Ruger one.........


New member
Well I just bought one. :D.

I told myself I was going to wait a year, but a local shop (Morris Firearms, Yadkinville, NC) had one for sale and I bit.

First one I've actually seen anywhere.

Haven't shot it yet and might be a couple or three weeks before I can make it to the range with it. First unfired impressions are good though.

1) It's bigger dimensionally than I was expecting. Compared to my 2.25" SP101 it's about the same size minus just a bit of length due to barrel length difference. Height wise it's the same. Grip is the same length but feels shorter due to the larger trigger guard on the LCR. Still very comfortable in my big paws though.

2) It is much lighter than it looks. When I picked it up out of the box today I said, "Wow that's light".

3) Fit and finish are very nice on all surfaces (steel, aluminum, polymer). Fit between component parts is nice.

4) Trigger is very good. Nice clean pull. Has a noticable break point just before it releases.

Overall I'm happy. :D


New member
Thankyou for your sacrifice. Now the rest of us can set on our wallets and wait to see what happens. You would be a good sport if you post the results of use. Thankyou.


New member
Is the trigger better than the typical SP trigger? From your OP, it sounds more like a GP trigger. Looking forward to your range report.


New member
Something I forgot to mention.........

It fits both of my CCW holsters for my SP101 2.25". I have an AKJ Concealco IWB and a Don Hume JIT OWB and they both work perfectly with the LCR. The dimensions are so close I'd be surprised if any SP101 holster did not work with it.


New member
The proof will be in the shooting!!!

Run 50 or so rounds through it and let us know!!

If it's anything like my Taurus UltraLite (17oz), your hand will after the experience, especially after +P rounds!! ;)


New member
I had a Taurus 817 UL. It was actually pretty mild, but was the larger 7 shot frame size.

I regularly shoot hot .357 mags (125 gr. Remington JSP's) through my SP101, and I used to shoot and hunt with a SRH in .454 Casull. I also think a fun day at the range is my LCP and 200 rounds.

I think I'll be OK ;)

I may have to sneak off to the indoor range at lunchtime one day this week :D.


New member
That's a great price for a gun with such a pent up demand. I was at the gun show today. They had only one in the whole show and the price was $700 without the laser grips.

I played with it and the fit and finish was very good. The grips felt great. After getting to handle it , it is definitely on my list as soon as the price in my neighborhood gets into the $450 range.

The good news is they are starting to ship. Congrats on your purchase. I'm looking forward to reading members range reports.


What about the trigger return, there is already talk about the trigger return spring being to weak, makeing it jam up in fast double action. How does it seem to you? orchidhunter


New member
Seems fine to me. I've already had the snap caps out doing some dry fire practice today. I can see how it would be easy to short stroke the trigger and it not fire. I did it once on the first round of dry firing. Easy to familiarize yourself with the trigger stroke to prevent it from happening though. It didn't jam exactly, the hammer/firing pin just didn't drop.


New member
Yep, camera battery just got charged. It was dead earlier when I first got home.

Photobucket is acting up so I'll just upload them directly here.

With the rest of the wheelgun family (minus one of the 4" GP100's that's at my Father in Law's house)




yes, before anyone asks those are snap caps in the LCR.


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New member



And in the box with all the kit that comes with it.



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New member
Yeah, I'm gonna try to get to the indoor range this week. They're closed tomorrow and Monday though. My gun club membership has lapsed and the paperwork is in transit to get renewed.

I could squeeze off a few at my FIL's house maybe, but I'd rather hit the indoor range with it on Tues/Wed


New member
In the comparative photos it looks bigger than I thought it would be. You're right, it seems to have dimensions similar to the SP101. But, in your hand it looks like a true pocket revolver.


New member
wow...its really ugly!

Did you think mine would be more attractive than the others that have been splashed all over the internet for the last couple months?

Or did you ask for pics just so you could express your aesthetic opinion?