Ruger p95


New member
ruger P95 9mm is it-------good ? bad?
Looking to get a second pistola for informal target shooting. Nine mil because the ammo's cheap, ruger because the price on this one is more then reasonable and seems to be a well made gun. :)


They're durable & reliable. I have no problem recommending them for self-defense use. Accuracy on the ones I own has never been spectacular, but it's always been adequate.

CDNN is selling new, blued, "decocker" models for about $250 right now.


New member
I have about 1400 rds. thru my Ruger P95 and as stated above it is built like a tank, has been very reliable, accurate, relatively lightweight and very easy to clean. Just a little "fat" when carrying concealed, but tolerable.


New member
I liked my first one so much I bought a second one but without the safety. I also have one of each of the other P-series with exception for the P91, P97, and P345.

I trust my P95D every day as a house gun and truck gun. I got it at a gun show for 199 bucks, and it has its share of holster wear so I'm not worried about abusing's already seen abuse and it just keeps going :)


New member
I have a KP95DC and love it fires every kind of ammo without a failure. Very accruate too. I would highly recomend it. Probably Rugers Best 9mm in my opinion.


New member

I had one P95 stolen out of my truck, so I bought another, and have fired thousands of rounds through both, and have never had a FTF, or a jam! They fired all kinds of reloads, as well as factory fodder equally well! They are not target pistols, but both of mine would group about 4 inches at 25 yards. I also have a P97, and have fired several hundred rounds through it without any kind of failure! These are tough reliable pistols, and IMHO some of the best!


New member
I don't shoot mine anymore as every time we go to the range my girl friend won't let go of it. She does about 300 rounds per session, 3 times a month. I don't know how many rounds are through it, but it works just fine and she shoots the target centers out.


My wife has taken a liking to a P95--she says it recoils less than any other 9mm she's shot. She also likes the fact that the slide is very easy to operate.


New member
I like mine. It's been reliable and accurate. A lot of bang for the buck. I agree with your wife John the slide is very smooth. Especially after the Slide Glide treatment. It is thick around the grip though but I like that. I even added a Hogue slip on to mine so it's even thicker. I have the decocker model and I really like it. No need to carry it with the safety on just decocked. The DA pull is super heavy. Single action isn't like a tuned 1911 but it's decent.


New member
if there were a nuclear holocaust the only thing left would be roaches and ruger p-series pistols

if they ever get the bugs worked out those sr9's would be nice too
My wife has taken a liking to a P95--she says it recoils less than any other 9mm she's shot. She also likes the fact that the slide is very easy to operate.

John's wife took the words out of my wife's....

They're durable & reliable. I have no problem recommending them for self-defense use. Accuracy on the ones I own has never been spectacular, but it's always been adequate.

...and John took the words out of mine...:D

We've shot approximately 8000+ rounds through it before replacing all the major springs and selling it to a good friend. He needed a gun for HD until he gets a collection going. This is the only reason why I sold it. I told him that I want first dibs when he decides to sell it...
I have a P95DC and its a tank. I used it to qualify for my CHL and nearly shot a perfect score with it. NEVER malfunctioned and always goes bang. If it was smaller Id carry it.


New member
I think the consensus is:


A friend at work asked recently what he should choose as a first gun (wanted a semi) and I recommended the P95. Quality is as good as the "Euro-Elite" at half the price.


New member
OK, ya talked me into it! :D
Got one...........bought and paid just have to wait the ten days before I can get my sticky hands on it.;)
Dumb California gun laws:barf::mad:


New member
Lord in Heaven!!
I gave up counting all the "nines" that went down the barrel of my P95 long ago!! I bought the thing when it first came out and as long as I remember to clean under the extractor, it does not cough or bauble one bit!!
It's $250 well spent!!

CDNN is selling new, blued, "decocker" models for about $250 right now.


New member
As has been stated already, the P95 is a rock solid reliable pistol that you can trust your life with. I own a stainless KP95DC and liked it so much I bought my son one exactly like it. In my book it is the 9mm to judge all others by.

The Meatman

New member
My wife loves mine. I'm on the road alot, and she keeps it within arms reach at night.
+1 on the recoil. She shoots it better than I do, so I had to go buy a new .38 S85UL. You can't go wrong with a Ruger.