is accurate and reliable. It is a little bigger than some compacts(3.5" barrel), but it conceals well and feels good in my hand. It is a nice little pistol, and with the extended mag it feels very much like the SR9.
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New member
It's a very good gun. Being a double-stack gun, it's larger than the single-stack CCW options, but it's still very concealable. I really enjoyed the rental SR9c I shot. Nice ergonomics, accurate, reliable, well-made.


New member
The Sr9c can be better compared to the Glock 26 or 36 in size. The SR9c seems to have a slight concealing advantage due to a thinner slide and grip. Sr9c is heaver though. Quality is very good to excellent. I really like mine and use it as my daily carry.

Hoss Fly

I've had one (my wife really) for almost a year & its preformed 100% with everything we've put thru it-
Keeper in my book (has to be, its the only gun in the house my wife wont let me trade off) :eek:


New member
Make sure you like the thumb safety location and action. It seemed like a real stretch back for me, and not a very positive engagement, with a slippery latch, that put me off getting one.


New member
i shot my friends and its sweet!! on par with glock as far as accuracy and a bit smaller for ccw. runs all ammo well and for me has the all important manual safety. ergonomcs are good for me as a bit of a suprise. i have rather large hands and the 10 rd clip with pinky ext is perfect. i only used the 17rd clip for the range just so i didnt have to stop shooting. the extension that comes with the 17rd clip gives you the exact grip as the big brother without the barrel length.


New member
Take a look at one in a gunshop before buying. It does not feel like a quality firearm in the hand to me. The polymer feels cheap compared to glock or other euro polymer guns.


New member
I carry one every day and am very pleased with it. Over 1000 rounds through it. Reliable, shoots great, conceals very well. It's marginally bigger than a G26. Almost identical to an M&P9C, but a tad slimmer.


New member
Love it!

I will agree that it is slightly bigger than the Glock 26 that I had but it feels 10 times better in my hand and I shoot it much better than the Glock. Still transitioning to the manual safety but it is becoming more natural. With the grip spacer its like having 2 guns in one a compact and a full size. Much crisper trigger than my old glock.


New member
Yeah, the grip is slimmer and feels way better to me than the G26 as well. I couldn't get used to the curve of the stubby glock grip, but I can comfortably grip the SR9c without the finger extension.


New member
My wife uses one, and is very pleased with it. She's run 8+ ammo types through it with no failures at all. Very good fit to the hand, and one of the better triggers you will find on a semi-auto pistol - crisp and smooth.


New member
I've got extensive time with my wife's gun.

Of note:
The polymer doesn't feel any "cheaper" than any other plastic. I'm not even sure what that means or how to judge it though.

The thumb safety on my wife's gun is very positive and I have no issues hitting it instictually. Even if as a general rule I don't like thumb safeties on anything that isn't pure single action.

It's thinner in the hand and carrying than the specs will tell you. It feels alot thinner than the Glocks, M&P's, and other double stacks. For me, it feels like a pretty big difference. Very easy to carry.

My opinion is that it's as good a firearm as any. It's accurate and reliable, manufactured by a classic and reputable American company. An excellent value.

For me, it's a little smaller than I like for a gun. If they would have just made it a little bigger, G19(ish) it would have been an excellent option for my money. As is, the wife loves hers and I would recommend it.


New member
I was/am still in the market for a new Pistol for the girlfriend and we went and rented the SR9c at the range and it is leading the race at the top of our list of guns!

Great little gun for the money and is accurate as heck!:cool:


New member

Now my favorite pistol. Great for CCW and accurate as it needs to be. Very nice weight and feel.



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Ear Plugs

That Hickok Video is neat.

He's a pretty good shot.

Anyone know what brand of ear plugs he's using?




New member
Never been much of a Ruger fan, but this SR9 sure seems...compelling. The loaded chamber indicator sure is goofy though.