Ruger P89


New member
A friend of mine has a P89 that just won't quit. No matter what crap ammo we feed it, it just happily feeds, fires, and ejects the stuff. Never had a problem with it. I've looked at some other Rugers like the P95 and personally I prefer the P89 over most others. You don't hear much about them because they're not flashy, they're not cutting edge, they're a working mans gun, they're reliable and just plain work.


Funny you should mention the S&W 59 series. They have the ergonomics of a 2x4 with a handle on them

The 3rd generation S&W's with the straight backstrap have very comfortable ergonomics. The grip is the slimmest of any double stack 9mm. The trigger guard is undercut. The gun is extremely comfortable. This is where the Ruger grip is lacking. The arched backstrap option is poor, in my opinion.

Ignore 918v. He doesn't like them for MANY reasons, yet he still bought one. I think that speaks volumes about his opinions.

Please allow 918v to retort. 3 of the 4 reasons why 918v hates the P90 are not apparent until the gun is fired. 625's assessment is therefore haphazard. And his appreciation of mediocrity speaks volumes about him.


In your opinion. That should say it all as far as guns go. You don't like Ruger, and you troll the forum making snide, non sensical comments, as in the "gangsta" thread. Other than raising your post count, do you have anything at all to add to the discussion, Gun Kid?

By the way, the four-digit S&W 59-series is STILL a 2x4 with a handle on it as far as ergonomics goes. It balances poorly, and points low. Maybe, if you shot it "gangsta" style, it would be better? :confused:



You mean to tell me you could not understand my question in the Gangsta thread? P is for Pimp! No wonder you buy rugers.


He's a piece of work. Why on earth would anyone clutter up the bandwidth with his drivel?

It would appear that perhaps, the Rugers are putting his favorite pistols to shame.

If he's that impressed by S&W's Model 59, it must be a BIG, bulky thing like a SOCOM Model 23. Or maybe one of the Euro-trash P-series, like the P226, P7M8, or P35, or P99. You know, a PIMP gun, by his own admission.

Go get 'em, Gun Kid.

.45 Vet

New member
Closing in on 15K rounds in my P-89 de-cocker. All warm JHP-handloads; no complaints, and the factory original mags still work like new. The P-95 is a little easier to carry, but the 89 is a service stlye auto. I like the looks and feel of the 345, but too many problems with the new .45acp so far. I'll just have to keep shooting my Kimber and wait for all the bugs to be worked out.


New member
I have owned the85's, P89's, P95's and P94's and I prefer the P94's. The P Series Rugers with exception of the 45's are not the best choice for concealment, however they are reliable as heck and will digest anything you put in the clip. Accuracy is good, reliabilty is great. They are a bit bulky, the P94 and P95 are more streamlined than the P85 and P89. hpg


You are the one who made the pronouncement. I was just following your lead. The Ruger will still be reliable, durable, and as accurate as you. Spending money to buy overpriced foreign handguns won't make you a better shot, just a less financially able to practice one. :)



Some people want quality, not excessive size, poor cosmetics, and substandard ergonomics. You obviously are content with ruger pisols. I am not. I will always tell people to avoid them because there are better guns out there.

Why are you calling me gunkid? Do you want me to start calling you names?