Ruger SR9 First Range Report


New member

I have yet to "bench" the gun to see just how inherently accurate it shoots...all shooting has been off-hand and at some speed (I plan to shoot it in our next IDPA match).

From that perspective, it shoots as well as my Glocks and about as well as my 9 mm 1911s. Its "combat" or practical accuracy is perfectly acceptable.

I feel certain, though, that it will not keep up with my EMP or Kimber Aegis custom from a bench, if for no other reason than the trigger is not as crisp. But at least for me, that is not a problem since I bought it as a carry gun and not as a bulls-eye gun.

I know that this does not fully answer your question, but it is the best I can do with what I know.



New member
I had a chance to hold one today.. the feel is excellent! I love the ergonomics and it is THIN! The trigger is a little... stiff and gritty for me, but I am guessing it will smooth out over time.

Time will tell if this one is a winner or not... but it looks good so far :)


New member
keep it going boarhunter i gotta get 1 or 2 more hi-cap pistola's before mr. hillary or obama or some other gun grabbing pirate gets are starting to influence my decision!