Ruger LCP

Amin Parker

New member
Hi all.

On my way from a meeting earlier today i stopped by at the Ruger distributor and had a look at some new stock that came in.

We got chatting and the clerk went in the back and brought out the LCP. This is the first time i have ever seen one since they just appeared in South Africa. I am completely blown away. It is almost as small as my Beretta 950!!!

I am suprised that they did not go for a blowback design for a 380 though.

Anyways, i am very impressed and am really considering getting one. The price over here is about $720US.

Do any of you guys own one? What do you think of them?

Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully respond.


New member
Ive had one for awhile now. Seems to be a decent gun. No troubles function wise, and I hit what I point it at.

I did end up stippling the grip, as it makes it easier to grab, hold onto, and control.


While the LCP works, I still prefer my Seecamp LWS32's. They are still the standard to beat, and I havent found anything to take their place yet.


I am suprised that they did not go for a blowback design for a 380 though.

Blowback operation would have required a heavier slide, no? And it would not have handled personal defense ammo very well, maybe?

That and it would not have been as tough as a hammer, which seems to be Ruger's thing.

$720 sound outrageous! I've seen them for under $300.


New member
Wow that's a big price difference. Several lgs here have it for 279. I had looked at it before, almost bought it then when I asked to see it, apparently i asked the S&W rep that was at the store that day thinking he was an employee. He sold me on the bodyguard .380

I've considered the lcp just because of the price. I don't like that the slide doesn't lock back when mag is empty, the barrel looks tiny (thin) compared to my BG. The LC9 is a bit larger, I would check out that one if you like ruger. I have not shot the LCP, but I've heard the recoil isnt bad. The BG definitely let's you know you fired a shot.

Hopefully some people that have fired the lcp can chime in.

Oh yeah as for the safety mechanism, the BG is tight but your thumb fits nicely on it. I didn't like the way the safety release is on the LCP


New member
The LCP doesnt have a safety, at least mine doesnt. It does have a slide lock you have to apply manually, where most guns might have a safety.

I know some people complain about them being unpleasant to shoot, but I never found mine to be so.

As far as the slide not locking back on empty, I dont think its a big deal. The gun is meant as a back up. I dont even carry a spare mag for guns of that type. If I shoot it dry, things are already way past "really bad". :)


New member
AK thanks for the correction on the safety, I guess I was confusing the LC9. Hadn't handled the LCP in a few months. As for not carrying a second mag, I'm with you there, I'm no Billy Bad Ass that's gonna stop a slew of BGs from whatever they're doing. I'm not into bolsters either, I keep the bodyguard in my pocket (nothing else in it) and keep one in the pipe. If you do want to carry and extra mag your cig lighter pouch in most jeans works great.


New member
Hey, you never know, they might have added one since I got mine. :)

As far as the spare mag, the reason I said it would be "really bad" at that point, is because I would already have gone through the three mags I carry with my Glock 17, and the 10 in my 26. (Thats almost a NYPD shootout right there, all by itself! :D )

As I said earlier, my Seecamps (or LCP) are a back up, and usually to a back up. :)


New member
What do you think of them?

My LCP is amazingly accurate for such a short-barrel/rudimentary-sights gun. As long as I remember to grip it super-tight, it's a very effective weapon. I always carry it IWB with a 10-rd. ProMag. It's still very thin and light and extremely comfortable to carry this way compared to other guns that would give me 11 rds. of .380. It's my most-carried gun.

Coach Z

New member
While I like the idea of carrying my .40 cal pistols a lot I find my self in a great many situations where just slipping the LCP in my pocket works a lot better. No failures at all, aims easily and is a consistent group even from such a small package. It's a bummer that they're so expensive over there but I'd say it's worth it.


New member
Just got home and slid the LCP into the GunVault. It is really an excellent .380 pistol and perfect for pocket carry.

michael t

New member
I will keep the original KelTec P3AT that Ruger copied . Might not be as pretty as the ruger but has never fail to fire or had a jam of any kind . Cost less and weights a little less also.


New member
I am very happy with my Elsie Pea. She has digested every kind of ammo I have fed her. From some old Remington UMP, to the Hornady Critical Defence I keep her loaded with today. Just NO +P as clearly noted in the instruction manual. I probably have 500+ rounds fired through her without one failure of any kind.
Although, when weather, and clothing permit I carry my S/A XD-40 Subcompact, I carry my LCP in a DeSAntis Nemesis pocket holster when in light clothing.
Great little guns. Accuracy at a common self defense range of 10 yards or less is excellent in spite of the minuscule sights some complain about. I shoot instinctively, rather than carefully aligning the sights, and keep 6 shots in the 10 to 8 rings (center mass) of a standard silhouette target.

Are all the gun prices over there so ridiculously high? I paid $305 for mine in the height of the excitement of it's release a few years ago. Now they are selling for under $300.

Amin Parker

New member
Judging what you guys are saying, they are reliable and in a pistol like this, that is the most important thing i wanted to confirm.

Guns over here are expensive. A 9mm Glock is about US$1750. All guns are priced along similar lines but there is unfortunately nothing that can be done about that.

The little Ruger seems like a good choice for carry. I see it replacing my beloved Beretta 950. Ok, if i buy it next week, i can only collect it in December 2012 if im lucky. I will post a range review then.

Ps, the gun i went to look for, the Ruger Charger costs $1000. Its madness and im very envious of you guys that a) can walk into a gun shop and walk out with your new gun and b) pay silly money for your guns.

If i add up what i have paid for my guns that i have already, the figure comes to the price of a farm lol.

But anyways, this thread is about the little Ruger that i am so in love with.


New member
I carry the LCP more often than any other gun, it's just too convenient and comfortable.

I paid a little over $300 for mine a while back.


New member
Judging what you guys are saying, they are reliable and in a pistol like this, that is the most important thing i wanted to confirm.

My experience is that the Ruger LCP is the most reliable of all the .380 pocket pistols (I say that as a Kahr P380 owner). Just make sure that your hand works well with the gun. My large and long hands don't get along with the LCP at all. I have to rotate my right-hand grip clockwise significantly to get proper purchase on the trigger, which makes the gun pretty useless to me. If it fits your hand, though, and you're alright with the trigger, the LCP is a great pocket .380.


New member
I tell you to get one, but $720 is insane....... In America they go for $250~$320 depending on the gun shop you go to.

Great and light weight.


New member
Are there less expensive domestic brands of firearms in South Africa?

It is my understanding that firearms in general are very expensive in that part of the world. First hand information will be a lot better though. I could never imagine spending more than $1500 on a production firearm though.


New member
I've had a LCP for several years and find it an excellent pocket pistol. I was so impressed with I gave one to my son who is a full time law enforcement officer. He likes his very much too. Very easy to slip in to ones pocket when dressed lightly in hot weather. Accurate at 7 yds. and uttererly reliable and that's all I ask.