Ruger LCR and J Frame


New member
I hear of people carrying J frames and LCR in their pockets but is it easier said than done? Ive pocket carried an LCP for about a year, sold it cause i was offered a price i couldnt turn down, but ive been thinking about getting a wheel gun, and I want to pocket carry it, I know a good holster is everything, but im 6'3 245lbs with a stocky body type (not fat but not a stick), and was wondering if i could pull it off.

David the Gnome

New member
I've always found the cylinders to be too bulky for me to feel comfortable pocket carrying them. I find that my j-frames carry very well in a coat pocket but I won't carry them in a pants pocket. For that role I really want something that's thin, like the LCP. The biggest revolver I'll carry in a pants pocket is my 22 Magnum NAA PUG.


New member
I'm past the heavy side. I have often carried J-frames in my pants pocket, assuming they are not jeans or other tight pants. For example, I often pocket carry in khakis. With jeans, I carry a small semi-auto.


New member
i love my lcr

i bought the cabelas pack that came with the gun and a nemisis pocket holster. im a big guy as well, 6-8 about 340, and have found that unless im wearing really baggy pants that the gun prints signifigantly in my front pocket, though you cant tell what it is if its in the holster. ive found that you almost forget it's there in a jacket pocket. im going to look at a comptac or crossbreed for summer when its to hot for anything other than a tee shirt as my crossbreed for my colt defender does an exelent job


New member
I'm 6' 2" and 260 pounds, long past wearing Levi 501 jeans.
At dinner last weekend, the conversation centered on where one could carry a small revolver without fear of public notice.
I stood up, asking "Where might I carry a LCR?"
The guests looked at my trousers and belt length coat.
Their suggestions included a holster above my rear pocket or in a coat pocket.
I said, "What about my right front pocket."
"Nope. Too obvious!"
I took out the LCR in a Mika pocket holster from my right front pocket.
Looking at the trousers, no one saw the revolver.
I do know I cannot carry a S&W Model 60 in the same Mika holster because the weight drags the pocket down, drawing attention to it.
I am open to the suggestion that my khakis and jeans are not fashionable.
But, then, fashion is low on my list of priorities.



New member
I am 5' 10", 310 lbs and I sometimes carry my LCR in my front pocket in a Bullard pocket holster. I couldn't do it with the factory grip though. I had to change over to the boot grip(it shortens it up a bit and slims it while not being as "tacky" on your clothing.


New member
I am 6' 3" and 195, and I always carry a small-frame revolver in my pants pocket (except where it isn't allowed). I usually wear khaki-type pants with slash pockets and find them the best for pocket carry; I can't draw comfortably from jeans. I prefer the j frame S&W's and Taurus M85's. I had an LCR, and while it was comfortable to shoot, I found the thick grip uncomfortable for pocket carry, so I sold it. In a good pocket holster, you can see that something is in your pocket, but the holster hides the gun outline.


New member
It has been my experience that there are two good holsters that hide the outline well, Mika and tuff products holsters. You will find grip selection can matter in the pocket as well.

P. S. If you wear jeans, go with the Carpenter style, the pockets are often times larger and the slant makes them easier to draw from.


New member
In my khakis, or khaki shorts in the summer, I can easily carry my LCR in a pocket holster and often do. In jeans I drop down to the LCP as the LCR won't go in my jeans pockets.


New member
I'm 5'10 175lbs.
Unless I'm wearing cargo shorts or khakis, I don't pocket carry ANY firearm. It's just too uncomfortable to sit down in jeans. I made a pocket holster for my LCR when it rides in my jacket or shorts.

However, I don't even like carrying IWB with any gun. I made a high and tight OWB holster for my LCR that keeps it right at 10 o'clock (I'm a lefty, and just prefer to keep my snub nose holstered at a short draw angle). If I am wearing any shirt short of a fitted tee, you can't even see the gun printing. Most days, I just throw on an overshirt to cover up the gun. Comfy with quick access.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, so we all have to make some sort of compromise in how we carry. weight of the gun, size of the frame, size of OUR frame, carrying comfort, caliber, capacity...etc. I'm pretty well at peace with the minimal concessions I have to make to carry a snub nose .38. It's my favorite carry piece bar none.


New member
I carry a S&W M&P .357c everyday untill i go to bed, but i just think it would be nice to be able to slide it in my pocket or smartcarry and run out the door.


New member
You can definitely do it provided you don't try to carry them when you're wearing skinny jeans (goddamnit dudes should not be wearing these, but at 6'3" and 245, I'm not going to be the one to tell you what to wear :eek: .)

I'm only 5'4" 160lbs, and as long as I have jeans with "normal" sized pockets, I can carry with a Desantis Nemesis. It doesn't print, just looks like you something in your pocket.


New member
What's the problem ???

I'm 5'6" 165lb and carry my LCR (and lately my Taurus 851) in an Uncle Mike's pocket #4 in jeans, Dockers and even a bathing suit a couple of times (I live in sunny, and hot, Orlando)...

I was carrying a Kel-Tec P-32 but with Orlando now rated the 3rd most dangerous city in America I've upgraded ...:confused:


No problem, I been pocket carrying a S&W 638 for about 3 years. I never turned back. I'm 6'1" 220lbs. And I also is not a fat boy.:D


New member
Ok, since everyone else seems inclined to post their size, I'm 5'7", and weigh 140. Yeah, I'm fairly thin.

And to be very honest, I don't NEED to pocket carry a J-frame revolver; not in jeans pocket, anyway.

It does fit nicely into a coat pocket, and I sometimes carry it there.

I also have an Uncle Mike's neoprene pouch holster designed for IWB, and I cut the belt clip off of it. This way, I can stick the gun/holster inside my tucked in western shirt at 1:00, IWB, and the tension of my belt and the friction of the neoprene keeps it very secure there. I've carried it that way all day, every day for weeks and never had a problem.

Or, I have a Kramer confidant vest that fits under any regular sleeved shirt, and that works fairly well too. With a snap-up western shirt, I can simply run my thumb between the snaps to undo them, and draw fairly quickly.

Or, I have a Galco OWB holster than keeps the gun riding high and tight against my side, and any cover garment, including a loose t-shirt, provides great concealment.

A J-frame is a very easy gun to conceal; use your imagination a bit, and find what works for you.



New member
I've been watching a while, this is my first post here. I think we have the same gun, a 340 M&P. I'm 5'5" with a medium build. I carry mine two ways, either in my pocket or on my left ankle. I prefer carrying it on my ankle as it is still accessible when I'm sitting in a car and it's not pointing at anybody if I'm sitting at a restaurant. It is also more comfortable to me. There are some defensive advantages to ankle carry and there are some disadvantages as well so keep that in mind if you consider it. I usually only pocket carry when I make short trip out of the house or when I'm walking the dog. You can tell that there is something in my pocket but the holster disguises the outline and it's impossible to tell what is in my pocket. In fact the outline really isn't any larger or much different that one of the newer smartphones would leave. Galco makes a very nice, if not somewhat pricey, ankle holster but it's worth the money to me. My inside the pocket holster is an Uncle Mike's.

Dave Chuppa

New member
I carry a LCR357 every day all day in my off hand front pocket as backup. If I ware dress clothes (once or twice a year) I move it to a back pocket. I don't ware tight clothes and dress around Two guns every day.


New member
guy's I hate to tell you this but nobody's staring at your pocket.people just don't pay that much attention. I pocket carry a LCR, Smith 442 and at times even my detective special in carpenter jeans no problem oh and I'm 5'8" 250